匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 1

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Two more weeks later, [Y/n] was doing much better. She wasn't over the situation with Taeyong (she was far from it, really) but she had resumed doing her work and taking better care of herself: no more empty beer bottles everywhere, no tissues littered her apartment anymore and she had finally started going to that kick-boxing club she kept thinking about.

She was just headed home after her boxing session, freshly showered and a sports bag slung over her shoulder. As she approached her apartment, her steps slowed down as she began wondering how Taeyong was doing. She debated with herself whether she should go see him or not, but Taeyong's words from a month ago replay in her head and she decides it's better not to pay him a visit.

[Y/n] puts all her things away before grabbing a random book off the shelf and sitting on the couch in front of the television. A few moments later, the doorbell rings, interrupting her reading. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering who it could be; it was almost nighttime and wasn't expecting any company.

She opens the door to reveal a messy haired Taeyong, holding a bottle of wine. He looked good in his ripped jeans and grey T-shirt, a black leather jacket wrapped around his broad shoulders. [Y/n] didn't know why she felt embarrassed about wearing leggings and a crop top in front of him. "Taeyong? What are you doing here?"

Taeyong snaps out of his trance, realizing he had forgotten to greet her. "Hey, I was just coming by to see how you were doing." He internally cheers for managing to answer without stuttering.

[Y/n] gives him a small smile and fully opens the door. "Of course, come in." She was suddenly glad she had already cleaned up. Taeyong takes his shoes off and enters the apartment, pushing the door closed behind him. "Sit, I'll be back in a moment," [Y/n] says before quickly leaving towards her room. Taeyong does as told, placing the bottle of wine on the coffee table and sitting on the couch.

As he waits, he quietly reminds himself this has to be the last time he sees [Y/n] or goes anywhere near her; things could go wrong if he continued.

[Y/n] comes back a moment later, wearing a large white hoodie and Taeyong tries hard not to show his disappointment. Near the living room door was a cabinet and [Y/n] stopped there to take out two wine glasses before going to take a seat on the couch with Taeyong.

A few glasses later and the two are laughing while sharing stories.

"I didn't know the branch would break!" Taeyong whines, recalling a memory; [Y/n] laughed hysterically. "Stop laughing, it's not funny!" He reprimanded but laughed along with her. After their laughter dues down, [Y/n] brings the glass to her lips again.

"I missed you."

The words are so unexpected they make [Y/n] choke on the red liquid and go into a coughing fit. She taps her chest, trying to calm herself down. "What the fuck, Taeyong!?" She shouts as she puts the glass down with a little too much force, the sound it makes indicating it cracked somewhere.

"What?" Taeyong imagined she would have another reaction when he told her that.

"What do you mean 'I missed you'?" [Y/n] glares at him, obviously furious, "You're the one who told me to stay away from you, you're not allowed to miss me."

Taeyong sighs, also setting his glass down; he really thought this would go differently. With his expectations not being met, he suddenly regrets ever saying anything in the first place. "I already told you, my girlfriend is a little insecure—"

"Fuck your girlfriend, man!" [Y/n] cuts him off, "I couldn't care less about her. If you came here to bitch about her again then you can fucking leave." She points to the door.

Taeyong's expression turns dark, not used to being spoken to this way. "I didn't come here to bitch about my girlfriend." He stands to look more intimidating, "Come on, I actually told you how I feel and you're throwing a fit like some child—"

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