匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 7

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Within a few days, all of [Y/n]'s stuff is stored in Taeyong's apartment. Or rather her's and Taeyong's now shared apartment. There was no hassle since it was only a walk away and [Y/n] liked the fact that she didn't have to move very far from where she originally was.

During the 5 day time frame, [Y/n] had dropped the subject about her partner's job. Not because she had given up, but because she was determined to find out for herself. Since she mostly worked from home, she would wait for Taeyong to come back and she noticed he always came back late at night, and usually wore some semi-professional looking outfit. He would then shower and silently slip into bed next to [Y/n], assuming she was asleep.

That night, Taeyong had just climbed into bed behind [Y/n] who was, unbeknownst to him, wide awake. She was starting to have doubts about Taeyong getting home late because of this 'job' he didn't want to tell her about. She tried hard not to, but she began to doubt his intentions. They hadn't been together for long but she thought Taeyong was a loyal person; after all, he did break up with his girlfriend because he had feelings for [Y/n]. That thought was enough to calm [Y/n] down some but more questions kept popping up, clouding her mind.

Did he not love her? What if he had feelings for someone else? Was he cheating?

[Y/n] was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn't notice she had started crying, sniffling as her tears wet the pillow underneath her head.

Taeyong shifts behind her and she freezes, biting her lip to keep quiet.

"Darling, what's wrong?"

[Y/n] forces her voice to sound as stable as possible, "I, uh, just had a nightmare... Nothing serious."

"I'm sorry, try to go back to sleep," he tells her in a groggy voice, wrapping his arms around her, "I'm right here, [Y/n], I'll protect you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

[Y/n] forces herself to believe him.


The next day when Taeyong goes out, he knows he's being followed. Someone dressed in black from head to toe with a hood and a dark mask trailed behind him, hiding behind anything that could help. Truth be told, they were as stealthy as a giant.

Taeyong silently walks through an area unknown to his lurker, making them anxious about the entire situation but they refuse to chicken out; the curiosity wouldn't allow them to.

When Taeyong turns into a dark alleyway, disappearing from their sight for a split second, the stalker momentarily panics and speeds up in order to catch up, also turning into the alley.

They're suddenly slammed into the moldy brick wall, eyes widening in horror as they feel something sharp against their throat. Their body is a few centimeters above the ground, Taeyong's arm pressing hard against their throat.

"If Simon sent you to spy on me, you've done a piss poor job."

The person struggles to breathe, trying desperately to pry Taeyong's hands off. They shake their head 'no' in response, teeth gritting together as the blade presses harder against their skin.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't slit your fucking throat right now," Taeyong demands, a sadistic grin on his face as he waits for a response. He slightly loosens his grip so his opponent has a chance to answer. Taeyong's eyes are dark while the eyes staring back at him are full of fear, begging him not to do it.

"Please, it's me..."

Upon recognizing the voice, Taeyong pulls the mask down to confirm that it was who he thought it was, then lets go and steps back, causing the girl to drop to her knees and go into a coughing fit. He pockets the blade, deciding the situation didn't need this kind of handling. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, man," he mumbles and pulls his phone out, "Send Johnny and Yuta; I've got someone here who needs to be taken care of," he quickly ends the call.

"I-I can explain!"

"Oh yeah? Then please explain what the fuck you're doing here. I thought I told you to fucking disappear, Ga-yook."

Ga-yook stands and dusts herself off, taking her hood off and arranging her long black hair in the process. She places her hands on her hips, "Don't act like you didn't miss me. It's okay, I missed you too."

Taeyong heaves a heavy breath, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Can I shoot her?

"This is the first time I've ever followed you this far and this is how you greet me?" She pouts.

"Out of all people, it just had to be you. Fucking hell," Taeyong cussed through gritted teeth, "I have something to take care of, so if you could kindly fuck off."

"But baby!" Ga-yook whines, "I miss you and I want you to come back to me."

"Fuck no, I have a g—" Taeyong stops in the middle of his sentence.

Ga-yook narrows her eyes at him, "It's that skank, isn't it?! The one you promised me you'd stop seeing? I knew you were cheating on me!"

Taeyong tenses but tries hard not to let it show, "Whoever you think it is, she's better than you in every aspect. Go back to fucking that Jungkook guy, you little bitch," he shoves Ga-yook out of the way and tries to walk past her, but is halted by her pulling on his arm.

"You still think I'm cheating on you?" Taeyong couldn't believe she had the nerve to lie to him, even after he had caught her red-handed sending nudes to some stranger.

"Was. We're over, damn it. Get that through your small brain," Taeyong snarls, forcing his arm out of her grip. He wonders what he ever saw in her; she was clearly used to having everything she wanted and that was a problem Taeyong didn't want to deal with anymore.

"No! I refuse. You can't do this..." Ga-yook suddenly stops talking when a white car with tinted windows halts in front of the small alley. The scene happens rather quickly: out walk two masked men, one of them pulls something out of his jacket while the other takes Ga-yook's arms, forcing them behind her back. "Aah—" Her eyes widen and she attempts to scream but a gloved hand is placed over her mouth before a needle is shoved into her neck; her body instantly goes limp.

Taeyong watches the people he called for earlier, Johnny and Yuta, drag Gayook's body into the back of the car before shutting the door. Both then remove their masks and Taeyong sighs in relief, "Thanks guys."

"No problem, boss. What should we do with her?"


[Y/n] wakes up from a small nap to find it was already dark outside. She had gone to the gym earlier and her body ached but in a good way, knowing she had done something productive. She glances at the television that was still on, noticing it was a show that usually played around midnight.

Taeyong still wasn't back from his 'important business' as he had called it when he told [Y/n] he was going to be home late again. It still made her sad but she was slowly getting used to it.

She is surprised when she hears the front door being opened, indicating someone's arrival.

"Finally!" She squeals to herself, excited that Taeyong was early for once. She quickly fixes her messy hair before making her way to the door with quick steps.

[Y/n] expected to see Taeyong, arms wide open and ready to give her a hug, but froze in fear as she instead had a gun pointed in her face.

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