Chapter Fifty Four

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" CHEERS "They all said in sync while raising their glass all together.  It was been months after that hole problems and they are now celebrating from the ultra sound both girls had filed .

After that incident happened , Jungkook was jailed from his life time and Taehyung offered to do some medication from his sickness and Jungkook was currently attending his psychiatrist every Sunday and Thursday , he was healing step by step and even fell for his psychiatrist who was known as Elsi , both clicked and surprisingly Jungkook's health is in stable , he apologized to what he have done and talked to Taehyung about the Hyun issue . But all and all they forgived him , but there are always the people who couldn't , like Hani and Yoongi who was totally against of Jungkook , but they don't have problem if he won't do anything stupid .

Then there's Hoseok and Dawi . The boys met Dawi and she confessed that she was a part of the Agency of Law , and was a agent for 3 years and a military for 2 years , Hoseok didn't knew about this which made him love his girlfriend that was now his fiance more . They're planning on making a little Hoseok soon .

Now for the Mia issue , Mia's sister May (I forgot the name) kindly accepted the boys , at first hearing the truth about Namjoon made her mad and sad , but she forgave them , and she understand why they have done it , her older sister can be a bitch sometimes but she have moved on , speaking of move on May and Mark are now in a relationship , the guys are all happy about their relation.

Now to Jin and Namjoon (my ship) They are planning in adopting a child soon , and they wanted it to be a little girl , Namjoon is still clumsy as ever but Jin manage , they have successfully manage alot of restaurant in the how entire world and they're successfully , and they're also engaged.

And then there's the shameless couple , Jimin and Hani . Still being shameless as ever and was now again expecting another twins , they both blame Hani's genes but Jimin loved it . The bet of Hoseok and Yoongi ended when Hoseok won about the Park having another twin which are gonna be a hard ton of job since they can't even manage the first twins , but they're doing there best.  Their sons are attending elementary now but still the little devils.

And here we have the lonely BOY , Yoongi . Still planning to die single and fuck every woman out there , hasn't planned any commitments yet since he knew he can't commit to anything but bets , he would always get left out when the guys do couple things which he doesn't give a damn at all , I mean , he has his bed and doesn't need to cuddle anything .

Now to the main characters.  Taehyung and Shang.  I can't even explain things about them , after the incident Taehyung was been possessive over Shang , Everytime he saw someone looking at Shang for too long he would over react and send glares to that person , even if it's a girl . They where thankful enough to know Hyun Didn't have any traumas at the incident , they kept the truth from him not until he'll turn 15 , speaking of that issue , Jungkook and Taehyung agreed that Hyun can spend 1 hour of time to Jungkook very end of the week since he's still his father also , it was supposed to be a day but due to Taehyung possessive and the fact that Hyun is uncomfortable they agreed it would be only 1 hour .  Taehyung and Shang and their son are living the life of the fullest , Shang successfully enrolled Hyun on a public school which at first had trouble due to the adjustments and stuffs , but Hyun was happy and so was his father . And they are going to be waiting for another family member .

" I still can't believe Hani would bare another twin " Hoseok laugh drinking his whine , Dawi remove the glass and replaced it with lemon juice " don't " Dawi growl making Hoseok to roll his eyes but smiled .

" Yeah! But good thing the other twin is a girl! What could have happened when both twins are boys again?" Yoongi laugh making the room laugh .

" And don't forget that Shang would have a baby girl too!" Dawi spoke , raising her glass that had also lemon juice to Shang's direction. Yes , Taehyung's searched are real , you can have a baby girl  with a *** position .

" Aish! I'm getting jealous now " Jin whined , drinking his whine , Namjoon placed his hands on Jin's shoulders telling him they'll adopt a baby soon , which made the room congrats them at the news .

" And where waiting for your baby " Hani pointed his fingers to Dawi making the female to smile .

" Don't worry guys! Baby hoseokiee would be here sooner or later" Hoseok winked making Yoongi groan .

"Oh please , another version of Hoseok? That would be the loudest people , I prefer baby Dawi since it would be cool having another brave and strong girl" Yoongi stated making Hoseok to dramatically held his heart .

" What ever it is I'm fine " Dawi commented .

" Let's talk about You Yoongi , when would you be able to abandon your bed and start something new? " Namjoon said , now looking at Yoongi on the sofa drinking his whine professionally .

"You know Namjoon , that is a great idea , I'll abandon my bed and start to commit with this heavenly sofa " he said , humming in delight as he hides his body on the green sofa.  " Can I have this sofa Jin? "

" Sure"Jin laugh .

The room was filled with laughter , loving atmosphere and happy aura . That's how this book ends , everyone had their happy endings .

Love had every turns , wether it's bad or good you'll still  find a way to talk with it with your partne- Holy shit what am I writing? I haven't even been in a single relationship yet and now I'm talking about love? Never mind .

Endings don't always end happy , but this book ended with a happy one so this book is confirmed as a cliche book .

So here's my advise to you , this is from my heart , from the author's hearth so please take this one seriously .

Do not fall in love with someone if you don't know how to love yourself first , but I strongly advise  to never commit to shits you can't commit , do something to others before you go commit to things , and please enjoy your life to the fullest .

- HM

You've now reached the end of Her Possessive Husband .


I had published the Prologue and Chapter 1 of ' Used Or Granted '

• want a small scene from Shang's and Taehyung's life?


• want to read a scene about Shang's pregnancy?

Comment if you want 😊

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