匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 15

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"Where's S.Coups?" Taeyong asks again, irritation clear; he wanted to punch them in the face. Perhaps he was a little possessive, but he couldn't stand for anyone to look at [Y/n] the way he did.

One of the men leaning against the car speaks up. "Oh, S.Coups? He's, uh, somewhere—" He suddenly cuts himself off, as if remembering something important, and turns around to start knocking wildly on the back tinted window.

The other men's eyes all widen comically before they join in, hitting on the car door and knocking on the window.

[Y/n] looks around to see if someone had an explanation for the odd behavior but was only met with indifferent expressions.

"Uh, Taeyong? Who are these guys?"

Taeyong sighs, exasperated. "This is the team I was talking about. Me and their leader are old friends. We met in China, he helped me find some missing people... They've been doing it for a long time. They're known as Seventeen, our 'code 17' is named after them; we call them when we need to find someone."

[Y/n] accepts the information, even if what she was looking at right now didn't seem like a team of highly skilled trackers.

Although he knew these guys were capable, Taeyong was slowly running out of patience. After about 30 seconds of banging on the vehicle, the car door opens from the other side and the person who Taeyong was asking for emerges from behind.

S.Coups straightens his clothes and combs a hand through his messy hair, "You didn't wait long, did you?" He grins presumptuously and Taeyong rolls his eyes.

"Can't you keep it in your pants? We've got a serious situation here, Seungcheol."

"Don't scold me," S.Coups scoffs, "This kind of work is stressful, you know how it is. Stop acting like you haven't done anything on the job." His eyes gleam as he looks at Taeyong mischievously.

Taeyong glances at [Y/n] before directing his eyes back to S.Coups. "I haven't, actually."

Not yet, is what he meant.

"Anyway, we're ready. We have Winwin's exact location thanks to Dino. Extra weapons and ammunition are in the trunk of all cars. If there are any complications, I've got a couple of more guys ready to save our asses."

Taeyong nods, satisfied, then addresses his team members, "Me, [Y/n], Jisung and Yuta will be riding with S.Coups. Lucas, Johnny and Chenle, you guys stick together."

Then it was S.Coups' turn to give his own orders, "Joshua, Vernon, Mingyu and Woozi, you guys come with me and... Jeonghan. The rest of you, stay with the other half of Tae's team. I want you guys to follow us closely. We'll go inside and you guys will provide support from outside the building if needed. There shouldn't be that many people, so I want this to be quick and clean."

"Understood?" Taeyong adds.

"Yes, boss!" The gang members all chorus, [Y/n] included.

She winks at Taeyong when she catches him eyeing her.

"Alright, everybody. Move!"

A few hours later, the group arrives at the abandoned warehouse where Winwin was supposedly held prisoner. They surveyed the area, going around the structure to make sure it was safe to proceed.

DK, Seungkwan and Hoshi, the three other members of Seventeen that had come along, stayed on watch outside with Lucas.

Lucas sat on top of one of the cars, binoculars in hand and a sniper rifle beside him.

Taeyong was usually never anxious about something like this but this time, he was slightly worried: someone he loved was there, about to enter the danger zone.

"How do you think I feel about bringing Jeonghan along on these missions?" S.Coups admits, "If you keep [Y/n] close to you, you won't be able to focus on the task at hand. Didn't you say she beat and tied up that Chanyeol guy? He's supposed to be one of Simon's best men so she's obviously very capable. Just get someone you trust to look after her; you're coming with me. I still can't believe you've finally gone all soft like this, I'll congratulate you properly after we finish the job."

S.Coups' little pep talk made Taeyong feel slightly better; he was grateful for having such a great ally and friend.

The warehouse had multiple entrances that needed to be covered, so they split into small groups: [Y/n] with Yuta, Jeonghan with Johnny, Joshua with Jisung and Haechan, Woozi with Chenle, Mingyu with Vernon and Taeyong with S.Coups.

It was time to storm the building.


Hits landed one after the other on Winwin's already bruised body, making him grit his teeth and groan in pain.

They had been at it for several hours. Winwin was tied to a chair with his hands secured behind his back by a thick rope. He had lost consciousness several times in the aftermath. Every time he woke, it was because of a new blow landing either in his face or his abdomen.

"Just tell us where we can find Taeyong and maybe you can get your freedom back, it's not that fucking hard," the man in front of Winwin speaks, holding the his head back painfully by his hair.

Winwin stares him dead in the eye and smiles, showing his blood covered teeth, "Go... Fuck yourself," he grits out in a hoarse voice.

The man keeping him captive snarls before his fist collides with Winwin's face again, knuckles digging hard into his jaw. He takes a step back and shakes his hand, "Chen, give me the baseball bat again."

One of the many minions who were watching the violent scene unfold, the one who was closest to him, passed on the wooden bat.

Winwin spits the blood that had gathered in his mouth and keeps his head hanging low. He had very little strength left; if it wasn't for the rope tied around his middle, he wouldn't be sitting up anymore. His face was swollen and dried blood littered the corners of his dry lips. He had several cuts, his hair was tousled and his clothes were damp with sweat.

He had to hold out a while longer, he had to survive this for his team.

As Winwin lifts his head up, he's met with the bat pointed at his face.

The man takes a step back, "Since you prefer to suffer," He swings the bat, hitting Winwin in the ribs.

Winwin coughs up blood, almost choking on it as it makes its way out of his throat, leaving a burning sensation behind.

It hurt too much to cry out anymore.

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