Chapter Seventeen

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With a wide eyes , hanging mouth . Shang couldn't move , she just stared at the troubled Taehyung looking at his feet. She was surprised . The loving atmosphere turned into quiet and empty one.

"He was in love with I do . Please don't leave me shang...." He begged aggressively pulling Shang's body to a bone crashing hug. Shang's arms move to Taehyung bag patting it in a proud-ful pat . She was proud that Taehyung had kept his promise. Promise , not to be the Taehyung she hated.

 Promise , not to be the Taehyung she hated

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"I won't Taehyung..... I love you even if someone had love me " she spoke oh so lovingly while playing with his hair earning a little moan of ease from Taehyung.

"That's not all....." He spoke broking the hug and leaving his arms on Shang's hips . Shang frown but waited for his words. His brown orbs found its way on Shang's . Fear , thankful and content was screaming in his orbs. Fear of her leaving them once again , thankful that he had a wife that is so understanding and content that she had still decided to be with him .

" The day when we experimented you..... Jungkook had plan something , he wanted to get you pregnant first so when the time we are on the processing point he injected one of his to you're body . ( Send his sperm in you're body ) But good thing his was weak , so when you had bare our son he was happy , but then he sent a DNA test , feeling disappointed that the boy was mine , not his . So please Shang.... I won't let him steal you. " Her hear went warm at her husband's words. Smiling sweetly she kissed his lips indicating that it was all right.

"I don't care of those experiment and all , all I know is I'm happy knowing I'm with the man I love and my son . That's all I need in this world" she vowed making Taehyung to kiss her again , but more passionate .

"I have something to say Taehyung....." She then looked guilty , she's been holding this for days . All those Jungkook things made her remember the mysterious man she met on Korea , and Hani's bouquet . Now is the time she would spill it out right?

"If it's about the guy who always meet you secretly out of my watch . Then it's okay , I know all of it and I know it was Jungkook . " That made her widen her eyes and slapped his shoulders . He just laughed while she was busy corrupting like a volcano .

"Then why didn't you shoo him away huh?! You could have scolded him . His touch was so damn uncomfortable you know!-" but then again , the atmosphere she felt on the mysterious man was different from Jungkook . Is Jungkook really the man? Is her really the guy who was following her? (Oh please don't! That would be difficult to add )

That would still remains a mystery .

But what about the part that Taehyung send Namjoon to kill Mia.... He knows that Mia had poisoned her and to talk behind her back . He knows that Shang know all of that since her memories came back . And he Know that if Shang knew it , she would be mad . Shang has a kind heart a soft one . Yeah she can easily forgive someone .

But Taehyung has fear. He was afraid if Jungkook would use the excuse of Taehyung his killing behind her back . He was . He killed the people in Korea that had hurt shang s little bit . Her killed the people that touched her. Shang never knew at this kind of Taehyung.

He can never find the right time to tell everything to her . Not in the gone that they're happy now.

He was happy that Shang that had told him that Jungkook is secretly showing himself in a crazy way. Believe me , he wanted to save you st that moments.....but he's afraid . Afraid of only one thing.

Loosing the love of his life

He wanted to kill that guy , wanted to torture him. But Jungkook has connections . Jungkook has the brains . Then again , that would be the best reasons for shang to leave him. So for now on , he needs to be in guard. Jungkook's dirty game had begone and he knew he needs to be alert.

" To test if you would ran away with him....." He simply said running his boxy lips on Shang's neck making her to shiver .

"How many times I would say that I won't ran away?" He knew she would in the past.

"just mak-"

They soon heard the door open revealing a terrified Hyun that was covering his small figure it his blue blanket.

"Mommy!!! I thought you left!!!" He screened running towards to shang and hugging her knees protectively . Taehyung smiled whole shang kneeled down an wrap hyun's figure soothingly.

"Shh.... Mommy and Daddy just took quick talk " she said carrying Hyun while rubbing his back to calm down.

"I-is Daddy man about me ?" He asked her mother in a whisper but Taehyung could hear it. Before shang could protest at her son's words Taehyung spoke.

" Daddy is mad!" He said in a angry voice making Hyun to dug his face in her mother's neck making shang to look at Taehyung frowning. " Daddy is mad that Hyunnie didn't invite me in his sleep over!" Taehyung whined crossing his arms like a kid and pouting cutely. Shang awed but emmidietly turned disgust not wanting to make Taehyung's​ ego large.

"No Daddy! Don't be mad! You can sleep over with me and mommy!"

So there they are ,.sleeping on hyun's bed . Centering Hyun from their body . Their son was fast asleep , shang was about to sleep but there's this annoying hand that couldn't stop caresing her thighs . Taehyung was damn touching her on the thighs unknowingly. He could chuckle each time Shang remove his hands and groan in annoyance .

He know this won't last , tommorow would be a day . He had guts that was telling him . How can he have the most amazing humans in the world so easily? He knew there would be obstacles. Hard once that he knew would come. But for now , he needs to enjoy before he can fight .


Hai Hannss!!!
How's you're day?

Mine is amazing​ because I had met DagiBTS and she's really a supportive reader! She's the best and awesome sister! She needs to be cheered in her audition. So s little pray would do!!!
Dawi!!! Fighting!!!!!!!!

Thanks for 800+ reads readers!!! I really appreciate it!

Thanks for 800+ reads readers!!! I really appreciate it!

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