Chapter Eleven

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Shang chuckled. Just chuckled. Ignoring and continuing to clean Hyun up making Taehyung to frown.

"Daddy can take a bath on his own, he's a grown man " she noticably replied making Taehyung to scoff playfully and started cleaning himself. Understand that it would be too sensual, since Hyun is with them.

The two boys bath time ended, Helping Hyun to wear his clothes. Taehyung decided to tag along on Shang's journey making Hyun to also joined since their heading to Hani's place, knowing the twins are there.

They are currently on the car driving on the Park's place. The ride was fun, Hyun and Taehyung sing during a song would come out, Shang would rap making both boys laugh when she would eat the words rather then spat them. Taehyung parked his car on the parking lot of Hani's place with a guard opening the doors and some workers greeting them.

A man who had open the front door greeted them formally with respect, and bowing 90°. The place was fashion-ally designed. Black and brown colors, flowers all over like the boutique Hani own.

"Where's Hani?" Ask Shang while looking at the maid who currently entered the living room with two excited twins trailing over her. This made Hyun to scream in excitement letting go of his parents hands and ran to the twins that was doing the same and reaching Hyun for a hug.

"T-there in Mrs. Hani's office Madam Shang.... I recommend not to go there..." The maid stutter while her eyes widen as a memory passed her mind. She seem embarrass. Shang just send Taehyung a weird look making him shrug.

"Pease take care of Hyun for a bit, we just need to talk to Hani" Shang spoke making the man earlier to reach his hands in the stairways indicating to follow him. So they both did leaving the boys that was too engrossed on the T.V.

On the way on Hani's office the butler stop in his tracks leaving both couple to stop, Taehyung found his arms run in Shang's waist while looking at the butler, somehow Shang doesn't mind, when the electricity feeling started to crawl on her hips.

"This is far as I can lead you Mr. And Mrs. Kim, the blue metal doors at the end of the hall is Mrs. Park's office. " The butler instructed pointing the door on the hall, that was 23 steps to walk and left.

"What was that?" Shang chuckled looking at the butler weirdly.

"Maybe They band workers to walk on this hall" Taehyung shrugged pulling Shang closer to his body and started to walk. However each time they walk closer to the door, they started to hear moans and slapping. Which made them weird out.

"What the hell are they doing?!" Shang whispered scream looking at Taehyung that has an evil smirk on his face looking at Shang as if he's telling her to eavesdrop. Shang gasp lowly and immediately shook her head. " That's their privacy Taehyung!" They hear another slap.

"It's good to teas both of them sometimes...." They then reach the door. The place looks expensive and all with the red carpet and caramel walls, but the walls form her office seems so thin. They could hear all the conversation. It feels weird for Shang at first knowing​ their invading someone's privacy, but it's her best friend so why not make fun of it? They listen to the voices, and they are right, Jimin and Hani was doing something.

"D-dont! T-Taehyung and H-hani are here~" that moan was high, but it was clear that it was Jimin because he groan at the end of the sentence.

"Let them know who you belong to baby.....scream my name so everyone can know who you belong...." That dominant voice belongs to Hani. Shang was at the pit of walking in embarrassment, while Taehyung was about to burst in laughters. Soon a loud slap heard and a moan from Jimin.


Taehyung then eat his laugh earning a pinch from Shang, who was burning in embarrassment that she had heard someone else's moans. It's not like she didn't hear Taehyung .

"NICE MOMMY KINK HANI!!!" Taehyung laughed making Jimin to stop moaning in full blist . Somehow they hear laughing on the other wall and it was pretty much Hani.

"ITS NOT LIKE YOU DON'T HAVE A DADDY KINK YOURSELF TAE!!" she screamed and they soon started to laugh making Shang to join them . The metallic blue walls opened slightly revealing Hani that was wearing a robe with a messy bun, yep fresh form s**.

"So Shang, let's go, we have a lot of catching up to do" she winked like nothing had happened earlier which made Shang to giggle.

"Don't tease Jimin too much Tae, he would go rough on me tonight for embarrassing him" Hani winked leaving Taehyung that was laughing nonstop and entered the room, greeting a tomato Jimin that was wearing a robe.

Hani and Shang arrived on Hani's room which was simple yet well designed like Hani. But their room was way more beautiful. 

"So....what had happened to you during you're on your unforgettable break?" Hani said playfully making Shang to plop herself comfortably on Hani's bed.

"You acted as if you didn't had s** earlier"  Shang rolled her eyes.

"It's not like you don't do that with Taehyung" now it was Hani's turn to rolled her eyes. Making both of them to laugh.

"Damn I miss the old times..." Shang comments and started to tell her the story how she met Mia on the road. Telling that story made Shang to miss Mia, even if she poison her to become thin and all. Hani could see the yearn for Mia's company on Shang's eyes which made her to worry. She don't wanted to be the third best friend. But the thought of someone poisoning Shang to the point just for attention, made Hani to plant hatred toward this female. All in all Shang would laugh each time Hani would crack a joke about her past when she lost her memories which made Shang to join joking around but continuing her story.

She needs to smile more often, Hani hated herself for hidding something to her. All of them are hidding something to her that she would know later.  She needs to discover the truth herself even tho Shang would hate them. She would go back on crying if she knew the truth.

The truth about her father


If you're confused at the hole Mia things, then let me explain.

Apparently​, When Mia found Shang on the streets so lost, she has regretted her decision in bringing Shang on her home. The day when she and Shang went to the mall, she noticed that every person was looking at Shang's Beauty. Being an attention seeker she was, she started to poison Shang each time she would prepare food or drink just to make Shang's perfect figure to thin out.
So if Mia didn't poisoned Shang, then she was the shadow not Shang .

If you're even more confused like ( wth is this author talking about?! ) I recommend you to read the book one , called " my possessive co-worker " so you'll know the whole story.

Yeah,this book is book two.

Anywho, thanks for reaching 200+ reads HANsss!! Thanks for supporting this book too !!!!

I would tag the people who followed me to thank them for reading this book, and the book one. Some of my followers doesn't read my book somehow, but I don't care I would tag them to thank them for following me.

So if you're reading this book, and wasn't in the tag list, then comment or follow me to get tag on the next chapter!!!

I love y'all HANsssss💞💞


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