chapter 18

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Venice's POV

Well, Cassia got what she deserved. She came out of the basement with bruises and scratches. She gave me a bloody smile and mouthed 'totally worth it'. The pack members just stared at Kate like she was a monster because of what she had done.

"How could you just beat someone?" A person from the pack asked.

"I could ask you the same." Kate seethed. I'm knew she was referring to me. The pack member shut up and didn't even utter another word.

"Now, now. We should all calm ourselves. There is no need for a fight. Why don't we have a soccer match to bond? Hunters against wolves?" Xavier's mother suggested. I knew it was a bad idea and I should have said something, but the thing was, the wolves didn't believe a bunch of humans were strong enough to beat them. So I refrained from my comment and sat silently, watching the chaos unravel.


"Okay! The rules are simple! First team to 20 points wins! In this game, their are no penalties or anything! Anything counts! Hope you hunters can keep up." One of the pack members smirked as he finished his speach. The Hunters smiled and nodded.

I sat at the side lines as I watched Xavier, his pack, and Kate and the hunters get into positions.

"You know this will end badly, yet you didn't say anything." Callie whispered from the side of me. I nodded.

"Just kick back and watch our boyfriends get their asses handed to them." I was taking the scene in. I was definitely looking forward to the pack members faces of defeat.

A loud whistle blew and some of the pack members covered their ears while the hunters charged and kicked the ball. The ball sailed past all of the paralyzed wolves and went straight into the net. The hunters cheered as the pack members came out of their shock. They seemed to grow angry because of their one fatal flaw.

Soon they were all charging at eachother. It looked like a war scene from a history book you would see in school.

Hunters were hitting pressure points and bobbing in and out of the blocks like it was nothing. Wolves used their strength and agility to their advantage and would knock over hunters as they tried to get the ball. It went on like this for hours!

Finally the score was 19 to 19. One more point and either side could win. Everyone was tired and angry. The hunters wanted to win just as much as the wolves. They charged eachother and the ball was kicked back and forth. It was going so fast, you could hardly see it move.

Like a gust of wind, the ball swooshed by and hit the net of the hunters goal. The hunters gathered and cheered. I walked over and joined them in their victory.

Xavier was covered in dirt and sweat. I laughed as he hung his head in shame.

"I can't believe they beat us..." He said lowly as he stared at the ground. I ran my fingers threw his hair.

"Don't worry. You'll get them next time." Xavier just laughed as he pulled me close and we made our way to the pack house.

We walked in and saw some hunters and wolves actually talking! It was the biggest shock ever, but it was the best thing to see, ever.

Everyone talked about the soccer match and congratulated the hunters on their victory. I felt the couch dip on the side of me and then I heard a sigh of contempt. I looked over to see Xavier's mother staring at the big party that was going on in her living room.

"You knew this would happen." I said knowingly. Xavier's mother nodded.

"Of course I did! That or they would kill eachother, but it was a 50/50 shot." She said. I laughed. Xavier's mom was always like that. She was so kind and loving. She hated to see people fighting. That was her biggest problem. I had always hoped I would be like her. So peaceful and so full of light. It warmed me and made me think of the few good memories I had of home...

So little, yet so much.

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