chapter 10

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Venice's POV

Everything went quiet as a loud growl ripped from Xavier's chest at whoever pulled me away from him. They pulled me so hard I fell to the ground with a loud 'ooph'.

Xavier was by me in a heart beat, trying to help me up. When I got up, I wiped the dust off of my long sleeved shirt. It was my favorite one. I was seething now.

"What the hell is wrong with you Tiffany?" Xavier asked harshly at the culprit. I turned and saw Tiffany with some of her skank friends. They were all smiling at me.

"My bad." Tiffany said innocently. I pushed Xavier away from me. He can't be around me when I'm angry like this.

"Venice. Calm down." I heard Callie say some were in the crowd. Ignoring her plea and everyone's curious stares, I glared at Tiffany. She burst into hysterical fits of laughter as she looked at me.

"Do you really think you're intimidating? You're just pathetic. I should have ended you the day you left." She admitted. The crowd gasped as they finally found out who attacked me. I smirked at her.

"It was you?" Xavier asked in complete shock. Tiffany just rolled her eyes. "You all know you would have done the same thing at the time!" She yelled out to the crowd. Keep digging your grave bigger, bitch. It will be my pleasure to kick you in it.

Everyone looked at Tiffany in shock and horror. I can't believe they never had a suspicious thought about her.

"Well, nows my chance to get rid of you once and for all." Tiffany said as she took a fighting stance. I threw my head back laughing. Does she seriously want to die?

"Come on, bitch. Oh, wait. Your human. You can't possibly win against me. Still want to try?" She questioned bitterly. I guess that's a yes.

"I'll take my chances, but it has to be street fighting style." I said as I smiled at her. Tiffany looked taken aback, just like the rest of the crowd. She nodded.

"Good." I said as we began to walk were a row of cars had been lined up, so their headlights would be shinning on us.

"Are you fucking insane?" Xavier asked me as he pulled me back to him. I ripped his hand off of my arm. "I can take care of myself. Trust me. I won't get hurt." I said. Xavier was about to complain, but Callie beat him to it.

"Venice! For god sakes, don't do this." Callie pleaded. My demeanor turned serious as I thought back to my training. "I have been challenged, therefor, I will not be a coward and I will take the offer. I may die trying, but I died for a cause." I said, my eyes lifeless as I thought back to all the beatings I got by Tiffany. Pay back is a bitch.

Callie's eyes began to water.

"Send her to hell." She seethed out. I smiled. Xavier began to look between us like we were insane. I turned away from them and walked to the front of the cars.

Everyone was crowded around as they watched me and Tiffany get ready. I took my shirt off to reveal my black sports bra and my scars and tattoos. Everyone gasped. I smiled. They were going to find out whether I liked it or not.

Tiffany looked at me in disgust.

"What? You started cutting yourself after you left? How pathetic!" Tiffany seethed. My smile only got bigger as I took a fighting position in front of her.

"Actually, these are all from when I had to crawl my way back up from hell." I joked as Tiffany gave me a look of shock and disgust.

She threw a punch, and I quickly dodged it. Everyone watched as I dodged every punch she threw my way. Xavier had a look of wonder on his face.

"Wow, you punch like a girl." I said as I threw a punch and knocked her right in her nose. I felt the satisfying crunch as Tiffany faltered and held her bleeding nose.

"Oh, my god! You broke it!" She seethed at me. I rolled my eyes.

"YOU'RE A WOLF! It'll heal." I said as I began to circle her. She stood up and I watched as the red liquid oozed from her nose. She was fuming mad!

"Fight to the death!" Tiffany seethed. I rolled my eyes again. "I was going to do that anyways!" I laughed as she lunged at me. I dodged, but her foot caught mine and I fell to the ground with her on top of me. She began to try to claw my face. I caught her hands and rolled us over.

"Remember when you would claw my face?" I asked as I took her hands and began to roughly run her manicured nails down her face. I pushed on them with all my might until I began to draw blood. She screamed as she thrashed around.

I smiled as the blood dripped from the gashes in her face. I let her hands go and stood up. I looked around the crowd until I found her parents. Their faces were passive. They had a look of disappointment in their eyes. They turned away from me and left. Wow, her own parents don't care if I kill her. Such a shame.

I turned back to Tiffany to see her standing up with her hands covering her gashed face.

"Tired yet? Maybe you should just lay there and let me end you quickly." I suggested. Tiffany only looked at me with pure hate.

"I will kill you. You were never ment to be apart of this pack! You were never ment to be born! You are worthless!" Tiffany screamed as she charged me. I dogged her and hit a pressure point in her back, sending her to the ground. She turned over on her back as she laid in pain.

I crouched down on top of her. I got close so only she could hear me.

"I don't belong here." I said as I showed her my wrist. Her eyes widened as she looked at the black bloods tattoo.

"You're one of them..." She said with fear etched in her voice and face. I smiled sickly as I nodded my head.

She opened her mouth like she was about to scream, but I took my chance. I grabbed her mouth and pulled harshly to the right. Her jaw popped out of place as her eyes began to water.

"Now that you won't squeal." I whispered as I took a knife from my shorts. I shoved the blade deep into her chest. She made a gagging sound as tears began to drip from her eyes. Blood began to fill her mouth as I carved a hole in her chest. Her blood was gushing all over me. People from the crowd covered their eyes so they couldn't watch.

After I made the hole, I took the detached part of her skin and ripped the rest of it off of her. She made more gagging noises as she choked on her blood.

When I opened her chest up, I saw her beating heart. I shoved my hand in her chest and ripped the organ from her body. As I did, she gave off one last gagging noise and then her eyes went glassy and lifeless.

I stood up with her heart in my hands. I looked around and people were staring at me like I was a monster. I looked until I found Callie. Holdan was holding her while her face was buried in his chest.

Xavier stood beside them with a look of shock. It was like he didn't know what to do. I stared at him for a while, waiting.

"How did you..." Xavier finally spoke up. I had no remorse. I think that's what got everyone the most...

I tossed Tiffany's heart onto her body. I can't do this.

I turned back to Callie and saw her starting at me. Her face was passive, but I saw a look in her eyes. I'm so sorry, Venice...

I turned and ran to the house. I can't stay here anymore! I'm putting them all in danger! I'm not even supposed to be here...

I wasn't meant for this life.

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