匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 12

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The next morning, [Y/n] wakes up in a good mood. She had slept more than she had in the past few days and she felt great. Out of habit, she reaches out to cuddle Taeyong only to realize the spot next to her is empty.

She gets out of bed and puts on a black robe before leaving her bedroom, not really bothering to close the door. All she had on her mind was breakfast. The smell of pancakes fills her nostrils and she inhales deeply, her mouth watering. She practically skips to the kitchen, the thought of food having her excited. She finds Yuta finishing up a third stack of pancakes, Winwin already eating his.

"Good morning, miss," Yuta greets.

"Hey... How'd you sleep?" Winwin asks tentatively.

"Really great, actually!" [Y/n] rubs the back of her neck and clears her throat, "Is that, uh, third stack for me?" She questions, not taking her eyes off it. Her stomach chooses that exact moment to grumble.

Yuta doesn't say anything, choosing to just hand her the plate instead.

"Of course it's for you. I know he won't admit it but it was Yuta's idea to make you breakfast," Winwin reveals, earning him a glare.

[Y/n] takes the plate with a quiet 'thank you', going to sit next to Winwin while the other man sits across from her and begins to eat his breakfast. She turns to start a conversation with Winwin but stops and squints her eyes when she notices a reddish mark on his neck. She leans in to inspect it, "Did you get that during one of your missions?"

Yuta momentarily stops eating to look at what [Y/n] was talking about. The tips of his ears turn pink but he continues to eat his breakfast without any further reaction.

"Huh?" Winwin looks at [Y/n] with wide eyes before slapping his hand over the bruise; he had completely forgotten about it. He clears his throat, blushing, "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

[Y/n] smirks knowingly.

After breakfast, [Y/n] finds it was boring inside the apartment without Taeyong and wanted to get out.

"Guys, I'm only going to the mall, you don't really need to come," [Y/n] tries to convince the two guards but without any success; Yuta and Winwin were already dressed and ready to follow [Y/n] wherever. They had clear orders to follow her anywhere out of the apartment, even if it was only for something as simple as taking out the trash.

"Boss' orders, miss, we can't leave you unsupervised."

[Y/n] sighs, "I get that, but do you guys really have to dress like this? Isn't it kinda obvious?"

Winwin glances at his partner, "She's got a point, you know," he turns back to [Y/n], "But we didn't bring any other clothes."

"Just wear some of Taeyong's, I'm sure he won't mind."

The two guards share a look before shrugging. [Y/n] quickly leads them into her room and opens the closet, picking out outfits for both of them. She hands them the clothes, "Winwin, you can change in here," she points to the attached bathroom on her right, "Yuta, there's another bathroom down the hall to your left."

A few minutes later, Winwin comes back wearing ripped jeans and a blue hoodie, while Yuta is rocking an all black outfit.

"You guys look great," [Y/n] comments, "now we just look like 3 friends hanging out, let's go," she lets the two males go out the door first before her, allowing her to lock it behind herself.

They spend the day going around in various shops, mostly window shopping but having fun nonetheless; they got along quite nicely and [Y/n] was surprised to find out Yuta wasn't as uptight as he initially seems.

[Y/n] stops walking when she notices they're not too far from a lingerie shop and she wonders if she could surprise Taeyong when he gets back tonight.

"[Y/n]?" Yuta calls when he notices she stopped walking. [Y/n] had told him to stop calling her 'miss' because it made her feel uncomfortable.

He looks at her and follows her gaze, understanding why she stopped. "Oh..."

"It's okay, you don't have to go in there with me."

"But what if something happens to you?"

[Y/n] gives them a confused look, wondering why they worry so much. But her confused face turns into a smirk, deciding to mess with them. "You're right. Didn't you say you had specific orders to follow me anywhere?" She repeats before heading towards the shop without awaiting a response.

The two guards share a look, mentally asking the other to take one for the team.

Yuta ends up being the one to accompany [Y/n]. He was manageably awkward the entire time, up until when the cashier said him and [Y/n] looked cute together and that they should 'have fun' before sending them off with a wink.

Talk about invasive.

They exit the store feeling relieved once they get outside. [Y/n] clears her throat, catching Yuta's attention, "Wanna go to the food court?"

Yuta stops scanning the area and nods, "Let me just contact Winwin so he knows where to meet us." He should have been waiting right in front of the shop. They're still walking when Yuta recognizes his partner's ringtone, sounding nearby.

His senses kick in and he pulls [Y/n] close behind him in order to shield her just in case anything happened while he looks around, trying to find the source of the ringing.

Where the hell was Winwin?

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