匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 18

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A knock sounds on the door just as the leader was leaning in to give [Y/n] another kiss. He stops midway, sighing in annoyance. "Come in," Taeyong answers and [Y/n] turns her head so she's facing the door.

Taeil walks in and scrutinizes the two for a second, noticing their position and the papers scattered on the floor. He clears his throat before speaking, "Just wanted to inform you that Chenle is doing fine. The bullet-proof vest saved him. There is no major damage, but it could be that he's a little traumatized from the experience. He passed out again too."

[Y/n was relieved to hear that Chenle was okay. Taeyong thanks and quickly dismisses Taeil who eyes him up again before leaving.

[Y/n] gently pushes Taeyong out of the way and hops off the desk, "Why do I feel like you don't get much respect around here?" She asks nonchalantly, not really expecting a response.

Having come out of nowhere, the question throws Taeyong off and he's left stunned, not knowing what to say. For a second he just stares blankly, his fingers twitching. "So you noticed, huh?"

[Y/n] turns to eye him with a confused expression on her face. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, really..." Taeyong hesitates, but since she was already in this with him, he might as well tell her about this small issue. He sighs, "I told you about how I became the leader of this gang, right?" He leans back against the desk next to [Y/n], "I took over Minho's team so a few of the people working with me used to follow Minho as well. Over the years, they got used to me being the leader but some still have some kind of grudge," Taeyong explains, shrugging his shoulders afterwards, as if it didn't bother him. "Taeil is the eldest here and worked with Minho the longest, so I understand his sentiment. I've recruited people over the years and they seem to get along with each other so... Good teamwork is really all that matters."

[Y/n] now felt a little awkward for asking. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it was serious..."

Taeyong acts indifferent, "It isn't really," he mumbles and rolls up his sleeves. He needed to take his mind off this little insecurity of his and he knew just the way to do it.

〆〆〆 (warning cause this gets a little more graphic than usual)

It was damp and cold in the bunker's dungeon. There was a table in the corner with a lot of different utensils on it, all sitting there and waiting to be used for the same purpose. Taeyong picks up a pair of brass knuckles in one hand and takes a steel bat in the other.

He hands him the bat to Yuta and the brass knuckles to a boy named Jeno; the latter smirks as he puts them on.

The leader of the trio gestures for Jeno to go first. The boy clenches his fists before throwing a hard punch that lands square in Suho's jaw, making their captive's mouth bleed red immediately. The inside of his cheek was most likely ripped by the impact of it against his teeth.

[Y/n] flinches when the second hit is thrown and Jeno doesn't let up on his blows, mercilessly beating Suho who takes it without a sound. [Y/n] involuntarily felt empathy for Suho despite knowing he was the bad guy. She was the one who followed Taeyong when he left his office despite being told to stay, but she felt she had no choice since Taeyong didn't respond to her question about where he was heading; he had only walked through the main room and signaled for two of his teammates to accompany him.

This was the last thing she expected.

Before Jeno could continue hitting Suho, Taeyong stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder. Jeno backs away obediently, letting the leader stand in front of Suho.

"How does it feel to be on the other end of the stick, Suho?"

Suho chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, "Quite relaxing, actually. Beating people up is fun but it gets tiring, you know? This is sort of like a little..." he purses his lips, pretending to think before finishing, "vacation for me."

Suho looked like a rough mess with a swollen face, busted lip and blood seeping out from the corners of his mouth. He had difficulty speaking from the pain in his jaw—probably dislocated from how hard Jeno punched him—but he didn't seem the slightest bit rattled or anguished. In fact, one could almost say he was truly enjoying it.

Taeyong grinds his teeth together and grabs Suho's hair harshly, yanking his head backwards; he couldn't stand this psycho's sarcastic words. He questions, fuming with anger, "Alright, you sick bag of shit, why'd you kidnap one of mine?"

Suho's dark laugh echoes through the dungeon. "Is that what this is about?" He counters, a twisted smile plastered on his face, "I just wanted to have a little fun," he makes an exaggerated pout, "Is that a bad thing?"

Taeyong tries hard to contain his explosive anger, his fists clenching. "Why is Simon suddenly trying to harm us?"

Suho disregards the question, "I'm always just trying to have fun," he continues, eyes wandering to [Y/n]'s figure standing near the entrance. He smirks, showing off his blood covered teeth, "First time I've ever seen a bitch here, must be a nice fuck. Mind if I have a go?"

Taeyong's vision goes red; he couldn't contain himself anymore. He takes the dagger out of his back pocket and plants it in Suho's thigh, dragging it down to his knee. The injured male lets out a sound between a hoarse scream and a laugh that echoes through the room before he continues laughing, throwing his head back.

The rest were frozen in place, Suho's reactions making their blood run cold.

"Make sure to keep her away from me after I get out of here," he warns, cackling loudly afterwards, "Better yet, start now. Who knows what I'm capable of?"

There was no way Taeyong was letting Suho get out. Moving on impulse, Taeyong grabs the metal bat out of Yuta's hands and swings it at Suho's head, emitting a cracking sound as his neck twists and slumps over his shoulder.

Everyone is stunned, Taeyong's actions causing a long silence to follow. Yuta eyes [Y/n], just thinking about how Suho's words pulled such a violent reaction from Taeyong. Nothing like this had ever happened before; Taeyong had wasted the opportunity of getting information by killing the man he was interrogating.

Taeyong drops the metal bat, letting it hit the concrete floor with a dull thud. "Get this fucker out of my sight," he spits, "burn his body."

Jeno and Yuta are quick to untie Suho's corpse and drag him away.

Taeyong heads to the exit, stopping momentarily once he's near [Y/n], "I'm sending you home," he states, leaving no room for argument. [Y/n], who still hadn't moved from beside the door, felt uneasy about staying any longer, so she doesn't object.

After all, her presence only gave Taeyong something more to worry about.

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