chapter 20

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Venice's POV

"Now what should we do?" Xavier questioned as we watched the credits from our movie roll across the screen.

Today had been a pretty lain back day for us. We just had a nice lazy day. My legs were slung across Xavier's as I sat with my back to the arm rest of the couch.

"I'm not really sure-" Me and Xavier turned to see Kate standing at the door to me and Xavier's room. Her face was passive but I knew she didn't like something the was seeing.

"Can we help you?" I winced at the harshness in Xavier's tone. Kate didn't seem fazed.

"May I speak with the both of you, alpha? This is really important." Kate seemed so calm that it set me on edge.

"Actually, we were planning on having a lazy day." Xavier smirked as the fire in Kate's eyes grew. I put my hand up and glared at Xavier.

"Of course we can talk." I said as I got up. Xavier groaned as I took his hands and forced him to his feet.

I pulled Xavier along as we followed Kate to Xavier's office. I felt something touch my back side and turned to see Xavier smiling as he pushed me along, his hand resting on my ass.

Kate cleared her throat as she stared at us at the open doorway of Xavier's office. What has gotten into her all of a sudden?

We walked in and I sat down in the chair in front of Xavier's desk while he sat behind it.

"What's up?" I asked as I watched Kate close the door. She turned and for once, I saw the look of regret on her face. It was so foreign to me, I almost didn't notice it. Out of all of my years of being a black blood, I had never seen her show any kind of real emotions...

"What's wrong Kate?" I asked as I eyed her. Her right eye slightly twitched, signaling her nervousness.

"Before we jump to conclusions, hear me out." Kate's voice was surprisingly steady. Xavier sat back in his chair with a scowl on his face. I stared at Kate and began to get a cold feeling on the back of my neck.

"Okay. We won't." I promised as I sat forward. Kate remained standing in her spot and took a deep breath.

"I'm your mother."

I felt my breath hitch. My mind raced in a million places. Everything got quiet as Kate waited for my reaction.

I stunned her by throwing my head back in laughter. My sides began to hurt as I soon steadied myself. I wiped the tears from under my eyes and looked at Kate. My heart dropped as I saw the seriousness on her face.

"W-what?" I began to shake my head in denial. Xavier stood up and looked between me and Kate.

"Care to elaborate more?" Xavier growled out as he made his way to me and put his arms around me.

"I will let this sink in first." Kate said as she watched my reactions. I stared at the ground as a million questions went through my head.

Finally, after getting myself together, I looked up at Kate. How could I not have noticed our similar features? Our eye color? Our hair?

"I was only seventeen when I got pregnant with you. I was training to be a black blood at the time. Your father... your father died in a mission. The wolves set a bomb in the house and he couldn't get out in time...

I found out I was pregnant a week after the funeral. I was devastated and excited. I couldn't wait to have you in my arms! You were all I lived for! Things couldn't have been better...

Then the board of hunters showed up at my front door. They told me I couldn't be a hunter and bare a child. It was too dangerous and I couldn't just quit the black bloods. My parents sent me to a relatives home just long enough for me to go through my pregnancy. I couldn't stand it when the adoption agency came to take you. At first I refused, then the board or hunters sent a message saying they would take you and put you somewhere. They refused to elaborate on where, but I didn't want to find out. So I did what was best.

After that day, I was never the same. I vowed that I would find you. I traced your locations and waited. When you were adopted I did back ground checks on the family and found that they were nice people. When I got a chance, I would travel here and check up on you. I noticed the bullying and everything. It made so angry! I couldn't just leave you there, helpless. So, I paid you a special visit when you were thirteen. I've been meaning to tell you for years, but I just couldn't." Kate finished.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I stared at the woman I had trusted with all of my secrets for most of my life. I had relied on her to be there for me and to tell me everything she needed me to know, but now I just felt betrayed.

"You are not my mother! Gale Anderson, is my mother! Charlie Anderson is my father! I trusted you Kate! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I seethed out. Kate seemed to slightly wince at the harshness in my voice.

"I should have. I'm sorry. I just couldn't find it in me to do it! I know I will never get the chance to be a proper mother, and I'm okay with that. I just want you to know. If you're mad at me, I understand." Kate said.

I felt so many things. Hate, anger, sadness. I knew I had the right to be all of those things, but I also had to put myself in Kate's shoes. She wanted me, but she couldn't keep me because of the board of hunters. I was wanted.

"I'm not mad. I just need time." I decided. A flash of relief flashed over Kate's face.

"Thank you."

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