Chapter Twelve

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" How about you! How did you met Jimin? I'm still surprised that you really kept you're promise that day. You're like, really obsess about him. Like ' I promised I would marry Park Jimin the man having the alluring High notes, I would kill every woman who approach him, even if it's his fans"  Shang tired to mimic Hani's teenage voice but failed when they exploded into laughters.

" I was really surprised that I had marry Park Jimin too, I was about to marry someone that my parents choose since I still fail finding a man to marry with, I was really depressed when I knew I'm marrying some unknown guy that lives in Tokyo and the fact the you went missing. I was about to commit things I don't wanted to do, I thought you were gone" Hani's tone became low remembering​ Shang's​ absence.

" That day Jimin went to my boutique to finalize his clothes, I did not know him at first because he was wearing tons of cover in his face scarf glasses, hat, mask and hoodie. He almost looked like a kidnapper! And it wasn't even winter that day. I don't have any workers that day because my boutique is new and small. So I measured his body, those thick arms and all made me remembered Jimin, I wasn't aware that it was Jimin. I accidentally touch some parts, that is a part from the measurements but too uncomfortable for me. One thing led to another we fuck, he asked me for my number and all. We got close and date for a year and married a year after, gaining two kids. " Hani explained made Shang to nod and laugh.

" And now he's begging for you're touch girl!" Shang screamed making Hani to hum and started to laugh. The room was filled with it and they couldn't seem to stop.

Lots of topics went to there mouth, time had passed when Shang decided to leave, for her time to catch up on her family which made Hani to hesitate at first but decided to let her.

Both family are on the living room saying their goodbyes and all.

" I won't forget you're face Jimin" Taehyung chuckled looking at the not red Jimin that couldn't stop glaring at Hani or either Taehyung. Shang let out a laugh as their  kids were busy debating about Patrick and Sponge Bob.

" See you soon Shang, I'm waiting for the baby you know " Hani winked playfully earning a slap on the head by Shang.

The Kim family left, leaving the twins crying about wanting Hyun back, where Hani to make an excuse not to be captured by her husband, Jimin that couldn't​ seem to stop looking mad at Hani. She sure was dead meat tonight.

The Kim family once again safetly arrived on Shang's childhood place, all and all the place is still the same but with a sad aura Shang couldn't quite find why. Hyun was slowly falling asleep on Taehyung's arms, She was supposed to carrying him but then regret it realizing he's heavy like Taehyung. 

They've been greeted by Shang's mother that nearly burst in happiness. Letting them in the Lee's humble home with a tight hug and kisses.

" The house is still the same " Shang commented sitting on the sofa while Taehyung did the same but laying Hyun carefully to make him comfortable in his sleep.

" It sure is sweetie....yah mark where's the tea I said?!!!" Shang's mother scolded hearing shuffles and banging sound on the kitchen's direction and soon a well prepared Mark came in, holding a trey with 3 teas on it. Shang's mother gathered each tea giving it to Taehyung and Shang. Making them to excitedly sip since it's the best tea in town. Mark hugged his sister of course, earning a compliment of how well grow his brother was.

"Ya Lee Mark, is growing so well.... How many girls have you swon?" Shang wiggled his brows at Mark that was laughing. They miss it.

"Noona! I don't know, but I'm auditioning on an entertainment, wanting to become an idol" Mark said proudly making her to smile and hug him one more time.

"Aish! I missed alot, since when did you sing? Or dance? You need to show me your moves...."  Shang smiled looking at the flattered Mark that was nodding, and smiling. Her eyes walked towards Taehyung that was struggling to be awake. Giving him a insisting eyes.

"Tae-ah , you come sleep on Shang's room, bring Hyun also. Me and my daughter has to discuss something...." Shang's mother insisted . Making Taehyung​ to look worried about Shang. He knew she couldn't take the news. But Shang's eyes were telling him to go and rest, it's a long drive to her hometown anyways.  With one last worried look at Shang he left and carried Taehyung. He was familiar in this house, she and him dated years ago.

"Mom....where's Dad?" Shang asked noticing the absent of her father, Mark and her mother looked at each other, debating who would tell her.

" need to know something first...." Shang's mother said, running her fingers on Shang's hair who caresing the back of her palms. Shang was confused, but deep down she knew her mother's next words wold break her.

"Appa is dead" Mark said, helping her mother to form the words since she started to tear up. Shang's world froze. Her mother was smiling, yet tearing at the same time wanting to be strong infront of her children, not wanting to see their mother broke down. Shang's​ eyes were forming with tears.

But she knew her dad don't want this. Her dad wanted to see her smile. Besides, Markson her father is on the safe place now, peaceful and happy place.

"I....I know"


Triple update because I love ya!!

These parts are boring I know....I'm just explaining things Shang was missing out from years of not being their.

Don't worry, drama will come. Jungkook is in track 😉

Love HM🐺

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