chapter 6

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Xavier's POV

Callie was doing fine. The pack nurses fixed her up. They said it would only take a day for the rest of it to heal.

I was making my way over to Vinice's house. Her parents had called to tell me that she was alone because they had went out for dinner. I thought back to earlier today.

She has changed so much. I thought she was pretty when we were younger, but now she's beautiful! Even with her piercings she's amazing.

I know it's going to take a while for me to work my way back into her life. It's like she's became a lot harder over time. I haven't seen her smile once since she has been here. Something seems off about her...

I abandoned my thoughts as I got closer to her house. I could hear music blaring from all directions. It was killing my ears!

I didn't knock. I pushed the door open and found Venice sitting on the couch with her eyes closed as she bobbed her head to the music.

"What do you want?" She asked loudly over the music. How did she hear me? I walked over to the radio and turned it off. I walked back over to her and sat beside her on the couch. She watched me closely as I leaned back. The couch was to small for me, but I didn't care.

"Callie is going to be just fine. It will take a day for her to heal." I said as I stretched out and got comfortable. Vinice nodded her head mutely at me.

The sound of a metal phone ring tone began to go off. I watched as Venice fished an old go phone out of her pocket.

She looked at the number and stood up. When she answered, she didn't talk in english. I watched her, amused, as she spoke Spanish into the cellular devise. I didn't know spanish, but I had heard a couple of Alphas from other packs speak it. After her conversations she turned the phone off and turned to me.

"I'm about to head out. I got business to attend to. Tell Callie that I will be gone for an hour." She said as she made her way upstairs. I waited for her to come down. When she did, she had a black suit case.

"What business do you have to take care of?" I asked. She was walking to the door. I followed after her.

"I'm into real estate. Some people want to buy a house around here." She said. I nodded. I had no idea she would be into real estate. Is she even old enough to be in real estate. Without thinking, I bent down to her level and kissed her for head. We both paused in shock. I hadnt expected myself to do that and I don't think she did either.

"Don't do that again." She said lowly as she pushed her way through the door. I followed after her, feeling like a lost puppy.

"Sorry. I didn't expect that I would do that. I guess I wasn't thinking." I tried to apologize as she got in her car. She didn't spare me a glance as she backed out of the drive way and was on the road. I sighed.

This is going to take a lot of work.

Vinice's POV

Someone had called in from my 'business'. I met them halfway and earned myself 700 dollars. I had just pulled up to my parents house when I saw Callie out on the porch. I got out with my bag and she eyed it suspiciously.

"Real Estate? Seriously, Venice?" She asked me with squinted eyes. I just shrugged and pulled the 700 out of my pocket. "We both know a house costs more than that!" She said. "Can we talk about this inside?" I asked her. She stared at me for a while then began to walk inside. I followed after her.

"I'm a drug dealer." I simply said after I shut the door. Callie gave me a weird look. "Do you do the drugs too?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. I shook my head 'no' and turned towards the stairs and went and put my things away. I got dressed in some work out clothes that covered my body and made my way to the gym that was on the pack territory.

There was only a few people in there. They were mainly warriors who had to train to protect the pack. I had taken tons of them down, it was so easy. 

I went to the punching bag and got a couple in, then I worked on my legs and upper body strength. After that, I worked on my stomach area then decided to go home and shower. It was already sunset when I left the gym. My stomach was growling from hunger. I walked through the door to the house and the smell of some amazing food hit my nose. I had no clue what it was, but I wanted it. I began to make my way to the kitchen. It was probably Callie who was cooking.

When I walked in, I was shocked. Xavier was standing at the stove, cooking. I looked around the kitchen. Is this some kind of a joke?

"Callie and Holdan went out tonight. Go get cleaned up." Xavier ordered me. I glared at his back for a while then went and took a shower. I put on a long sleeved Grey shirt with black sweat pants. I left my hair down to dry.

When I got back downstairs, the kitchen table was set with two plates. What the fuck does he think he's doing?

There was mashed potatoes, steak, sweet peas, corn, and some noodle stuff. I sat down when Xavier came in. He was smiling from ear to ear like a loon. He had been doing that a lot lately. Smiling...

He sat down and began to fix his plate while I glared daggers at him. After he was done, he looked up at me.

"Aren't you going to fix your plate?" He asked. "What the fuck are you doing?" I questioned him.

"Eating." He replied smugly. I sighed as I fixed my plate. I got a little bit of everything.

"No, I mean what the fuck is up with all of this." I said motioning to the food. Xavier sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"Look. Everything has been down hill ever since you left. I missed you. Believe it or not. The true reason I rejected you is because I cared too much about my reputation, but when you left, I was devastated and heart broken. It made me realize I can't go without you. I need you. I know it's going to take a while for me to work my way back into your life, but can't we at least try to start from the beginning? Try to be friends until you're ready to take me back..." Xavier said. I felt a pull at my heart. I had no idea. But I can't. I have to leave in two weeks...

"I'm leaving in two weeks, Xavier." I said. He looked up at me. "What if I get you to fall in love with me within those two weeks? Will you stay?" He asked. I just shook my head. He stood up.

"Promise me that if I get you to fall in love with me that you will stay." He demanded.

"I can't Xavier! I have duties back at home! I can't just up and abandon them!" I said as I stood up. Xavier came around the table and dropped to his knees in front of me. I stared down at him shocked. He took both of my hands and held them.

"Promise me, Venice. I need this second chance. I need you..." He whispered as he stared lovingly into my eyes. For some reason I couldn't just leave him like this.

"I promise."

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