chapter 5

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Vinice's POV

The party stayed going for a while. I didn't enjoy it, but I stuck through it to make my parents happy. After we were done, dad helped me unload all of my things from my car.

"What's that bag for?" He asked as I pulled out my bag full of drugs, or 'business bag' as I liked to call it.

"That is highly classified. You are not allowed to speak of this to anyone. If you do you will be executed on the spot." I said in my bland over practiced voice. When I turned to my father, he was staring at me like I had grown another head.

Shit, Vinice! Why can't you just let it go! Be normal for once!

"Oh, god. I'm so sorry dad. I'm not use to being around people who don't want to kill me." I tried to explain. My dad threw his head back laughing.

"My god, Vinice! If you're uncomfortable with telling me just say something, kiddo." He said as he began to move my things into the house.

I was moved into the room upstairs next to Callie's. Mine had simple white walls and two wooden dressers. I put my things away and went down stairs and talked to my family for a while.

They talked about everything that had gone on in the past years. They even brought up Alpha Halls death.

"I know." Was all I said pertaining to the death of Xavier's father. They all looked over at me. I just shrugged.

"Word spreads fast around the hunter community when an Alpha dies." I simply stated as I crossed my arms. It was awkward for a while until we all decided to go to bed. We said our good night's and I got settled into bed and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Callie banging on my door. "Wake up! We're going for a run! I know you can keep up!" She shouted through the door. I just sighed as I laid in bed.

After a minute of nothingness, I got up and put my suit case on my bed. I put some black basketball shorts on. I took out my Grey muscle shirt. It had long sleeves so it could cover my arms. I took a knife and hid it in my sock.

I pulled my night shirt off so I could put my other one on. "Oh my god..." I heard Callie whisper from behind me. I turned to look at her. She looked over my scars and tattoos with wide eyes.

"It's nothing Callie. I'll be ready in a minute." I said as I began to put on my muscle shirt.

"I don't like this. You could get seriously hurt, Venice!" Callie said. I just sighed. I'm sorry.

"I will meet you down stairs." I said as I pulled my shirt on. She just sighed and left. I went and brushed my teeth and put my hair up. I took my piercings out last night and decided not to wear them today. I slipped on my shoes and then made my way down stairs.

The smell of bacon and eggs hit my nose as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning baby." Mom said. She was at the stove cooking. My dad and Callie sat at the wooden dinning table, eating. I took a seat and piled my plate high with food. I had learned to eat when I could while I was training. As hunters we need a lot of energy to keep us going, so we practically had the diet of a body builder.

"Slow down, Vinice! You're practically inhaling the food!" Dad said as I scarfed big pieces of bacon into my mouth. I swallowed my food and then stood up from the table.

"Thank you, mom. The food was good. Ready?" I asked Callie. She stared at me as she shoved another piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Ready." She said as she stood up in her blue jogging suit. We both made our way out of the house. When we got outside, we walked across the pack territory. We passed the pack house to see Holdan and Xavier outside talking. When they both looked up, Holdan made his way over to us.

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