chapter 16

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Xavier's POV

Everyone was ready. The whole pack was prepared to fight for Venice. When I told them what we had to do, everyone immediately agreed. I was shocked they did, but thankful.

Venice had contacted the hunters and told them she wanted to talk with them. They were hesitant, but agreed for the sake of Venice. They would be here any minute.

Everyone waited around the border of the woods. We all watched closely, waiting. Warriors lined the tree lines and were hidden, ready for war. I looked down at Venice and felt my heart skip a beat. Her hair was down and she wore her usual outfit. Sweat shirt, skinny jeans, and her boots along with her piercings.  She was watching the tree line as she clung to my side.

To comfort her, I pulled her closer and lightly kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry." I whispered to her. She only nodded as she took in my comfort.

"Look!" One of the warriors said. Everyone's attention went straight to the woods. We all watched as a large group of tuff and rugged looking humans climbed their ways through the forest. There was maybe fifteen of them. Some of them even jumped down from trees.

I felt the tension go through the pack. Some people backed away while others stood their ground.

We all watched as an older looking brunette made her way to the front of the hunters. She wore black pants, combat boots, and a ripped black shirt that had the hunters symbol in red on the front. Her eyes were dead set as a permanent scowl was etched onto her face. She was intimidating.

"What the hell is this?" The woman asked, Venice. Everyone gasped and backed away as all of the hunters drew their guns and aimed for as many pack members they could.

"No! Stop! Don't shoot!" Venice screamed as she pushed her way out of my arms. She put her hands up signaling for them to stop. None of the hunters paid her any attention. The only one who looked her way was the woman in the front.

"And why should we? I told you that you had a duty, Venice, and you completely disobeyed me about staying true to the hunters!" The woman yelled. Venice stood her ground as she looked the woman dead in the eyes.

"You knew this was going to happen, Kate. You KNEW! I can't help that I fell for Xavier. I wasn't planning on it, but as a wise sister of mine once said, fate has a plan. And I trust that she knows what she's talking about. I got attached because this is my home! I may not have been treated like I should of, but it's still were I grew up. I'm sorry, but I can't leave and I can't let you hurt anyone in this pack. If anyone will be getting shot, it will be me and me only." She said as she looked determinedly at Kate.

I froze. Oh, Hell no!

"No one is getting shot!" I said as I stepped protectively in front of Venice. Kate raised an eyebrow at me as a sly and evil smirk appeared on her lips.

"Oh, really? Would you die for her, alpha?" Kate asked me as she began to stalk over to me, her boots lightly thudding the ground. The crowds went quiet.

"Of course." I answered in a heartbeat. I felt Venice's hands on my back. I ignored her pleas. If anyone got hurt, it would be me. I couldn't loose Venice again.

"Then prove it! Prove it to all of us!" Kate said as she motioned around her to the pack and the hunters. I nodded In agreement.

"What?! Are you insane?!" Venice yelled as Kate pushed on a pressure point and made me drop to my knees.

"Hold her, Jackson!" Kate said. Some guy with black hair and the same outfit as Kate came out of the hunters group. Venice tried to reach for me, but the guy scooped her up and was pulling her away. She was thrashing around as tears filled her eyes.

"NO! KATE, PLEASE!" She screamed as Jackson dragged her away. I gave her a weak smile as I began to shake. This was it. I was going to die for the woman I loved.

'I love you.' I mouthed to Venice. She looked me in the eyes as she grew weak from her failed attempts at freedom.

"I love you too." It came out of her mouth as barely a whisper. I felt the cold end of the gun press against my temple. The pack were covering their eyes so they wouldn't have to watch their Alpha die right in front of them. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I prepared myself. For Venice.

I flinched when I heard the click. I sat there for a minute, but I felt nothing. There wasn't even a big bang that signaled the bullet traveling threw my brain.

"Bang." Kate whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes in shock as she threw her head back laughing. The other hunters did the same as the pack and I sat in confusion and shock.

After a while, Kate had finally calmed down. I stood up and felt Venice run right into me, knocking the air out of me. I held onto her as I glared at Kate. She smiled a mischievous smile at me.

"I was only testing to see if your love was true, boy." She said. Her face turned serious again as she looked at Venice.

"I will let you stay, but I do not know if you can keep the mark. I know it provides your immortality, but that's not up to me if you keep it or not." Kate said. Venice's looked up with her blood shot eyes.

"Who's decision is it?" She asked Kate.

"The board of hunters. They will be here in a few days for your hearing." Kate said. That's when I knew we were screwed.

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