匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 22

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"And you thought it was a good idea to bring Ga-yook here?" Taeyong was outraged by what he had just heard. He was used to Lucas making unwise decisions, nevertheless it displeased him every single time. "I strictly ordered you not to interfere unless you judged it imperatively necessary. And bringing that crazy bitch here really wasn't the wisest decision either, Lucas. When will you learn?"

Lucas stood upright and unwavering with his hands behind his back as his leader scolded him. It wasn't the first time, but it always made him feel just as useless whenever it happened. "I'm sorry, boss."

"You're jeopardizing our entire team. If this happens one more time, I won't hesitate to send you back where I found you."

"Understood, boss."

Taeyong sighs in frustration and threads a hand through his red hair, "You're dismissed. Send Johnny and Yuta in."

Lucas bows before leaving the room and soon after Johnny arrives alone. "You called, boss?"

The gang leader leans against the desk, "Where's Yuta?" He asks when he notices the other hasn't arrived.

"With Winwin, still recovering"

Taeyong nicks his head in understanding, "Fine. You're the one I need to talk to most anyway. [Y/n] told me she met Ga-yook and that she wouldn't stop asking about me. How is it she remembers anything?"

Johnny his throat, "I'm still making minor adjustments to the serum, but I can't tell you why she remembers anything. The dosage we gave her was high enough to make her forget who she was herself so I don't understand either."

Johnny was responsible for some experiments they had going on. It was nothing too complicated or dangerous and they tested them multiple times on their enemies or simply people they needed to get rid of. The serum they were discussing was meant to give whoever was injected with it some form of amnesia. Depending on the dosage, the victims would forget certain amounts of information. If given enough, the victim would even eventually forget how to breathe.

Taeyong thought for a moment, drumming his fingers on the edge of his desk. "Try it again and dump her somewhere in Mexico or something this time. I don't want to ever come face to face with Miss Crazy again," he says, remembering how Ga-yook had followed him once. Maybe he should've disposed of her that same day.

"Of course, boss."

"That would be all, you're dismissed. And tell [Y/n] to come back. She's on the training ground with Jisung."


Lucas greets two of his teammates as he passes by them carrying someone with a bag over their head. They briefly greet him back and continue on their way.

"I got in trouble because of you," Lucas announces as he gets closer to the red BMW they came in. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans on the hood of the car.

Jackson stuffs his phone back in his pocket and grins at his friend. "Hey, I was the one who ran in there first, but it was your idea to bring that other girl along and I'm pretty sure that's what you're mostly in trouble for."

His and his partner's orders clashed and disobeying was one of the biggest mistakes you could make whilst in a gang. Lucas' sudden decision to bring an outsider along to their headquarters wasn't the smartest move (even if that outsider was passed out and tied up in the trunk of a car) and it was worse than disobeying.

"Whatever. Now I have to go all the way to Mexico to get rid of her."

Jackson's smile drops, "Mexico? You can't be serious."

Lucas shrugs, "Boss' orders."

Just as Jackson is about to speak again, [Y/n] calls out to them, waving as she approaches. She seemed much happier than when they first encountered her.

"Thanks for the ride here, you guys. Taeyong told me you were busy so I'm going back home with Yuta and Winwin."

Winwin wasn't completely back on his feet yet but he was doing much better. Most of his wounds had healed and he could still fight so he and Yuta were both reassigned as [Y/n]'s bodyguards.

"And thank you for 'looking after' me all this time," she repeated the words Taeyong had used.

Jackson bursts out in nervous laughter, "What are you talking about?" He elbows his partner, "What is she talking about?"

Lucas and [Y/n] both roll their eyes. "I saw you at my boxing club, blondie," the latter replies, referring to Jackson, "You're not very stealthy, should probably work on that. Anyway, I'll see you around I guess."

They wave before [Y/n] turns her back to them to go find the black vehicle that'll take her home.

Lucas snickers as soon as [Y/n] is out of earshot. "Blondie," he teases. Jackson ignores the comment and goes back to their previous conversation. "So... Mexico?"

He was worried he would lose his best friend and newly assigned partner. It wasn't easy to convince their leaders to pair them up but they managed. They knew they had to be more careful than the others if they didn't want to be separated, but Lucas and Jackson together inevitably created trouble.

"I'm not being relocated, I'll just be gone for a few days to get rid of that girl and bring some stuff back," Lucas clarified, "I'm the best sniper on the team, I'm probably gonna miss a lot of things."

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