Chapter Fifteen

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Fck I can't control my mouth!" Hani scolded herself looking down and cursing another word . Shang could just look at her , Confused . She wasn't aware what the real story was. What did happened to the two un-sepirarable duo? The best buddies? What had happened to the boys she met?

"What do you mean? " She asked confused looking at the troubled Hani that couldn't​ seem to stop roasting herself.

"I don't have a place to tell you what had happened . Wait I have a place! I'm you're sister/bestfriend! But yet again that's Taehyung's and Jungkook's problem . So you have to find out yourself...." Hani said smiling at Shang that was confused af. She really needs to visit Jungkook.

"Taehyung requested me to come with you on the way to Jungkook " Hani added making Shang to frown.

"Why? You can come , but your state today is bad "

"To make sure that guy won't do something to you.... But I'm sure you are not one of does people who hoes around , so I trust you to go there alone without doing something" Hani . A maid was about to push the wheelchair , but Hani just shook her head and stroll it herself using her both hands on when wheels . She looked trouble at first but the halt at the door before she could disappear , she looked back at the Deep Shang looking at the floor confused .

" What ever Jungkook gave you something , hide it to Taehyung . We know how Taehyung react" then she disappeared with once of Taehyung's maid following her if she needs any assistance . Hani probably go to Taehyung's library or the art room . Since that's were she always was.

Shang looked at the hall we're Hani disappeared . Deep in thought.

Are they hidding something again? If so , then what's the reason this time?

She knows the reason why everyone hid the death of her father . If she was in their place she would hide it too . But this ? Why would Taehyung and Jungkook fight? Was it the time were they both experimented her? Questions after question , her mind filled with no answers.

Jungkook seems fine that day they both went to the beach . Now that she remembered , that day was the day were Taehyung said something. The him Taehyung ment , was it Jungkook? That say when Taehyung beat the living hell out of Shang and decided to make love . (Chapter 4-5) the day when Shang accepted Taehyung . Either she won't go or she will . She wants to find out the truth about the best friends by visiting Jungkook . But in the meantime she doesn't want or bring the psycho Taehyung back . Without hesitation she called one of Taehyung's drivers and plop herself on the car. She doesn't have his driver's license yet . Did Taehyung bought the car during the stalking time? Did Taehyung place those roses during each Friday? Was it Taehyung? She forgot to question it .

Right when she was about to enter the door a light screamed made her stop from closing the car's door. Finding the owner of the voice. There he saw a sweaty Hijin running towards her. She let out a surprise noise looking at Hani's son. When Hijin successful​ly arrived at shang he went inside the car , not forgetting to say excuse me .

"Mommy said I'm gonna protect you from uncle kookie!" He said not letting shang to question . She smiled . Hani's kids weren't close to shang , so maybe this is a better moment to at least spend some time.

"You must be brave!" She baby talk making Hijin to nod his head showing his muscles that weren't curving , yet . We all know what Jimin's body went to a cotton and to a stone.

"Yes I am! I'm the best son if mommy!" He proudly said wiggling his eye brows while laughing with Shang. Hijin was more of a Jimin version , He and Mijin are really identical , but there behavior and ways are apparently different.

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