Chapter Thirty Six

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They widen their eyes looking at Jungkook on the door carrying a plastic full of fruits and his famous white roses. What did he just said? They though.

"Oh my.....I spoke that wrong" he said with an apologic smile placing the stuffs in the counter .  The boys just eyes him , trying to function what he really ment. Jungkook noticed the puzzle looked his hyung's had . "I mean , who said Hani's son is a daughter?" He reasoned out , shrugging when he sat beside Hoseok on the sofa , looking at the still unconscious Shang.

" really is possible that Hani could bare a daughter....I mean , did you saw Jimin's family three? Almost 2 percent he had girls cousins or aunts . Boys run down in Jimin's genes , Jungkook had a point" Hoseok laughed , getting the idea of what Jungkook ment . But still Taehyung was puzzling things. Still not accepting Jungkook's​ excuse . Did his words mean something? Was it sarcasm?

"You looked troubled Hyung....." Jungkook spoke , giving him a worried smile . Still Taehyung found it kind of creepy . He shook his head , sighing heavily , letting out the curiousness.

"I just want to know when will Shang woke up.... that's​ all" Taehyung spoke leaving his head on the sofa's side . He really missed Shang doe. Wanting to at least hear a word out of her mouth , her lips weren't pale anymore , just pinkish and still look alive. He wanted to kiss that lips , even if he did kissed it thousands of times every day , but she was unconscious . He wanted to feel her kissed him back. (thatsoundsweird)

He wanted to see her smile , feel her hugs , her warmth. Believe me ,he's getting crazy thinking about her warmth . He was eager to feel her , smell her .  (dontgetitinthewrongway)

If he had the power to control everything , he could have vanish everyone , just him , her and his children . Yes he was selfish , but who could blame him?

"Well , I'm gonna need to go" Hoseok spoke , looking at his phone and emmidietly hid if to the boys . He was hidding something , for sure. 

"Let me come with you!" Jungkook spoke , seeing the troubled looked on Hoseok's face .

"N-no! I'm busy so don't " Hoseok spoke , emmidietly leaving the both laughing boys.

"His hidding something...." Taehyung mumbled.

"I highly doubt it.....I'm gonna follow him" Jungkook winked , waving goodbye to Taehyung and to shang that was still unconscious.

It was him , and her . On the room alone. He wanted to cry , but not he can't. He knew Shang would be awake.....he just needs to be patient . Standing up and grabbing the untouched chair , carrying it towards the hospital bed and placed it beside it . Now he was sitting on the chair , caresing her long hair . Her hair grew longer that he thought it would be.

Even if she was just lying their , not moving . He still could smell that oceanic sent on her hair....that flowerly aroma of her skin . Oh how he missed it , how he wanted it now.  Who would do it on an unconscious lady? He thought . Shaking his dirty thoughts away .

"Damn aren't doing anything yet , you're making me feel exited...... You really had an affect to me....." He mumbled , kissing her lips and her forehead before laying his head on the bed , sleeping while sitting .

•| ⊱✿⊰ |•

Hoseok looked back and forth on the hallways , probably trying to find someone or making sure that no one was looking at him. As soon as the hall way is clear , he know he on a door . Quietly no wanting to take attention . As Soon as the door opened he emmidietly scooted himself inside the doom and emmidietly locked it.

A sigh escaped at his lips as soon as he laid his weight in the door. Facing a female in front of him . Grinning maniacally , he attacked the female's lips and so did the female kissed him back . With his hands wrapping around her waist , he pulled her closer , kissing he hungrily like he hand kissed her lips in centuries .

He missed her a lot , and so was her . Their situation may be a life and death one , but their love is bond to protect them .

"I missed you so so much" Hoseok whispered , kissing her forehead and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you to" she has a very familiar voice . Hugging him back and leading him inside the hotel. "No once saw you right?" The female asked , afraid if someone finds out what the were doing .

Hoseok reassured by nodding his head , pulling the female on the coach above him .

"This pass few weeks sucks..... " Hoseok whined while burying his face on the female's neck.

" Tell me more hobi...." The female spoke , running her fingers in her hair in a soothing matter .

" Truth came crashing down when take vacation here in Ethiopia  , it's a beautiful city but someone wanted to ruin the fun . Jungkook is here and him and Taehyung are in good terms now.....Shang is on a coma-"

"What?!" The female asked in disbelief . Her happy face turned into a concern looked as she gently pulled Hoseok's​ head away form her neck.

"Relax wifey.... She's fine now , still in a coma but healthy​...... She's pregnant also! And you know Hani? The girl Shang's first best friend? She's pregnant also.....but , I don't think her body can take this baby . Hani was full with stress , I'm concerned at Hani's state than Shang....." Hoseok whispered.

"Do the boys know about Hani's situation?" The female asked.

"No.....but let's just pray both pregnant woman will be fine...... I'm more focused on you and me wifey....when will we have a baby?" Hoseok wiggled his brows teasingly making the female to laugh.

" Hobi....I don't trust Jungkook....." The female spoke , laying his body on Hoseok .

"Why ?"

" It's just.....the thought of him doing good things to Taehyung isn't right......"

Is this female's feeling are true?
More importantly​ , who's the female?

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