匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 20

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Ga-yook? It doesn't take long for [Y/n] to realize why that name sounded so familiar: this was Taeyong's insecure 'ex-girlfriend'.

Despite the apprehension, [Y/n] resists the urge to laugh at her face and remains composed. She takes a deep breath before speaking, making sure not to use Taeyong's real name as she says, "Jaejoong doesn't live here anymore."

Ga-yook narrows her eyes, "You're lying," she sneers, sounding sure of herself, "I'm his girlfriend, he wouldn't just disappear without telling me."

[Y/n] shakes her head; Taeyong must've made the poor woman firmly believe that. She wondered how she was going to make Ga-yook understand that Taeyong was never serious about her to begin with.

Before he and [Y/n] got together, Taeyong had informed her about his 'breakup' with Ga-yook, but right now, it seemed like he hadn't actually had the decency to go through with it. The thought struck a nerve. [Y/n] understood that Taeyong used to sleep around, but considering Ga-yook didn't even know his real name, she couldn't be any different from whatever hookups Taeyong had had in the past. With that in mind, [Y/n] calms down and words her response a little differently.

"You and I have never formally met, but he's told me a lot about you. And you were right not to like me since I did end up stealing your boyfriend," [Y/n] shrugs her shoulders, "Now please fucking leave my apartment."

Ga-yook squints her already small eyes again and grimaces, "Okay, one: there is absolutely no way he would leave me for a bitch like you. And two: why are you talking as if we know each other?"

[Y/n] couldn't believe her ears; Ga-yook was irritatingly persistent, and there was absolutely no point in arguing with her. Ga-yook was obviously dead set on whatever she had been told and didn't want to consider any other possibilities.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought..." [Y/n] mumbles to herself.

"Are you trying to tell me Jaejoong's cheating? Because I'm pretty sure there are more chances of me being hit by a meteor than that ever happening."

[Y/n] chuckled and shook her head, amused. She couldn't believe she was standing in her own apartment, arguing with a woman who was unaware of anything in her life but still had the audacity to bring things up as if they were her business. And all that because Taeyong didn't know how to properly deal with his exes.

It really ticked [Y/n] off to think that his decision of leaving her was what he thought was best, especially after everything they'd been through together.

Those thoughts fueled [Y/n]'s anger and soon she wasn't able to contain herself anymore: Ga-yook needed to go.


"Psst, Lucas, I think something's going down."

Lucas jumps up to his feet, glad something was finally happening, and approaches the edge of the rooftop. "What's going on?"

His newly assigned partner, Jackson, hands him the second pair of binoculars. "I don't know but something's not right..."

Lucas squats down and places the binoculars over his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing up in confusion. Jackson was equally confused; they didn't have the best view. Since the blinds were closed, they could only make out the silhouettes of the people inside the building.

Jackson makes an abrupt movement to leave, dropping his binoculars in the process, but Lucas holds his shoulder with one hand, stopping him. "The silhouette is female and they seem to be only talking. Nothing's really happening," Lucas reassures, not taking his eyes off the two figures, "Never mind, I may have spoken too soon."

Jackson scrambles with his binoculars and puts them back over his eyes in order to look at the scene just in time: one of the figures punches the other in the face before grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back, undoubtedly exercising force and effectively bringing the other to her knees.

"Holy crap," Jackson involuntarily flinched, "We should—"

"Taeyong said not to interfere," Lucas cuts him off.

"But what if she's the one getting hurt?"

"I've seen [Y/n] in action, she was there when we caught Suho, she'll be fine."

"Can you even tell which one is her?"

Lucas brings down his field glasses and smiles sheepishly at his partner, "The one that's winning?"

Jackson looks at his friend in bewilderment, "You better be right about this, because Jaebeom won't be too happy if something happens to her while I just sit back and watch."

Jackson didn't want to imagine what would happen if he lost the person he was sent to protect, but the thought was always in the back of his mind; there was no way his leader was going to let him keep all his fingers. Jackson shivered at the thought, "Damn it, Lucas, I can't just sit here and do nothing."

Jackson jumps to his feet and leaves at the speed out light, this time with Lucas not reacting fast enough to stop him. He sprints down the stairs and into the apartment complex across the street. He bursts through the unlocked door [Y/n]'s apartment soon afterwards, breathing heavily.

Silence greeting him in the home. Apart from the faint sounds of what Jackson concluded were from the TV, it was completely still.

Jackson approaches the open door of the living room and takes out a gun with a silencer, holding it tightly. He pushes the door open with his other hand and freezes at the sight of a woman lying motionless on the ground.

He lowers his gaze and sighs, "Jaebeom is so gonna kill me."

Even the sound of the front door closing behind him for the second time doesn't faze Jackson; he just stands there, not knowing what to do.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about," Lucas repeats on his way to the living room. He arrives behind Jackson and puts a sturdy hand on his shoulder, "Where's [Y/n]?"

"Is this not her?"

Lucas' eyes widen when he sees the unconscious woman.

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