chapter 9

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Venice's POV

Today was Callie's big day. Everyone was rushing around trying to get ready. Callie had already left to go to her college campus and get ready.

"Are you ready, mom?" I asked as I walked down stairs, my dress flowing around me. When I looked up, Xavier was standing in the living room with my parents. He had on a black tux and his hair was messed up in a sexy way. Stop, Vinice! Not now!

"Actually, alpha Xavier was hoping to take you to the graduation." My mom said while motioning to Xavier. I gave him a stern look and he only shrugged with an innocent smile.

"I guess he can. As long as he can put up with me until the after party." I said. Xavier smiled.

"I can put up with you a lot longer than that." He said as he took my hand and led me to his truck. He helped me in then went around and got in himself.

"You look beautiful. I've never really seen you dress up like this." Xavier said. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm not exactly use to dressing up." I said. He glanced at me.

"I thought you were a real estate agent? Aren't they supposed to dress up?" He questioned suspiciously. I froze. Nice going, Venice.

"I have the feeling you have been lying to me." He said. Oh even more shit!

"I'm not a real estate agent." I said. Xavier looked over at my frozen figure. He could see the dispare in my eyes.

"Hey, you don't have to tell me now if you don't want to." Xavier said as he took my trembling hand in his. Trembling... what the hell. I never shake like this... I don't even freeze up like I did... oh, god no.

Things were silent on our way to the graduation. When we got there we took our seats and watched as they called out every graduates name. When they called Callie's, the whole pack stood up and cheered. We listened to her speech and then waited for the ending of the ceremony.

I don't know how people didn't think it was suspicious that half of the crowd was gathered just for one specific person. Oh, well.

At the end, everyone gathered up and we all congratulated Callie. I didn't want to ruin her moment so I waited for everyone to get done. When I saw that Callie was done receiving her gifts and everything I pulled her aside.

"What's wrong, Venice?" Callie questioned when she saw my face. I was a nervous wreck.

"I have to leave sooner than I thought." I said lowly. Callie's face dropped as she began to shake her head at me.

"No, you can't! We just got you back, Venice! Please! What's come up that's caused this?" She asked me.

"Xavier is beginning to get suspicious. I can't-" I cut myself off when I saw Tiffany trying to wrap her arm around Xavier's waist. They were standing a couple feet away and I began to feel my blood boil. Who the hell does she think she is?

"What's wrong?" Callie questioned as she looked over in the direction my eyes were glued to. When she saw it, she tensed.

"Who does that skank think she is?" Callie asked as she crossed her arms. When Xavier noticed her, he tried to push her away, but Tiffany was persistent.

I don't know what got over me. Before I knew it, I had Tiffany by her arm and was pulling her to the parking lot. She began to claw at me as I pulled her effortlessly along.

"Let go of me you bitch!" She screamed at me. I threw her down on the ground with a loud thud.

"Really? I'm the bitch? What about you? Trying to steal my mate?" I was shocked by my words. I had never called Xavier that before...

"I thought you didn't want him! Oh, well. He's still mine!" She growled out viciously at me. I just laughed bitterly and got down on my knees so my eyes were level with hers. I took her by her hair and pulled until she was looking me straight in the eye.

"Stay away from him, or I will end you." I said determinedly. Tiffany only laughed.

"You're only human. I'll take my chances." She said. I only smiled as I stood up and left her there. I turned around and saw Xavier smiling at me. I walked up and took his arm and began pulling him to the truck.


"Shut it, alpha, or Tiffany won't be the only one who's life ends."


When everyone got back to the pack house, the after party started. It was getting dark so people had brought out strobe lights. The music was blaring all through the woods as people danced to the booming rhythm.

It looked like a college party. I had always dreamed of going to college, but of course that was shot down when I became a hunter.

I sighed as I leaned against the side of the pack house. I had a drink in my hand as I bobbed my head to the music. It wasn't my kind of music, but it would do. It was Callie's day after all.

I watched as Callie danced with Holdan. They were so close you couldn't see any space between them. They smiled lovingly as they stared into each others eyes. That's love.

I put my hands in the pockets of my black basketball shorts and watched as people danced and had a good time.

"Want to dance, beautiful?" Xavier asked as he came up beside me. I just shook my head no and continued watching everyone.

"Oh come on! Don't be such a loser, Venice!" Xavier mocked me. I turned to him.

"How am I the loser? You're the one that waited like a dog for four years for me to show up again." I said. His face went serious.

"I knew you weren't dead. I could only wait for you because I couldn't find you. I would do anything to take that day back." He said. I looked up at him. He's trying so hard.

"Come on, Casanova. Let's dance." I said as I took his hand. He smirked as we went to the middle of the dancing crowd and we moved to the rhythm of the music. Xavier put his hands on my waist and I positioned my hands around his neck. We laughed and smiled as we tried our best to keep the rhythm going.

When a slow song came on, we slowed down and moved to the soft romantic melody like we had done it many times.

I rested my head on Xavier's shoulder as our body's swayed. I could hear his heart beat through his shirt.

"It beats only for you." Xavier whispered. I smiled. "That was so cheesy." I said lowly into his chest. Xavier laughed. I felt the vibration go all throught me as tingles shot through me at our body contact.

"I forgive you." I whispered to Xavier. He tensed. "W-what?" He asked after a while of silence.

"I said I forgive you." I said as I looked up and into his eyes. Some sort of glint appeared in them as he stared at me lovingly.

"You don't know how long I have waited for you to say that." He said as his hand cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch.

I felt Xavier's face getting closer to mine. I knew I needed to pull away, but I didn't want to. I wanted to kiss him, no matter how much I would regret it.

Ever so softly, Xavier's lips touched mine. Firecrackers began to shoot through my body as we moved our lips together in sync. His lips were so warm and the kiss was so passionate!

Soon, he licked my lip, asking for entrance. I granted as I opened my mouth and Xavier deepened the kiss. Our tongues moved against each other. I moaned at the sensation as Xavier began to kiss me harder. That's when I was harshly pulled away from him.


Clift hanger. My bad. vote, comment, do what you please.

That you my lovely readers! Writting another chapter sometimes today!

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