Chapter Forty Two

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"He really is in big trouble" Hani laughed , laying on the bed with her blue silky PJ's , so was Shang wearing a baby blue silky PJ's  that matches to Hani . It was her design when Shang was missing , planning on making another BFF's outfits, she has millions of it in her gallery that they wanted to try .

"I mean, snooping on the female's bathroom just to stalk you was pretty damn hilarious!" Shang laughed , holding her stomach in pain from the laughers . They are talking about the good and bad times they had on their youth days , Hyun and the twins are currently sleeping the maid report earlier . The time was midnight , still they're awake while shoving millions of chocolates  , snacks and some hot chocolate . "If I hadn't saw him , your nudes would be all over the internet and Jimin wouldn't have married you!"

They began to laugh endlessly .

"Thank God you where there , I mean I was changing my pads that time! That would be pretty embarrassing if he saw me " talking while laughing sounds hard but to them it was funny . Their husbands send message to them saying they're spending their time at Namjoon's club , not a glimpse or clue about the Hoseok incident. "Let's not forget that time when my dad has a trip to U.S and he decided to bring your parents?"

"Yeah! That time when we kicked Mark out of the house just to do a home concert of Jimin's new album! We drank gallons of hot chocolate that time!" Shang's sneered , paddling her feet up and down remembering that time , Hani was I'm the ground laughing nonstop while Shang's kept holding her stomach for her dear laugh . If laughter can kill I'm pretty sure they are both death by now.

"And that time when we went on a double date with some random people on the internet and later we knew they were both gay!" Hani continue to point out memories . Their night was spend by chatting , laughing to death and screaming. Good thing Hani and Jimin's room where sound proof . It has another purpose also😏.


"Can't you see they're Gays?!" Namjoon screamed at Yoongi that doesn't seem to care . The room was all empty , only the workers are in here since Namjoon had closed the bar and has to push every people out . They are currently sitting on a red C curved chair . Jin , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi is the sitting arrangement from left to right. There's alot of empty bottles on the dark oak wooden table , some are bottles of a expensive wine some are just a regular beer.

"Nah , who cares?" Yoongi shrugged continue to eye the small figure .

"Why would you hire gays in here anyway?" Jin rolled his eyes to Namjoon that emmidietly slapped his forehead . The man Yoongi was eyeing doesn't seem to look like one , it has a petite figure and curvy waist.

" You ain't getting laid to a man this time Yoongi! That's disgusting" Jimin laughed , sipping his wine .

"Same goes to you Shorty , you are the one who suggested Namjoon's club yet you can't even give that hungry blonde a look" Yoongi growled making the rest to laugh , there was Jungkook and Taehyung just continue drinking the wine.

" I have a wife Hyung and so has Taehyung , I'm here to drink and have time with all of you" Jimin explain , signaling the bartender to send more drinks . It's free because it's Namjoon.

"How? I mean, Hoseok isn't here and this two dudes aren't even talking!" Yoongi pointed to Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Nah I'm good , I have paper works tomorrow " Taehyung smiled drinking on the cup once more.

" They're right Hyung , we need to let out some stress and get hook up!" Jungkook stated raising his hands to find someone .

"No Jungkook , it isn't needed . I'm fine just drinking with you guys" Taehyung stoped , but it was late as a red haired female came towards them ,  wearing a red , see through tight dress . We could totally see her white undergarments. She was perhaps a slut .

" Yes sir.... " The female purred seductively . Earning a sneered from the boys , Namjoon was somehow proud knowing his workers are doing great pleasing their costumers .

"Can you remove Taehyung hyung's stress tonight?" Jungkook smirked , pointing to the mad Taehyung . The female run her fingers at her red body , twisting her bulky ass and walked at Taehyung direction . The man doesn't seem to budge as he just looked straight into the female's eyes , somehow making her tempt.

"If it's okay for him then sure...." The female bit her lips sexily then winking towards Taehyung.

"And now for Jimin Hyung" Jungkook emphasize looking at the widen eyes of Jimin's crescent one . 

"No way in hell I'll sleep with someone" Jimin crossed his arms looking away at Jungkook .

"Stop it Jungkook . They are married man!" Jin screamed slamming the glass in the table . Earning all the attention of the people .

"I'm sorry!  But I think Taehyung Hyung wants to release all the stress....." Jungkook whispered looking at Taehyung who was now standing up while walking towards the female .

"Tae don't!" Namjoon spoke standing up , walking towards them and was about to thug Taehyung suit .

His eyes were flaming , with lust? anger? Hesitation? No one know , all he did was just stare at the female's shinning blue orbs , running his eyes on her body . He couldn't deny , the female has curved , fats in the right places . Her skin was normal and as every step he takes makes him feel hot in need . (Oh no)

Jungkook could only look at the scene , smirking as Taehyung halted his footsteps infront of Her.

"It's the wine Taehyung , Shang is waiting!" Jimin followed Namjoon , trying to stop the younger.

"Angel leave!" Namjoon screamed , bit Taehyung raised his hands in a stop motion .

"I think Jungkook is right Hyung...." Taehyung spoke, not leaving his  eyes from the female's lustful ones .

" I do need to release my stress "


I'm cringing my ass out writing this part😂

Anyways , how can he release his stress?

Don't hate me y'all 😂😂

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