Chapter Twenty One

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With the virous knocks on the door Shang opened her eyes , groaning I annoyance at the loud sound if the knocking . The person on the other side if the doom must be impatient . She soon looked at Taehyung that was sleeping peacefully , small circles was seen under his eyes. He must have slept late earlier. Due to those fcking sounds.

"DON'T KEEP YOU'RE SUNSHINE WAITING!" the person in the side screamed and it made her confirmed that it was none other that Hoseok . Mumbling to herself a 'wait ' she slowly unwrapped the arms of her loved on her waist that was been tied the hole night.
Taehyung let out a uncomfortable groan for a moment feeling the warmth of his wife vanish. But due to lack of sleep , he ignored it .

She smiled and walked her way to the endlessly banging of the door . Lazily opening the loud sound . She was been greeted A well dressed sunshine , a coconut tree like polo , shorts and a slip on flats. It was too early for a sunshine to greet her.

"Good morning~" Hoseok sang walking inside their room without her permission. Which made her sigh and closed the door .

"Yah wake up disgusting lovers!!!" Hoseok screamed throwing some stuffs to the sleeping Taehyung and the sleeping Parks.

"Don't wake them yet.... They have missed alot of sleep..... And Taehyung." Shang warned cleaning the stuff that was scattered on the floor. Not looking at the side of Hani's bed knowing that their undergarments are scattering .

"Did this shameless people do the thing last night?" Hoseok rolled his brows looking at Shang with a questionable look and disgustingly to the couple that was hidding in the covers , confirmed that they were naked based on the fact that they where glued with each other .

" Yup.....making Taehyung to sleep late....." She sigh in worriedly​ looking at her husband that was frowning while trying to reach something beside him.

"Well.....I'm sure Taehyung would kick this two out , sooner or later . And besides we can't have activities for today since Yoongi hyung loves his sleep so much. " Hoseok spoke opening the closed curtains of the window making a light bright to shoot inside the room . " So I suggest to kick this two out for tonight and have some little alone time with Taehyung " It made Shang blushed and nod at the statement suggestion Hoseok made.

"Breakfast will be at the food court ,everything is set you just need to go there and eat. " Hoseok added grabbing something at his pockets . " Give this to Taehyung" it was a white envelope that and shang to be curious about the thing.

"See you tomorrow Shang! I wouldn't​ be in the hotel after this day , need to fish some fish in the club" Hoseok winked , making her to chuckle . He seems to be a proper and gentle man by his appearance , but he was like a 'play boy' when he said that .

"So call me if you need anything . I have my phone number on Taehyung , see ya!" He cheered closing the door leaving Shang along with three unconscious body .

"Don't worry , we won't disturb you're alone time with Taehyung" a tired voice said making her to stumble a bit and noticed that Hani was out of the bed grabbing some of her clothes on the closet. She was naked yes , but Shang don't mind , she saw Hani's body when they where in diapers and so was Hani . So walking out naked in the house was normal to both of girls. But this time , the love bites and handprints Jimin gave her from the night was visible around her body . But she looked looked proud to have it even doe it would hurt later on.

"I thought you where asleep?" Shang said , a little bit of shock . She place the envelope on the nightstand were her bed has .

"I wouldn't wake up at that horse voice? It was like a ringing alarm clock" Hani sarcastically sigh and grabbed the towel before entering the bathroom . Good thing that there were two bathrooms .

" Hani is right , Hoseok Hyung has the loudest​ voice among us....." Soon Jimin woke up , grabbing the large blanket of his bed and went inside the bathroom where Hani had entered after he greeted her with his signature smile.

She found herself laying on the bed beside Taehyung , eyeing his features over and over again . Those peaceful eyes with a tint of small circles from his sleepless night. The mole he had that also Hyun had inherited form his father. Hyun really have the features of Taehyung , except for the eyes .

She was so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed Taehyung's eyes where eying her.

What made her snap out , was Taehyung's arms pulling her closer to his warmth , she widen her eyes at first but emmidietly smiled and hug Taehyung back.

"Good morning to the most beautiful and perfect wife of all" Taehyung whispered with his deep and raspy voice looking at shang in the eyes.

"Good morning to you too love...." Shang whispered back kissing Taehyung's lips. It was passionate as each movements they make was in sync. Taehyung emmidietly bit her bottom lip making her to moan on pain but emmidietly regretting to open her mouth when Taehyung slid his tongue inside Shang's mouth. Creating a battle from two slimy muscles. But it's obvious Taehyung had won when Shang pushed him , leaving a string of saliva, lacking in oxygen. It was too early to be so heat up .

"That was hot...." Taehyung mumbled smirking at the flattered and blushing Shang . Her orbs run to Taehyung , locking their souls together . They weren't bothered by anything .

Even the moaning and groaning from the bathroom never bothered they're eye contest . Even the time that had passed never function in their minds. It was just her and him .

Wandering together by their souls . Lovingly caresing each other's back while still in daze looking at each other's souls.

She forgotten what she had to do this day , she forgot that Hoseok came in and gave her something to give to Taehyung . She forgot the past , the moment of Taehyung's other side , she forgotten Mia. But only for a


Only for a minute , she forgotten it. While locking her eyes with Taehyung , she thought about something. She was scolding herself for forgetting someone.

I didn't even bother to call Mia


The drama is starting !!!

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