匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 26

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"What do you mean you haven't seen her?"

"We haven't seen her since last night, we thought she was with you," Yuta answers briskly before Winwin could.

Taeyong punches a dent in the wall, shaking the slight pain away when he retreats his hand. "How the hell did she get past you two?"

None of them answer. Instead, Winwin silently hands his leader the burner phone he was given when he was kidnapped. Taeyong eyes it wearily, noticing there was an ongoing call with an unknown number. He takes it, "What the fuck do you want?" He snaps, not bothering to hold in his anger or ask who was on the other side.

"Now is that the way to greet an old friend?"

Taeyong visibly stiffens at the sound of the voice; he knew that voice. He hadn't heard it in years, yet he knew exactly who it belonged to.

"Fuck off, I have more important things to worry about right now," he says, referring to [Y/n]'s disappearance.

A deep chuckle resonates through the phone speaker, "Oh, I know exactly what you're so worried about," the man on the other side of the line says, making Taeyong fear for the worst, "But I won't harm her if you do exactly as I say."

Taeyong's mind goes blank, not wanting to believe what he just heard. He clenches his already aching fist, wondering how this could have even happened. There was no way he had [Y/n], Taeyong was with her just last night.

"Such a beautiful and delicate little girl, would be a shame if something happened to her..." The voice trailed off, laughing maniacally afterwards, "Our little Taeyongie actually fell in love, isn't that adorable?" He mocked.

He had been watching them for several weeks now, already knowing Taeyong and [Y/n] have an extremely close relationship. He knew Taeyong wasn't the type to settle down—it was practically impossible with the life he had—so it was evident that [Y/n] was something special to Taeyong, his only weakness; she was the key to making Taeyong finally give in.

"Sabotage my weapon deliveries, burn down my warehouses? Fine, but it became personal the moment you attacked one of my men." Taeyong was filled with pure rage, but he knew that was what his enemy wanted so he replied in the steadiest voice he could manage, "What is it you want exactly, Simon?"

"Bingo, that's what I wanted to hear!" Simon exclaims and clears his throat; Taeyong could imagine the mocking expression the other must have had on his face at that moment. "I'll tell you where your little girly is so you can come get her unharmed, but under one condition: you deliver to me all the weapons, drugs and money you collected over the years, and dissolve that little gang of yours."

A few months ago, he wouldn't have even considered it, but right now, Taeyong was ready to do anything. Although his gang was like family, it just wasn't the same. [Y/n] was closer, warmer, special, someone he's loved for a really long time.

"Tell me where she is."

Simon tsked, "I hope you didn't think it would be that easy. Give me what I want first, then you can have your toy back."

Before Taeyong could reply, the call abruptly ended. He uses the same phone to contact HQ, "Did you manage to get anything?" The leader could hear a bunch of clicking and keyboards keys being pressed as Jisung's small voice replied, "I actually traced the call pretty easily. It leads back to one of our recently burned down warehouses. I'm sending you the exact location right away."

Taeyong hands the phone back to Winwin when he's done. He remembered he connected his own phone to [Y/n]'s in order to know all her whereabouts. He could easily check to see if what Simon claimed was true if the location was anywhere near one of their old storehouses. He takes his own phone out, looking at the tracker he secretly installed.

There was no signal.

Luckily for him, he had a backup. Taeyong turns to Yuta, "There's a tracking device in [Y/n]'s pendant. Get Jisung to check it out for me." The guard nods in understanding and Taeyong walks towards his study. Once there, he rummaged through the boxes he had brought and took out two semi-automatic pistols which he made sure were loaded with charges. He picks up a few extra cartridges before stepping out.

In his room, Taeyong finds that the gun he hid underneath his pillow was gone. He swears underneath his breath and goes to change his clothes to look more presentable.

When he comes back out, a man wearing an eye patch appears in his line of sight. "Good to see you, Jinyoung," Taeyong greets.

"Always happy to help," came Jinyoung's response, coupled with a sadistic smile.

"Boss, Jisung managed to pinpoint [Y/n]'s location," Yuta announces. The words manage to appease Taeyong only the slightest bit. They knew where she potentially was, but that didn't mean she was still alive and breathing.

Taeyong shook his head to get rid of the thought of [Y/n] possibly being dead; she was strong and he knew that. Still, he mentally prayed for her safety.

"Winwin, get the Dreamies to check out that abandoned warehouse. If I'm right, Simon put a small number of men there to ambush us, but they should be able to take care of it. Tell Jaehyun to accompany them just in case."


"Give [Y/n]'s location to Johnny and Ten so they can join us there."

As soon as all orders are given, the gang leader and his small team of practical men supplied themselves with weapons. Taeyong takes a shaky breath as he looks at them all; it was Yuta and Winwin's first time seeing some sort of fear in their leader's eyes.

"Hopefully we'll all come out of this alive."

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