chapter 14

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small update. Sex scene.

Venice's POV

I told Xavier I couldn't stay, but I agreed to stay in the pack house until I had to leave. I was walking with Xavier, bags in hand. He had been silent since we left my house. It was unusual for him...

He led me into the house and up the stairs, to his room. He pushed the door open and revealed a white room with black bed sheets and black curtains. There was a flat screen TV on the furthest wall with a dresser right next to it. I set my things down and was instantly pushed against the door. My eyes widened as Xavier held me against the door.

"Reject me. Reject me and I will let you leave." Xavier whispered seductively as he leaned closer to me. I felt his breath against my ear as he pushed his body closer to me. I felt every inch of him, every inch.

I shivered. I was completely speechless. I can't reject him...

I've thought about it, but I just can't do it know! I've grown too close to him...

"I...I...I..." I tried to say it as Xavier began to suck on the skin of my neck. I moaned as I moved my head to the side for better access.  He kissed and sucked on every part of my skin he could.

"You can't do it." Xavier said as he looked up at me with a smirk. I was breathing heavily with red cheeks.

Xavier picked me up and carried me to his bed. He laid me down as he slowly began to undress me. I was paralyzed as I felt Xavier's fingers slowly work my clothes off of me. I was hot and needy.

After he was done, he stared at the work he had done. He looked my naked body up and down as my cheeks began to get hotter along with my desire.

He placed his hands on my stomach and I shivered in delight. He smirked as he ran his hands up my body to my breasts. He cupped them and began to message them with his thumbs. I moaned at the sensation as my nipples hardened. I couldn't take it anymore.

I took Xavier's hands and leaned up. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a heated kiss. Our tongues danced together as I roughly removed his clothes. After I was done, I stared at the monster in front of me. How in the hell will that fit?

"Don't worry. It'll fit." Xavier said as he smirked at me deviously.  I nodded as Xavier leaned me back and grabbed my hips. He pulled me close and lined up with my entrance. I braced myself for the pain it would bring, but shivered in excitement at the pleasure.

Xavier thrust inside of me. I arched my back as a small dull pain went through me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Xavier whispered as he began to thrust into me. I held onto the bed sheets for dear life as my pain turned to pleasure.

"Xavier!" I screamed out as his thrusts got harder and faster. I felt myself coming close to my climax. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever experienced in my entire life.

Xavier grunted as he moved his hips against mine. I was so close. I threw my head back as I screamed my release. Pleasure went threw me like crazy as I clawed at Xavier's back.

He grunted loudly as he moved his hips a couple more times. He held himself up with elbows as he practically collapsed on top of me. We were breathing heavily as Xavier placed his head in my neck.

"We should do this more often." He said. I smiled as I pushed him off of me.

"Go to sleep, jerk." I said as I got under the covers. He just smirked and wormed in next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I smelt his sent roll off of him and breathed in as much as I could. I smiled to myself.

I will never get enough of this.

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