Chapter Fifty Two

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"Fuck You! If you think you'll have Shang " Taehyung roared , looking deadly towards Jungkook and was about to jump like a tiger toward him when Jungkook pointed to gun to his crying since again . Jungkook click his tongue , shaking his head from left to right , shang panicked and continued to beg . " Don't you dare point that gun to my son! " Taehyung warned , pointing to Jungkook rudely .

" Your son? " Jungkook laughed , disbelief written on his face . Taehyung frown , not leaving his eyes on Jungkook's .

" You don't know shit Taehyung " he again laughed hard , holding his stomach in pain as his laughter filled the room , Shang could only cry on the floor while crawling towards her shaking-crying mess son and started to whisper soothing words to stop him and held his eyes to hide the unwanted and cruel scene that could by chance ruin his mind.

Jungkook stopped his laughter and walked towards Shang before kneeling down . " Tell him Shang , tell him why you're here "

He whispered to her ears making Shang whimper from the dangerous presence she felt . Taehyung being a smart ass he was , stayed statue on the floor , studying the scene and calculating on what to do .

"TELL HIM!" Jungkook phsyco-tically screamed , pointing towards Taehyung . She could only cry and let her tears flow on her cheeks while her lips was shaking , not knowing if she would say the ugly truth. Taehyung was waiting , but thinking for his next move . Now Jungkook was pissed and impatient while rolling his eyes .

" Nevermind , I don't want to tired you more darling "Jungkook smiled, kissing her head making Taehyung mad . He kissed what's rightfully his and he hated it . 

" You see Taehyung , Shang was here because of a peace of paper . Like I said , you don't know shit" Jungkook spoke smirking while pulling the chair where Hyun was tied up all the way to the middle of every wall , Shang yelping and was about to follow the chair but Jungkook harshly pushed her signaling her to stay or else .

"DADDY IM SCARED!" Hyun screamed , with his puffy eyes , red stained cheeks and nose , his trembling mouth made both parents to feel their hear shattered . It was a pain seeing their child looked like this , they wanted to make Jungkook disappear and just shower him with love and gifts just to make him forget this tragical day.

" Don't worry baby , daddy will get you out of it okay? " Taehyung cooed wanting to not scare his son , Hyun only nod eagerly.

" Jungkook please! Just please let Hyun out of this mess , I'm begging you" shang continued to beg , kneeling down in her knees while holding her hands and shaking it. Taehyung was doubled heartbroken to see his family's state . Tightly digging his nails in anger at his palms , he had a perfect idea in his mind .

" You're not his father Taehyung " Jungkook spoke , caresing Hyun's cheeks making the boy shudder in fear . Taehyung could only raise his brows . " I am "

" What bullshits are you saying? Did you really bumped your head that hard that made you this crazy?" Taehyung asked in disbelief while Hyun denied Jungkook's words by shaking his head and saying no's . Jungkook frown , covering Hyun's ears to not let him hear his next words .

" You may not know , but the process for Shang to be pregnant was sabotage by me . You see , I was so fucking jealous of both you and Shang . Thinking  that you'll be happy having a baby in your arms and will not remember that I helped you , back then I was so mad that I thought came in my mind . What if I change the cells of yours to mines? But I'm the golden maknae , I process and studied each sentimentals and was surprised to have a good answer . I can change the cells , but I can also change the baby's features , but back then I was scared that you'll kill me while I'm weak so that's why I did , I hide the truth and just decided to watch my child grown in your arms with broken heart " (idk how you can change the features of the baby , this book is just a fanfiction so anything can happened ) 

Jungkook was forcefully feeding Taehyung the truth by letting all the word slip in his mouth . Taehyung was shock , betrayed and broken . Still covering Hyun's ears , Jungkook laugh . " Surprise surprise~" he sang while removing his hands .

Jungkook smiled with victory while looking at the shock Taehyung who was thinking things and trying to eat the truth . He won , he can't believe . Based on how broken the older was , he could feel in his guts that he can live a life with Shang , Hyun and Him . He'll just make Shang abort that baby so there's no need for that to live , he can just make another one . Speaking of it , he smiled in delight imagining how they would make the baby . (He's still a baby )

" So what? " Jungkook stop smirking . Hearing Taehyung spoke so strongly made his stomach turn , his eyes where back again to Taehyung who was now smirking . His plan didn't go well? Oh well there's still a plan B , everything has . " Even if you're the biological father of Hyun do you think that's important at this generation? " Taehyung smirked .

" What? " Jungkook whispered.

" Do you think Hyun would be happy to know your his father? Do you really think that Hyun would choose you over me after what you've shown him? " Taehyung tried to piss the shit out of Jungkook and he was succeeding . Jungkook gripped his arms tightly , There are voices whispering in Jungkook's mind , making him to raise the gun towards Hyun . The world was in slow motion , Shang running towards Jungkook to stop him and Taehyung who was about to Sprint . Hyun was screaming closed his eyes tightly .



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