Chapter Three

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

" I can't believe she's here....." Hani whispered while looking at Taehyung who cares the back of her shoulders, comforting her.

"After all this years.... She's back " She cried out as tears started to stream in her cheeks.

"Just.....don't confront her ...she has-she can't cope at everything all at once...." Taehyung said adjusting his suit while Hani just nod.

"I just wanted you to know Taehyung.... We are helping both of you....we don't want both of you to spread apart just by one girl....I am happy for her that she came back....I wanted to squeeze her to death but I still can't, every one of us is helping you and him...." Hani spoke about to leave Taehyung's dressing room but Taehyung stopped her and emmidietly spoke.

" Oh...and one thing, he's in here somewhere, but I assure you he left"

"I know.....but I reassure everyone.... Shang will be mine...." That made Hani smile and left the room shoving her happy face again. Hyun was playing on the toys Hani gave him.

"Did little hyunhyun enjoyed aunty Hani's gift?" She squeeled looking at the boy who was running towards her. It looked like both had a deep bond . 

" Hiji and Min would love to meet you.... " She cheered remembering her devil sons.

"Do they love toys too?" And that's where the beginning of both kid and adult to bond more about toys.

Meanwhile on Shang's dressing room.

"Funny how me and Miss Hani's best friend had the same face and name...." Shang laughed awkwardly while looking at her figure on the large mirrors.

The old lady looked at her with confusion and doubt that this girl is the exact girl Hani's other half. But emmidietly shook it and added the necklace. She looked perfect up and down. The perfect curves the chest. All of it was perfect.

Time pass ~

"Good luck at the wedding!! Goodbye ShangShang! Bye hyunhyun! Bye TaeTae!!! Wow this is the perfect family having a two times nicknames....good luck once again!" Hani roared as soon as the family left her boutique and to Taehyung car. Shang gave her a smile and entered the car carrying Hyun who was still busy playing the toys his aunt gave. Taehyung spoke to Hani first and handing her a neat baby blue letter and went inside his car and drove off.

Meanwhile Hani was looking at the car for minutes when she saw the car was out of sight she sigh and broke down. Some of her workers came and helped her sit inside the building. The old lady from earlier signal all the workers to leave them alone. Hani kept sobbing while watching her thumbs nibble at each other's.

"She's....she's here Rin" she spoke signaling the old lady to smile and sat beside her. "Thanks to Taehyung she came back...." She sobbed on Rin's arms while the elder comforted her with words.


Morning came, Shang woke up on an empty bed laying alone.  She sigh and hid herself on the large white blankets and relaxed herself. She doesn't know when will the wedding starts or the place the wedding is. But one thing for sure.....something will happened today.

She cleaned the bedsheets and went to the bathroom. Getting ready and wore a simple dress.

Deciding​ to go outside of the house. She has Taehyung's trust now...yet she can't seem to find herself leaving him. She was really inlove, but there was this feeling that made her doubt this feelings. As if it was familiar.

Walking out of the house with the agreement of the gaurds to follow her secretly, Taehyung's​ orders. Hyun was suppose to tag along, but to his home studies he can't. Sure he's a kid, but Taehyung wanted him to be like him. Except at the part where Taehyung can go Phsyco 24/ . He just wanted  his kids to grow healthy and be like Shang.

Anyways, let's go to Shang who was busy walking on the streets. She decided to walk rather than talking to the driver to drove her anywhere. She was to engrossed on the music she currently playing that she didn't realize there's​ a tall and mascular person who was the same.

For sure they smacked each other's body and caused Shang to fall . She was taken aback at first but a hand helped her to stand up.

"I'm really sorry sir! I'm too lost " she apologize scratching the back of her nape while removing the earphones she currently have. The guy just laughed and apologize.

"I'm sorry too...." He said and his voice were quite familiar for Shang's earing. As if she heard it somewhere.

"You're voice seems familiar...." She mumbled making the guy confusedly​ look at her.

"I'm Jungkook by the way"



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