Chapter Fifty Five ✔

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" Mommy!!!! Hyunnie Oppa dyed daddy's hair blue!!! " Small footsteps continued to run , whilst trying to reach for someone . A gasp soon was heard , along with the thud of something falling .

While shang was busy cleaning the dishes that was supposed to be the maids doing--but she decided to do it .

" What?! " She screamed , carefully dropping the plates and washed her hands on a towel , nodding to the maid who immediately took over on cleaning the dishes .

" He dyed daddy's hair blue! And he said that he'll dye yours with gray!! Mommy I don't like that!" A small little hands clapped on her shoulders as she kneeled down on the girls height who immediately hide her head on her neck .

The girl was wearing a cute baby blue dress , with a small white ribbon on her brown  hair and she was barefooted .

" Let me see " shang said , carrying her , not forgetting to ask her daughter where the location of both boys was . The little girl pointed on a large door , the only door exit out of Shang's and Taehyung's room . 

Opening the door , she gasp , seeing Taehyung on a ocean blue hair , and Hyun on a red-ish chicken hair , the boys stopped looking at their reflection on the mirror and turned their heads towards both girls . 

" Hi love " Taehyung grinned , sending his boxy smile towards his wife . Hyun who was currently 9 years old gave his mother a peace sign , and obviously he learned it from his father . Shang cannot help but to smile with her lips and send daggers by his eyes .

" I told you not to dye Hyun's or Taesha's hair! They're too young Taehyung! " She scolded , dropping her daughter carefully on the red carpet-ed floor . Taehyung raised his arms in defeat , hiding the due by his body . Shang sigh annoyingly and frustrated . Being a mother of two was no joke , well it wasn't supposed to be hard for her since Taehyung had a hole house with maids inside , but Shang kept insisting on doing the works since she's officially , a Kim and a mother of two , but it feels like she's a mother of three .

" But he looked cute! And besides I look hot " Taehyung swiped his blue locks sexily making shang to roll her eyes but she admit , she did look super delicious . Lol .

" B-but your not my daddy and Oppa anymore " Taesha pout , hiding herself on Shang's legs . Taehyung awwed and kneeled down, pulling Taesha carefully and hugged her .

" Changing hair color doesn't change the fact that I'm your daddy princess " He grinned caresing the back of her head , her arms slowly wrapped itself on Taehyung's nape .

She was now currently 4 years old , and has Taehyung's eye shape , Shang's smile and Taehyung's hyper behavior , lately she's been sick with a mild fever and that broken both parents heart since Taesha wasn't doing her clumsy doings , like breaking alot of vase , coloring the fancy walls , and sometimes interrupting the alone time of her parents . She was sensitive since the fever had started , she stars to become whiny and emotional , that's because of her tooth growing .

" Your daddy right? " She asked cutely looking at Taehyung's face . Taehyung nodded in agreement and signaled Hyun who was besides Shang on the bed , showing his mother how good he looked with the red hair .

To Hyun , he's growing handsome , more handsome than his father perhaps , the eyes are the interesting in all of he's features  he's growing tall . And has the personality of Yoongi , no one knows why but yeah , he has no interest in girls nor boys either , he's just not in the mood for any relationship , but Shang wasn't pressuring him but his dad was . 

" Aunty Hani will be coming over this evening " Shang announce earning the squeal of the kids , smiling towards them, they immediately run outside the room , getting ready .

The room went silent for a moment as they waited for the large door to shut close .

" I see we're alone now......" Taehyung smirked , walking towards Shang who only sigh in relaxation while laying on the bed. He hover above her , ready to smooch the shit out of her but they were interrupted .

" Mrs. Kim , miss May wants to see you " a Butler announced making them to scatter out of the bed and immediately walked out of the house , to see May the sister of Mia with a key and the car who Taehyung gave her in her birthday when he was still the stalker .

" Long time no see Shang unnie! " May smiled , hugging Shang's figure whilst Taehyung smiled .

" How come you visit? Is Mark doing shits again? " Shang asked worriedly , knowing Mark's behavior was fucking up this year , he was worst than a girl on a period , he wanted to have kids but May agreed on marrying first .

" No , I just want to bring back the car you gave to Mia when she was present , I no longer needed it since Mark is driving me to my job " may smiled , handing the keys to shang who was nodding and inviting May to come inside which she immediately shook her head saying she still had some errands to run to .

Some small pep talk , before May left having the assist of Taehyung's driver to the place she was going . Leaving Shang who swung the keys and to Taehyung who was looking at the car confused .

" You didn't told me you have a car...."  Shang stopped in her footsteps , slowly looking back at Taehyung confused also .

" But you gave this on my 21st birthday? " Shang was now panicking .

" No I didn't and I'm sure Jungkook didn't either......"

" Stop joking around Taehyung! " Shang laughed awkwardly , slapping Taehyung's shoulder . Taehyung wasn't moving , just looking at shang with his focused and serious eyes before saying .

" Pack your bags , tell the kids we are leaving Korea "


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