chapter 2

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Four years later.

Xavier's POV

Things had changed since Venice's... disappearance.

I refused to say that she died. I would have felt it. Her parents still believe she is dead though. Her sister however, didn't cry at the 'funeral'. The entire time she gave me a death glare that spoke her unshed tears.

You caused this.

How could you do this to your mate?

Do have any idea, of what she went through each day?

I didn't cry at the funeral. I waited until I was in my room. I hated myself. How could I do this?

I knew exactly what she went through all those years. Everyone calling her names and beating her till she bled.

I never even really noticed her. She wasn't worth my time, or I thought...

Now she's all I can think about. She isn't dead. When she comes home, I will make things right and I will never let her leave my side again.

Two years ago, my father died fighting a rouge. That left me in charge of this place, but ever since Venice left, I haven't been the same. I was silent. I never left my office unless it was for a meeting or to tend to pack business. I became kept to myself and I only ever talked to my mother or Holdan.

The entire pack felt bad for what they had done to her. My father had given a severe punishment to everyone except Venice's family. Everyone who had looked at her funny or even mentioned her were sent out to do border patrol all week long. All night long. It was exhausting work especially for the ones who had school.

Me though? I was left the worst punishment. When my father got to me, my mother stopped him.

"I will be giving him, his punishment." She said as she gave me a disappointed look. She shook her head at me. "This is not the way I raised you." She said barely above a whisper. I could feel the sadness that began to well inside of me. "You aren't going to get a punishment. Just knowing that she's gone is partly your fault, is enough punishment." She said. She hung her head low as she turned away from me. That broke me completely. First the girl that was the love of my life, and now my mother...

That's when I decided that I would never make a mistake like that again. For weeks I had sent warrior wolves on secret missions to find her. They would give me questionable looks, but I knew they understood. She was my mate. I needed to be with her. How could I have done this to her?

As the months would pass by, there was no sign of her. It was like she had completely vanished from the state of Oregon!

As time went by, I became more distant. I was trapped in my own pitty. I only got up from my desk to tend to the pack. Nothing else. My mother would have to bring me food to remind me that I needed to eat. I would just push it aside and keep working on pack business or I would think of Venice.

What does she look like know?

Does she hate me?

The questions kept coming and they kept beating me up. Sometimes I found it hard to even get out of bed. Why did I have to care so much about my reputation?

"Look, man. You can't keep beating yourself up over this. If she is still alive like you say, then she will come back." Holdan said. We were sitting in my office. I was doing paper work while he looked through the books on my shelf.

"I know she's still alive." I grunted out as I sorted through the important documents. That's when we heard a knock on the door. ...

Vinice's POV

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