chapter 4

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Vinice's POV

The drive was exhausting. As a hunter, you are taught to not waist time. Time is a very precious thing, so when we travel, we do it in the least bit of time possible. A trip that should have took me three days, only took a day and a half. Imagine driving from Mexico to Oregon, with only three stops just to sleep and eat for two hours. It's horrible, but I can live with it. I have for the past four years.

I was so close the pack house. It was located deep into the woods. We were like our own little community...

The wind blew through my hair as I drove with the windows rolled down and my metal music blasting through the radio. It was just around the corner...

I began to pass a couple of people from the pack who were doing border patrol. They gave me confused looks as I zoomed by.

I rounded the corner and my worst nightmare came into view.

The entire pack was gathered around the pack house, waiting on me. The yard and house were decorated in bright, gross, pink decorations. A giant 'welcome home' sign hung on the upper part of the pack house. Everyone gave my car a funny look as I pulled up. Some had their hands over their ears at my music. Fuck you.

I pulled up to a bright pink charger. It was even worse than the decorations, and I knew exactly who's it was. I turned my car off and took a deep breath of the cigarette I had. Here we go. It's only for two weeks...

I got out and everyone gasped as they saw me. Some of the older pack members covered their mouths as they took in my black cloths and piercings. Most of my tattoos were hidden, which is good. I don't think they can take much more of my style.

My face was the same usual expression, emotionless. Not a smile or a smirk. My instincts had kicked in. Show them no emotions. You're ruthless. Vicious.

I scanned the crowd and my eyes stopped on him. Xavier. He stood at the front of the crowd, mouth open like a gasping fish. Are they just going to stare at me? I sighed.

Without turning, I took my cigarette out of my mouth, and ran the lit side across the window of the pink charger.

"My car!" I heard the satisfying screech. Tiffany began to push her way to the front of the crowd. She was fuming mad. She had a pink skirt with a pink and blue crop top on. Slut.

She began to stomp her way over to me with her hand raised, like she was going to strike me, but he stopped her.

"TIFFANY! GET BACK OVER HERE!" Xavier belowed out. Of course, with him being Alpha, Tiffany had to listen to his command. She stopped and glared at me. She turned her nose up and turned around, going back to her group.

"My baby." I heard a very fragile voice. I turned to see my parents and Callie walking towards me from inside of the pack house. My mother had a hand over her mouth, my father was smiling like a lune, and Callie was almost in tears of joy.

Before I could react, my mother had wrapped her arms around me in a death grip. I stood there awkwardly as she squeezed the life out of me. Don't be such a hard ass and hug your mother dammit! You're not in training right now!

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around my mother and melted into her embrace. My father and Callie soon joined in and surrounded our awkward family moment. I was only use to the hunters touching me. Everyone else that tried to touch me was trying to kill me.

After we were done hugging, the party started. People kept coming up to me and apologizing. So weak.

To pretend to be normal, I just said a bland sounding 'it's okay', and went back to mentally murdering everyone.

I felt Xavier's eyes on me the entire time. I just ignored him though. Never getting into that again.

I am currently standing around with my mom, dad, Callie, and Xavier's mom. She felt so bad that they didn't hear about my bullying sooner. I knew they would have done something, but I didn't want the beating to get worse on me for getting my attackers in trouble. I just said the same thing I told everyone else. It's okay.

"Cal. Do you think you could fix me up?" I asked her as I moved my hair away from my neck, revealing my stitches on the side of my neck. She examined it and then nodded.

"Of course!" She said as she moved my hair back down. "What happened?" Xavier's mom asked me. I just shrugged. "Gymnastics practice." I said nonchalantly. She just nodded as someone began to call her name. She dismissed herself and. went to tend to the guests.

"What really happened?" My mother whispered so only our group of three could hear.

I thought back to my mission six weeks ago. We had a call about some rouges who were living in a pack territory. They refused to move, so we had to take care of it.

I was about to suffocate one of the male wolves. I had him in a choke hold when his deranged mate came up behind me and decided it would be so sweet if she took a kitchen knife and carved the side of my neck like a pumpkin. When I finally took the knife away from her and out of my neck, I turned to her. She was about to scream, but I shoved the knife throught her mouth. The steel pierced the back of her throat. Her blood squirted everywhere, causing her to choke on it.

After I was done with her, I turned back to her mate and slid the knife across his neck with a vicious smile as his last reminder of life on earth.

"You don't want to know." I said as I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. My mother made a face and just nodded. She didn't question further.

"Hey." I heard Xavier's deep voice say from behind me. Tingles shot through me as I felt our mate connection. Stop vinice!

I turned to him. He looked so different. His face looked dead set while his eyes had no life. He looked like he waisted away...

Damn I'm good.

"What?" I asked harshly as I stared at him, bored. He looked me up and down with a look of amazment on his face. "You look beautiful." He said lowly. I nearly laughed in his face! I have to keep my composure as I stared at him.

"I know." Was all I said. He seemed fidget a little as he reached into the pocket of his black jeans that fit him nicely. No! Shut up!

"Callie threw this at me yesterday. I thought you would want it back." He said as he handed me... my hat. I loved that hat.

Just like that, all of the horrible memories came flooding back. The bullying. The beatings. The rejection.

I took the hat from his hand, turned, and threw it into the small bon fire we had going. When I turned back around Xavier looked at me with regret in his eyes. He reached out to touch me.

"Vinice, I'm so-" I cut him off. I hit his hand away. "Don't ever touch me." I seethed out at him.

"Wow. Look who doesn't want who now." Tiffany mocked as she came over to us. I just rolled my eyes.

"What are those things in your ears? That is not cute. You look like you a giant hole in your ear!" She said as she made a disgusted face. Xavier gave her a warning look. 

"Please. These hole are a lot tighter than your pussy will ever be." I simply said. Tiffany gasped while Xavier looked up at me and cracked a smile. When he did... Some life seemed to seep back into his eyes.

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