chapter 3

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Callie's POV

"Come in." I heard Alpha Xavier say. I took a deep breath and swallowed back the bile that had risin in my throat. God, I hate him.

I pushed the door open, with her hat in my hand. I saw Alpha Xavier behind his desk with some paper work, as usual. My mate, Beta Holdan, Sat in front of him. He turned as I walked through the door. He gave me a shocked look.

Alpha Xavier finally looked up, his dead brown eyes staring at me. That's when he noticed Venice's hat.

He stood up from his desk, nearly throwing his chair back. He didn't have to ask anything. The look on his face asked the most obvious question.

Have you found her?

I stood there, planted to the ground. I looked at her small hat.

You can do this, Callie!

"Yes." It came out barely a whisper. Alpha Xavier began to make his way from behind his desk, but I put my hand out and stopped him. The tears began to well in my eyes.

He took my baby sister away from me...

"She is perfectly fine. I knew all along." I said the best I could. I looked up at Alpha Xavier. "I know she's fine." His deep voice spoke softly.

"She ran away. She went to live with a pack that we have family in. She only kept in touch with me. I just told my parents today, because she called and told me she was coming to my graduation." I said. Xavier did the most unexpected thing. He smiled.

"That's great! When will she be here? I need to make this right, Callie. I'm so sorry..." He rushed out. That's when I lost my cool.

"MAKE IT RIGHT? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE'S LIKE NOW! SHE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH US BECAUSE OF YOU! She isn't my sweet little Vinny anymore..." I said. I looked down at her hat.

I know your still in there, Vinny. It's just gonna take a lot to get you to come out. That's all...

"Here." I said as I tossed Vinice's hat onto Xavier's desk. "Take it. It's probably the closest you're gonna get to her. She will be here tomorrow afternoon. Don't screw this up." I seethed out as I left his office and slammed the doors.

We weren't supposed to talk to Alphas that way, but I couldn't help it! He took my best friend away from me. Because of him, she was put through some hard ass training that would probably kill me if I tried!

I stomped out of the pack house, ignoring all of the whispers and went home.

Of course, Xavier held a meeting for the whole pack so he could tell them about Vinice's arrival. Everyone was shocked to hear that she was still alive and that she had just 'ran away'.

Everyone still had remorse for what they had done, so they planned a welcome home party. I knew it was a bad idea, Venice had come to hate things like that. She use to love party's and bright colors, but now, she hated to be around people and smothered herself in black.

But, I didn't tell them anything. They had no clue what they were getting themselves into. I just hope no one tries to start something with her. That would be horrible. She would probably end up giving herself away, making everybody scared. That was Venice now.

The next day, everyone was going crazy over the decorations.

What's her favorite color?

I think it's pink!

Do you think she likes balloons?

Definitely! What teenager doesn't?

I couldn't help but to just sit back and watch the madness. The biggest talk though, was Alpha Xavier. No one had seen him move around and be this active in years! He was going crazy with decorations and preparations.

Everyone tried to steer clear of him, but it was no use. He was tornado of perfection. His height and dark features really made people intimidated.

The only people who weren't decorating was Tiffany and her band of shanks. They watched from the porch of the pack house as people zoomed around. I took some pink streamer and brought it over to her. I shoved the decorations and tape into her arms. She just sneered at me and dropped it.

"Do something productive instead of working the corner for once." I said. She just scrunched up her face at me.

"Why should I? That bitch took my boyfriend and then ran away. Pretty selfish if you ask me." She said as she examined her nails. I just sighed. There was always some kind of hassle with her.

I just rolled my eyes and walked away from her. I think I just lost a couple of brain cells just by looking at her.

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