Chapter Seven

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"Wait you remembered?" Hani asked in pure shock painted her face.  This wasn't suppose to happen. This isn't what they planned. But she's thankful enough.

"How can I not remember my sister that loves to say cheesey lines , lay in bed all day , and hates school? I'm really surprised you have a boutique and a family?...." Shang said grabbing  Hani's hands that were shaking in nervousness.

"I-im....sorry Sha...." Hani apologized , for telling Hani the truth by herself. Sisters means to tell everything . To tell the hole truth.

"What are you apologise for? I am supposed to apologise..... I'm sorry for not remembering you....for not being on your side....for-"

"Here a thought I was the good cheesey queen in my 23 years of living.... No I'm sorry , I'm sorry I wasn't at the day you needed me" Hani giggled . Shang continued looking intensely on Shang's orbs. Both doing the same , lost in both dazzling eyes. With a grin the both emmidietly hugged each other , so tightly like they have never seen each other for years which is true. With one last queeze Hani spoke.

"How did you remember? "

"A pain just walked in my head making me see you at the urge of crying . " Shang explained making Hani to nod and soon frown in fear. What will Taehyung react? What will Taehyung do if he knew Shang's memory came? As if Shang read her mind.

"Don't worry.....I can do something for Taehyung-"

"Ma'am we need you on the event now..." A worker said helping Shang to carry her heavy gown. Shang could see that Hani gaved the last a glare for ruining the sister's moment. But Shang' reassured her.

"You need to spill some tea later Han...tell me how you seed two demons" Shang winked making Hani to chuckle and collected her stuff. Shang waved a goodbye to Hani and followed the maid to a white fancy limo with Beautiful flowers attached to it. What do you expect? It's Taehyung .

Sitting herself on the limo fidgeting​ her fingers as she looked at Hani on the car walking out of the building and into a black car with flowers on it .

The driver drove with Hani following their trail to the church. Shang smiled in content and looked at her self. Gown . She was surprised as to why she remembered everything. Her family that she has no clue where , her brother that was supposed to be 19 years old , her past . Her son... No wonder she found Hyun so familiar. If she could remember this earlier she would have cuddled with Hyun all the time. And her thoughts flew on the day both men experimented her. The were machines and needles was her friend. Thinking about the experiment made her body cold. But she completely forgiven Taehyung that day . She understand that Taehyung wanted a son .

What will she tell Taehyung? If possible she would stop this wedding and continue it the other day , she wanted to assigned all things wanted to right them  . For both have a better life .  No problems and worries . Her thought flew to Jungkook . Jungkook the boy she met . The guy that was full of warmth and happiness when he was with her.

Shang wasn't aware at Jungkook and Taehyung's​ problems. She doesn't know that both guy were splitting away because of her. 

They arrived on the church . Grand entrance etc . Was present , it was a wedding everyone can dream of . The large chandelier , the blossoming flowers . Hani was her the bride's maid . A man that looked professional on this kind of events started to line them .

First there was Hyun , who was focusing looking at the rings on a red small expensive box that a red pillow was under it . He was the ring berrer , he was to focused on not making the rings fall that she didn't noticed Shang was looking proudly at him . She would ran their , and hug him . But the gaze of the serious professional told her not to . After Hyun , there were two kids that was fighting over the Bible . Two identical boys that made her doubt that their Hani's sons . There were cute little flower girls , and there was a woman who aprouched her .

"My daughter

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"My're here , you're really here...." the lady cried out , tears started to form in her eyes as she aprouched the at-the-pit-of-tears Shang .


A really short chapter guys , the exam is killing me.

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