chapter 11

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Venice's POV

I pushed the door to my parents house open with as much force as I could muster. My parents were in the kitchen, talking. Their heads spun around to see me standing in the door way. Bloodied and savage.

"Vinice..." My mother whispered as she put her hand over her mouth. "What's wrong-" My father cut himself off as he took in my appearance.

"I'm so sorry... I can't do this anymore." I said as I ran up the stairs to my room. I ignored my parents frantic calls as I began to shove clothes into my suitcase.

I went to my shower and undressed. I washed Tiffany's blood off of me. After I was done, I got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I took my bags and went down stairs to find my mother crying at the dinning room table. My father was comforting her. He looked up to me with tears in his eyes. I dropped my things and ran to them. I embraced them into a lingering hug.

"I killed her. I killed Tiffany. I can't hurt anyone I care about. I have to leave. I can't hurt you guys... I love you both." I whispered as I pulled away. My father gave me a look of understanding, while my mother nodded. I knew it was killing them to let me go, but I couldn't stay here.

"We understand. We love you." My father said. I nodded and grabbed my things. I headed to my car and began throwing my things in the trunk.

The party had came to a complete stop as people carried Tiffany's body to be buried deep in the woods. Others looked over at me and quickly looked away.

"Venice!" I heard Callie call from behind me. I turned to see her Holdan and Xavier making their way over to me. Callie looked worried, while Xavier was fuming mad.

"What's going on? What the hell was that?" Xavier questioned me harshly. I slammed the trunk closed and turned to him.

"It was either I die, or she died." I said. Xavier's eyes softened a bit, but not much.

"How in the hell did you learn to kill a wolf, Venice?" He asked harshly. I opened my mouth to answer, but my phone cut me off. I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID.

Kate. Shit.

"Hello?" I questioned as I held my phone to my ear.

"Hey, how's the trip going? Have you been mauled by the monsters yet?" Kate asked playfully. I saw Xavier tense.

"Umm, I don't really have time to talk about that right now. I'm sort of with them." I told Kate, trying to hint for her to shut up.

"Oh, well I was just checking on you. Remember what I said, Venice. You have a responsibility to us. See you in a week." Kate said.

"Bye" I ended the call and turned back to Xavier.

"You have some explaining to do." Xavier said harshly as he crossed his arms. I followed his gesture. We glared at eachother until we heard Callie burst into laughter. We all turned to her. It took her a minute to catch her breath.

"You two are so much alike! No wonder you're mates! Venice, why don't we invite Alpha Xavier inside the house, sit him down, and give him an explanation." Callie suggested. I turned to Xavier.

"Would you like to come  inside so I can give you the explanation you want? You dick!" I asked with clenched teeth. Xavier squinted his eyes at the nickname I gave him, but nodded. We followed Callie inside to see my mom and dad sitting in the living room. They looked up at us in confusion.

"Everyone sit down! It's gonna be a long night!" I said. Everyone took a seat and I cleared my throat. I have done this before, but not to family members.

"When I disappeared, I didn't go and live with family like Callie and my parents told everyone. I became a hunter. A black blood." I said as I showed them my tattooed wrist.

Xavier stared at my wrist with an emotionless face.

"Well this was unexpected..." Holdan said as he looked over at Callie.

"All this time you have been putting yourself in danger and you never cared to tell me!" Xavier yelled, outraged. I just shrugged.

"If you don't recall, you didn't want me! So I took all the hate I got from people out of this pack over the years and I made something out of myself! I'm not proud of who I am, but at least I have a purpose! To protect people from the likes of you!" I screamed back at Xavier. His face flashed to hurt.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Venice. I told you, if I could take that day back I would... All because of me, you went out and became something you didn't want to be..." He said as sadness filled his eyes and leaked out of his voice.

"It may not be what I wanted to be, but it taught me to not be held back by the people who hate you." I said. Xavier walked over and tried to touch me, but I backed away. I put my hands up and shook my head.

"I need time, Xavier." I lied.

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