Chapter Five

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As if the world started to fall apart , Taehyung aggressively pulled Shang , snatching her hair like a fake wig and pulled her . Pushing the scared female on the glass table that has bottles of suju and whines . The glass table was hard enough to make Shang yell in pain making contact on the glass table's edge. The bottles came contact with the floor making all glass to shatter creating a loud Crystal sound. Taehyung look at her with darkness and lust right on her eyes. It feels like as if Taehyung was digging out her soul.

"T-taehyung...." Shang utter out forming herself in a circle while holding her side that came contact on the sharp edges of the table. Taehyung was seeing red. Roaring in anger and sadness. She was afraid that this Taehyung will come....the psycho guy....the empty part of Taehyung.

"You know how worried I am Bitch! I thought you left me! I thought you ran away!" He spat kicking the glass table making it scatter like the bottles. She screamed in fear crouching herself for her dear life. "Where have you been huh! Hoeing around with someone! Fucking with another man!?" Taehyung asked , slapping her cheeks hardly making her yelp. Her arms that was holding her side came to her stinging cheek. It hurt like hell. Soon tears started to make it's way on her eyes. Droplets of tears ran on her red cheek. Taehyung was about to punch her with all his grip , but his other arm made it's way on his raging arm. Shang protected her head waiting for the hard impact to her face. But she was surprised to only see Taehyung fighting his ranging clenched wrist. He just realized what he has done.

"G-go to you're room....NOW!" he screamed turning away from Shang that was about to aprouch him. But she realized that Taehyung's​ wrist were white wanting to punch someone. So she ran away , to her room. Throwing herself on the bed crying her eyes out. Screaming and sobbing her emotions.

Meanwhile when Taehyung heard her footsteps disappeared he strongly punch the wall with all his might. The wall has a handprint of his wrist . His arms was in great pain , but the most painful he still feels was in his heart. He was in pain of what he had done , what he had cause...what he made. The teary eyes of Shang played in is mind making him punch the wall again and again , wanting to replace the pain. His wrist maybe purple and drooling with blood but he keeps punching. He feel guilty again....he hated this feeling. Hated that he feel the same when the so called incident happened . What a great start of a night. He stopped doing his action. looking at the stairs where Shang just climbed on. Good thing the mansion was large enough and the living room was far away from Hyun's room. He knows that tomorrow was the best day of his life. But he messed up now....

"Fck it!" He screamed walking up the stairs​ to Shang's room. He was debating wether to knock the door or just leave. But his actions told him to knock. So he did. Knocking twice , he saw that the door wasn't locked so he opened it.

Studying the dark room , he saw her . Crying and sobbing while she was deep down on the blankets. Walking towards her with clear mind .

"I-im..... I'm​ really sorry Shang..." He said guilty , sadness every mixed emotions linger in his voice. Shang found it weird , how can he be so dark and forgiving in a breed moment? She found this moment familiar . The voice of a man that was full of sorrow. Her tears that she made , the same feeling she feels. All of this was so familiar . A nother pain found it's way on her head making her whimper even more. Taehyung noted and and huridly remove the blankets away from Shang that was forming in circle frowning her brows at the deep pain she felt. T

"Listen....I know I did wrong....but please , don't go out at night....don't leave me" Taehyung cried out laying beside Shang that didn't bothered to look back or even reply on his comments. Taehyung noticed her behavior and decided to hug her on th back. Shang found it warm and also cold. "It's make me crazy when you're with someone....someone that I despised the most , someone that I hated m" he whispered making Shang shiver in his hot breath on her glossy milky neck. She knows that Taehyung has eyes in every places. But the beach? How come he knows she met someone while walking . "Especially when you let yourself wear a swimsuit that was too revealing and showing you're let that man see it! You let that man had a glimpse on what's mine . " He again growled. No way in hell he even followed her on the shop. She started to tear up in fear of what's to come. Will Taehyung go on killing spree again? She wasn't going to have a deep cuts . Scars the will represent his torture.

"Go away" she manage to say while gripping the sheets tightly when Taehyung's fingers started to crawl it's away on her thigh . Taehyung looked at her sides trailing it on his finders. He bit his lips as Shang started to moan a shaky no . She wanted to punch him , to kick him out of the room , but a part of her wanted this to last long , to continue . But she for sure know this is wrong , even if she love him . She let out a shaky whimper when Taehyung fingers trailed up under her shirt. She lost it , she wanted it.....she wants more .

"Tell me to stop....." Taehyung said , he knows he can't stop if he's going to continue it . He won't control his next action. But a shaky reply from Shang made his world bright , made the beast inside him control

"Don't stop"


I don't do smut gyx I'm sorry..... I'm gonna leave the rest from you're imaginations . I'm​ now 14 but I don't do nasty thangs .
Thanks for reading again!

Lots of Love , HM🐺

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