匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 30

958 41 5

Jisung accelerates the speed of his motorcycle, trying to reach his destination as fast as possible. He twists the throttle endlessly, hoping to reach [Y/n] in time.

Though they had only really met twice, he regarded [Y/n] as a friend; Jisung wanted to protect her. He didn't care much about himself or his own safety at the moment, having even forgotten to put his bulletproof vest on the moment he left with Jaehyun and the rest of the Dreamies.

When he tracked down [Y/n], Jisung had thought about giving his boss the wrong location and going to find [Y/n] by himself. But no matter how much he liked the woman, Jisung knew it wasn't right and decided against it. It would've probably put her in even more danger anyway.

Simon wanted them to find him at their destroyed warehouse but he knew they weren't stupid enough to all go there so he took [Y/n] somewhere else. At first, he wasn't planning on keeping her close by but chose to in the end, despite knowing Taeyong would have a way to find her.

Jisung was grateful that Taeyong slipped her a tracking device or else things would've been a lot more complicated. But right now wasn't the time to think about that; Jisung had to plan what his next move would be once he arrived.


[Y/n] sat helpless, unable to do anything. She had no idea where she was; it was dark and all she could hear were the faint sounds of shots coming from outside the empty van. Her hands were secured tightly behind her back, she was gagged and a gun was pointed to her temple in case she tried to escape.

The man sitting behind her was way too close for her liking but there was nothing she could do about it. She tried to move but the gun was pushed even harder against her temple, the sound of the safety being released causing her to freeze.

"I have strict orders not to kill you so don't make this harder for me," the man whispers, "Would be tragic if my finger slipped, don't you think, baby?"

[Y/n] gulped, feeling frightened and disgusted. The pet name felt uncomfortable coming from him; she wanted Taeyong. She knew he wasn't far, she could vaguely hear him through the doors of the van; being aware of his presence reassured her a little. The sounds of the gun shots die down and [Y/n] tries to focus on what may be going on outside.

The man's arms suddenly wrap around her, making her internally panic. "Such a pretty little thing," he murmurs, holding [Y/n] close to him and inhaling deeply, "It's too bad we can't keep you."

[Y/n] ignores the man's words, trying to figure out what was going on outside. The words she picks up make her blood run cold.

"If you try to trick me, I'll kill your little slut right in front of you!"

She had never been so scared in her entire life. Getting kidnapped by her boyfriend's enemies and being threatened wasn't something she had imagined could happen when she found out Taeyong was involved with gangs; she could hardly believe the position she was in.

"Hey, don't cry, baby," the man behind her wipes the tear on her cheek. [Y/n] sniffles and tries her best to stay calm as he continues to caress her face, "If you survive this, I might actually get to keep you to myself."

"You're fucking sick."

"I know," the man replies, smirking, lifting his gun back to [Y/n]'s head with one hand as he holds her face with the other. "You'll learn to like it eventually—"

An extremely loud pop goes off, causing [Y/n] to jump. She startles the man and he drops his gun, the weapon also going off.

The loud shot catches Simon off guard and he whips around to see as one of his men falls to the floor, a small hole in the middle of his forehead. Almost everyone around him was disposable so he didn't care much, but what worried him the most was the second sound he heard coming from the direction he knew he left [Y/n].

He grits his teeth, already imagining the hellish torture he was going to give to the man he left responsible.

Noticing he is distracted, Taeyong takes his chance, gathering some of the strength he had left to give Simon a powerful kick in the stomach. Simon lets go of him as he stumbles back. He doesn't have the time to give out any sort of order before Taeyong quickly pulls out his gun and shoots Simon in the knee, a loud cry of pain leaving him when he feels his kneecap crack.

Most of the masked minions get scared seeing their leader in such a vulnerable state, Taeyong now pointing the gun to his head. Their immediate reaction is to charge towards Taeyong and try to disarm him.

The sound of an incoming motorcycle grabs everyone's attention and Taeyong's eyes widen as he recognizes Jisung coming in at full speed. Jisung drifts in order to slow down and uses his handgun to shoot the people holding his members captive, rapidly executing all 5 of them by headshot.

Meanwhile, his leader tries to deal with the group of men attacking him from every side but it proves difficult since he was outnumbered. Taeyong manages to put some of them down but the others get the best of him when he stops to reload his gun.

Seeing this, Jisung jumps off his motorcycle to go assist Taeyong, letting it crash.

Amidst all the chaos, nobody seems to be watching Simon anymore and he uses this opportunity to try escaping to safety as fast as he could with his injuries.

Inside the storage unit, [Y/n] whimpers upon hearing the sudden overwhelming sound of multiple gunshots. "What's going on?" She whispers to herself, pulling at her restraints.

The man next to her grabs her by the shoulder. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He pushes [Y/n] down and gets on top of her, "You hurt me," he says, the area where the bullet had entered dripping blood down his arm. "I may not be allowed to kill you, but I can wreck you really badly."

[Y/n] turns her head to the side and tries to shift away but it proves difficult as her hands are tied behind her back. She takes a deep breath when she feels the gun press against her shoulder. Before the man could press the trigger, [Y/n] kicks him hard between the legs, making him roll off of her as he bellows in pain. "Fuck!" He groans, gritting his teeth.

[Y/n] gets up as fast as she can with her hands tied behind her back, leaning against the door, breathing heavily. She kicks the gun far away from him to the other side. She struggles to open the door, adrenaline pumping through her veins from the stress of it all. Her eyes stay locked on the half-conscious bleeding man on the floor.

After a minute or so of trying, she hears the click of the door and feels it slide open. Now unbalanced, [Y/n] falls backwards but to her surprise, she never hits the ground.

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