Chapter Sixteen

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" now you're sending Hijin? A child Taehyung . " Jungkook scoffed sitting on the meeting room . Earlier Jungkook had spend a little catch up on Shang , talking about that day when they met and went to the beach . Pretty much that's​ all because there's this someone who is so impatient for the meeting to happened. Taehyung and Jungkook was the only men in the large white room , loads of chair and a long and large table in front of the room .

" Believe me , I done thousands of begs just to make Jimin and Hani to insist. But as long as my wife is safe from your sight , I'll do anything ." Taehyung smirked giving emphasis on the word wife . Which made Jungkook to scoff in displeased .

"You disgust me " Jungkook comment and soon smirked. " Well , she won't be your wife for long...."

Taehyung gritted his teeth. As much as he wanted to snatch Shang and Hyun away from this place , they still can't . Knowing this man over here has connections , and he don't want to confuse Shang even more.

"As if she would love you , Jungkook . Me and Her are one , you can never break that " Taehyung said standing on his chair . He needs to stop this little boy from doing something.

"Mhhh..... Right , what if she know the truth huh? All those spices from the past?" Jungkook smirked grew even wider.

They where looking at each other intensely​ on both souls rather than starting the meeting.


" We need to go Shang..." Jimin smiled walking on the living room towards Hani to push the wheelchair . Shang let out a smile then insisted Hijin that couldn't​ keep playing in her hair to go to her parents.

"Wait! It's too early Jimin!" Hani whined while moving the wheels in a different direction making Jimin to struggle at pushing the wheelchair.

"Shang and Hyun need to spend some time together alone. " Jimin insist making Hani go sigh . Mijin was already at Hani's lap while his other twin climbed on Jimin's body . Hyun walked towards his mother flopping in her shoulders and hugger her waist by his small chubby hands. Shang let out a loving hum and soon chuckled seeing Taehyung entered the house.

"Oh just in time Taehyung , me and Hani would be leaving now . See you two love birds in the airport!" That made shang to look up . Airport? Where are they going?

"Hmm bye hyung!" Taehyung said waving her hands to the Park Family that was exiting there room . Leaving the Kim family and with a quiet room .

"Mind telling me where we going?" Shang spoke carrying the sleepy Hyun in his arms . Walking towards Taehyung that placed his bag on the table , and loosening his tie . She kissed Taehyung's​ lips while he deepen it . Hyun doesn't​ mind doe , he loved seeing his parents so lovely dovey. It just made him feel happy knowing he had a strong parents.

" Hyun do you mind Mommy and Daddy to spend their time alone tomorrow? " Taehyung avoided her question making her to roll her eyes waiting for the sleepy hyun's reply.

"I don't mind Daddy!" He smiled excitedly . Making Taehyung to kiss his forehead and pat his head.

"Then you'll be spending time with Hijin and Mijin on Granny's​ house!" ( I then remembered the game called 'GRANNY' )

Hyun's eyes beamed with excitement . He was about to cheer in happiness but a yawn escaped her lips instead.

"Someone needs to rest. " Shang giggled making her son to wrap his hands in Shang's neck . "I'll see you on the room " she added walking away from Taehyung that hum and started to grab his stuffs and walked to the direction where there room was.

"Mommy....." Hyun muttered when Shang carefully​ placed him on his queen size , blue covered bed , shang let out a hum.

"Yes baby?" She asked moving the covers to make Hyun comfortable in his bed. Hyun's small arms found its way on Shang's shirt wanting to pull his mother closer .

"C-can you sleep with me?" He yawned looking at her mother's eyes tiredly. She let out a chuckle then nodding her head in agreement , as she scooted herself comfortable at Hyun's covers . Wrapping her arms on Hyun small figure , he did the same.

"Daddy won't be angry right?" He asked then again he looked at her eyes , waiting for her answer if his father would be mad if she would sleep with him.

"Why would he? Daddy won't be mad , don't worry " she said kissing hyun's small lips and started to cares his hair and humming a song.

Not long later he felt asleep , little cute snores escape his lips making shang to eat his laughters not wanting to wake her son up . She was busy running her fingers on his hair and studying his features , not realizing that someone had entered their son's room.

" He's asleep...." Taehyung spoke walking towards hyun's bed and laying beside Hyun . Shang hum in response poking at mole he hadn't noticed on hyun's nose just like his father but less darker.

" What kind of mother I am....." She mumbled taking Taehyung's attention. He frown looking at Shang's teary eyes. "I didn't even notice the mole in his nose...." A pearl of tear escaped in her eyes.

"Don't say t-"

"No Taehyung......" She cut his words. " I need to say it..... I need to say my mistakes. I need to lessen them a bit..." She whispered whiling the tear in her cheeks and run her eyes on Taehyung.

"I need to spend the hole day with Hyun.... Skip his private lessons for a day ." Taehyung smile and then nod in agreement.

"We have a honeymoon to spend after the day you'll spend with Hyun." She blushed at Taehyung's words but then stopped it. That would totally ruin the mood .

"You don't have to disturb us!" She giggled making Taehyung to roll his eyes and wrap his long and strong arms from hyun to shang . Yes his arms were long.

"As much as I wanted to disturb both of you , I still can't because I'm with a meeting with Jimin tomorrow , by the way . How's you're visit with Jungkook" she swear she could hear anger mentioning his name .

"Speaking of Jungkook..... Tell me the truth Taehyung . " She said signaling him to leave the room . He did and she soon followed not forgetting to place a pillow on hyun.

When she closed the door , she sat Taehyung leaning his body on the wall . Some night time maids excused their selves when they skipped their chores giving their masters a privacy .

"Did Jungkook told you something?" He gripped his wrist looking at his wife like a predator . She could see the different Taehyung by his eyes. No , she needs to stop him . She hurriedly cares his shoulders preventing him to go beast mode. He calmed down with a heavy and long sigh.v

" He loves you '


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