chapter 8

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Venice's POV

I was changing. I was becoming myself again. It may seem like a good thing, but it's not. I still had to be professional. Another week and I'm getting as far away from here as possible. I can't stay. No matter how bad I want to...

Me and Xavier's date went pretty well. We chose a horror movie and I snuggled against him with my eyes glued to the screen the entire time. I didn't budge from the blood and gore. Xavier gave a look of suspicion, but I just ignored him.

Ever since then, we have been getting along. I knew my limits though. I couldn't get to close. Not now...

"What about this one?" Callie gushed as she flashed me a bright orange dress. I flinched at the ugliness. "Come on, Callie. You know her style!" Xavier whined.

That's right, Xavier. When he learned that Callie, Holdan, and I were going to get me a dress, he just had to tag along! So now all four of us are in the mall. Callie dragged us straight to Macy's. How glorious.

Callie huffed. "Well let's find a black one then!" She sighed dramatically. I rolled my eyes. Callie and Holdan split from me and Xavier. "How do girls do this shit?" I heard Xavier grunt. I stopped to look at a sleeved, knee length plain black dress. It was simple and I had my mind set on it.

"Well it's pretty easy when you have been through training and-" I cut myself off as I realized what I was about to say. Xavier looked up from a clothes rack and gave me a confused look.

"Uhh... You know. Training in the art of the female!" I laughed uncomfortably. Nice save you dope!

Xavier stared at me for a while longer and just smiled. "You're weird as shit. You know that?" He asked. I just looked up at him. "Suck it." I said as I took the dress and headed to the dressing room. I walked in and took my clothes off. I started to put the dress on when Xavier spoke.

"Why are you so hell bent on covering your arms?" He asked and I paused. I knew a question like this would come up. I didn't want to lie, so I didnt.

"I have a lot of tattoos. I work for a real estate dealership so I need to look professional. I have to keep them covered, so all I buy are long sleeve shirts." Well, so much for not lieing.

"Oh. What are your tattoos of?" He asked as I slipped the dress over my head. "They are tribal tattoos, some are reminders of the past. They let me know that no matter how bad I was treated, I can always pick myself up and become stronger. It's a nice feeling." I said as I stepped out of the dressing room.

Xavier had a glint in his eye as he stared at my outfit. He stood up and took both of my hands. "You look beautiful." He said as his face got closer to mine. I hadn't noticed until I felt his hot breath against my lips. My brain was screaming at me to pull away, but my heart had other plans.

I was hypnotized by his eyes. This feels so right, yet so wrong.

I couldn't stand the tension as I got up on my tiptoes and lightly pressed my lips to his. Fireworks shot threw me as I felt his soft lips on mine.

It was a sweet and short kiss. We soon moved apart and I looked away. "We better get going. No telling what Callie bought already." I said as I got back in the dressing room. I pressed my back against the door and took a deep breath. A silent tear streamed down my face as I began to realize...

I'm falling for him...

Xavier's POV

She actually kissed me! I know I sound like a fucking girl, but I don't give a damn right now! God her lips tasted so good. That kiss was the best kiss I had ever had!

Even hours after it happened I still felt the heat of our lingering kiss. So perfect...

I was still a little iffy about somethings with her, but I knew she would tell me about them when she was ready. She just needs time...

"Hey, baby." I heard Tiffany practically purr in my ear. Ever since Venice had been back, Tiffany had been trying to get close to me. She was completely revolting now. I could hardly even stand the look of her fake blonde hair and her spray on tanned skin.

I just ignored her and walked into my office. She followed and sat down on my desk top. She crossed her legs as she leaned in closer to me.

"Get out." I said as I began to go through paper work. She only laughed in an over pitched tone that made me want to cover my ears and hide.

"Come on. Don't you want to have some fun like old times?" She said as she began to trace her finger on my arm. I was disgusted at her actions.

"Get out now!" I barked at her. She stood up from my desk and glared at me. "This is because of that satanic bitch, isn't it!" She screamed at me. I lost my cool at Tiffany's selection of words.

"She is not satanic!" I nearly yelled in her face. No one calls my mate names! Not anymore!

Tiffany only rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Whatever. She can't give you what I can." Tiffany smirked slyly. I just smiled.

"She can't. She can give me so much more. NOW GET OUT!" I screamed in Tiffany's face as I stood to my full height to intimidate her.

"I will get you back!" She yelled as she ran from my office. What a coward. And a total wack.

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