Chapter Two

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3rd Person's POV

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3rd Person's POV

As if the world crashes into madness Shang widen her eyes in surprise while Taehyung just choke at his own invisible saliva while halting the car on their destination. Hyun looked at the adults confused as to why are they acting so surprise.

"W-where here...." Taehyung mumbled while releasing their seatbelts and helped Shang opening  the car's door. Shang just coughed rapidly. As if her day won't get any better she looked up the place they went, her eyes widen.

Hani's Wedding Boutique

It says it all. She slowly looked at Taehyung who was looking at her eyes deeply while smirking and pulling her closer to his body and guided her to the place while she carried Hyun in his arms. Her body was denying the movements each foot Taehyung took. As if she know something will HAPPENED inside the boutique. Something very bad.

When they step foot at the mop with a fancy fabric too beautiful to step in, a guard opened it greeting a small welcome. The room was pretty, super fancy and fashioned for a Wedding Event. The gowns were all lined up with a perfect glass box, you can see all the details every gown has, by the looks of it they all looked expensive. Hyun wiggled out of Shang's arms running towards one of the kids suits.

A beautiful young lady walked towards them with her short hair, large outfit and dreading to sleep eyes.

A beautiful young lady walked towards them with her short hair, large outfit and dreading to sleep eyes

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"Good day Miss and Sir " she greeted lazily while yawning, as if she just woken up.  Taehyung and Shang looked each other confused. They assumed she was a worker. This place is so expensive and the workers are this lazy?

"Good day Miss?" Shang trailed waiting for the female to speak.

"Call me Hani" she smiled making both  widen their eyes. Hani? The owner of this boutique? What? Question over questions came to Shang's mind. How can a fancy rich branded shop owner look like this? They look at her surprise.

"I know i know I looked this horribe, but are you the soon to be wed? Come and follow me, I have a special outfit for you" she winked and laughed crayzily while pulling both shocked human on a separate room. Correction, Shang was the only shocked human.

She handed each human there designed closed and they were both surprise that it fit so perfectly.

As soon as Hani assigned her workers to help the will to be married human she saw their son who was busy looking at the shinning chandelier hanging on the room with amaze and awe. Yeah Taehyung's house has hundreds of them, but its his first time to see it change in color and design.

Hani soon squeeled and ran towards Hyun who looked at her with fear. But Hyun soon smiled as when Hani hugged him and scolded how cute he was just like her twin.

"I have a perfect design for you angel...although it was supposed to be for my sons, but I m gonna change my mind because you're cute!" She cheered carrying hyun in her arms and walked to a hall that was located on the child suits.

Meanwhile Shang looked at her frame in the mirror checking if everything is in place. The gown was perfect, the Beautiful plufy bottom and the perfectly fited top who compliment her curves. She was to busy thinking of what was to HAPPENED on the future, will she ever continue his feelings for Taehyung knowing that he can do dumb shits?

A aggressive arms pulled her into a tight hug while this person dig his head to Shang's neck inhaling her fruity sent. It wasn't Taehyung. She feel danger.

"Look at how gorgeous you are babe...." That dark voice. She emmidietly realize the man, it was the Man he saw in the garden, but it was on Korea. What the hell he's doing here?! "But the thought of you walking on the isle to Taehyung makes me makes me want to just steal you early"

His cold whispers made Shang flinch. She wanted to scream and ask for help, but his aggressive arms told her not to.

"Who are you?" She asked looking at the mirror, studying there position. She locked eyes at the man who was smirking. His face wasn't​ really clear because of the hood. His thin lips and dark eyes where seen.

"Let's just say I'm you're long lost friend." He winked and emmidietly pulled away. The noise of the workers chattered in the way and Shang looked at her back to see no one.

"You looked terrified my dear?" A old worker ask looking at Shang's trembling face. Shang emmidietly shook her head and smiled warming-ly at the old lady who wore a fancy uniform. She was till weird out at the fact that the mysterious man showed himself again , and at the fact that the owner of this boutique is like her best friend. Oh Mia.....she missed her.The old lady smiled and helped Shang on her dress.

"You looked stunning my dear" she complimented the quiet lady. Shang just thanked her .

"You almost looked like miss Hani's best friend" she commented making her shoot a stare at the old lady. Look alike?

"Uhmm yeah.....may I ask you miss?" Shang trailed making the old lady to nod .

"Is Miss Hani always look like that?"

That question made the old lady laughed hole heartedly.

"Oh dear....she's been born like that....even her husband can't believe he married her" the lady laughed out. She's married? Shang thought. Shang looked at the lady shooked.

"I know....she doesn't look like she spawn two handsome and small twin devils , but she was once so fun and hyper with her best friend before.....but time didn't go well and her best friend went missing . You kind of reminded me of her.... You have the same eyes , almost everting in you are the same...."

Shang was interested at this girls story , she wanted to know more about.

"Can I perhaps now her name?".she asked the old lady who was smiling sheepishly​ the hole story telling .

"Her name was madam Shang...."


Hi guys!
Double update because I'm on the mood😂

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