chapter 17

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Venice's POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE COUNCIL DECIDES!" Xavier yelled at Kate. I sighed as I sat back in the chair that was across from Xavier's desk. Ever since the hunters arrival, there has been chairs thrown, windows broken, and a couple of bone breaking fights. Kate, Xavier, Jackson, Callie, Holdan, and I had moved into Xavier's office to talk about our situation.

"I've already told you, dog! Venice's immortality it's my choice! The board of hunters will be here in about two weeks. I suggest you get your head out of your ass and get ready!" Kate yelled in Xavier's face as she leaned over his desk. They were angry and dangerously close to killing eachother.

"Okay, okay! Let's just calm down and try not to breath fire on eachother." Holdan said and he pushed Xavier back into his chair. Xavier growled at him, but didn't move. Kate slowly sat back in her chair as her eyes stayed glued to Xavier. We all turned when we heard the door open. Xavier's mother walked in with a kind smile on her face.

"You and the hunters are welcome to stay in the pack house as guests as long as you all don't destroy the rest of my house." Xavier's mother said softly. Xavier tensed while Kate put a sly smile on her face. Oh, no.

"We would love to stay in your fine home while we await Venice's trial!" Kate chirped as she stood and turned to Xavier's mother.

"OH, HELL NO YOU WILL NO-" Xavier was cut off by his mother's deadly calm voice.

"Xavier, so help me god, you will do nothing to Venice's friends. You will let them stay here and you will not complain and you will try to accept them. Do you understand?"

Silence. Xavier sat in his seat as he stared at his mother in shock. Soon he seemed to shake it off and sighed.

"Okay. They can stay. BUT ONE MESS UP AND YOU'RE ALL OUT OF HERE!" Xavier said as he pointed to Kate. She only smiled innocently as she nodded and went down stairs to tell the rest of the hunters. Xavier collapsed into his chair and began to rub his temples.

"How did you put up with her?" He asked. I laughed.

"It wasn't hard, you know?"


All of the hunters had gotten set up in guest rooms in the house already. It was pretty tense around here now. People who lived in the pack house with families hid their children. The hunters and wolves would glare at eachother but when Xavier's mother would see, all eyes would go else where. I guess she really made an impression with the hunters. Especially since they respect her enough to listen to her rules.

"Pass the salt please?" Cassia, a hunter in our group, asked as everyone sat at the multiple dinner tables that were set up in the large dinning room. It was quiet as the hunters and wolves ate. Tension ran through the air as you could lightly hear the scratching of knives and forks.

"Aren't you gonna eat some meat?" Mat Benway, a pack member, asked as he looked at cassia's plate of just salad.

"I'm a vegetarian. Now, can I please have the salt?" She asked a little aggravated. Mat and some of his friends snickered and rolled their eyes. Mat passed her the salt.

"A hunter that doesn't eat meat. That's ridiculous!" Mat sneered. I froze as the tension in the air seemed to get thicker, almost suffocating us.

Mat and his friends snickered as they sat back smugly. If you would have blinked you would have missed it. As fast as ever, Cassia took her salad fork, leaned across the table, and stabbed Mat right in his shoulder. Cassia sat back as Mat began to scream profanities. Kate shot out of her seat.

"BASEMENT! NOW!" Kate roared out at Cassia. Cassia stood up and gave mat a wicked smile as she made her way to the basement with Kate hot on her heals.

"What is she going to do to her?" Mat asked between sharp breaths as one of his friends pulled the fork out of his shoulder.

"You don't wonna know."

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