Chapter Forty Four

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"they'll be arriving soon Hyung...." Jimin whispered to Namjoon's ear , looking worriedly at the panic Taehyung . When they woke earlier they found Taehyung on the living room walking in circles why chanting a ' I fucked up ' a million of times while bitting his lips . He really did fucked up .

Remembering what he had done earlier made him feel so sinful? He regret what he have done that night . He wished he hasn't accepted that woman's proposal. He tighten his grip , wanting to punch that rabbit-toothed-golden-boy. When they woke up Jungkook just vanish lol thin air , no sign or clue from him , even Jin doesn't know where he was.

"This wouldn't happened if that son of a bitch decided to beg for forgiveness " Yoongi gritted his teeth , crossing his leg while sitting on the sofa , with his hands on his knees.

" Apart of it ..... It's also my fault , I let myself drown in lust." Taehyung mumbled , sighing while taking the seat beside Yoongi .

"Your family will be arriving in  a couple of minutes so I hope you straighten yourself and confess to her " Namjoon spoke , looking at his watched and looked to Taehyung so serious (Taehyung's voice : why so serious )

" Namjoon Hyung isn't even worried about his worker." Jimin pointed out , laughing . Trying to lighten the mood like his wife advised . Which really did work hearing Yoongi's snort .

"Namjoon really doesn't give a fuck about women , and I'm starting to doubt he likes men" Yoongi pointed out , looking Namjoon who averted his eyes in Jin . (NAMJIN)

"Well about that.....I need to confess some-"

Namjoon's doorbell rang , preventing him to continue his words. Jimin signaled Jin to open the door , but emmidietly regretted it remembering the memory of his first encounter to Jin with Hani . Taehyung widen his eyes , bugging Yoongi to help him out , Yoongi could only shrug while patting Taehyung's back , whispering a simple ' just go with the flow ' s . 

Meanwhile the female was just standing their , waiting for the door to open , Shang wasn't surprised at Namjoon's mansion and the workers couldn't keep their eyes on themselves . The kids were running back and forth on Namjoon's  large open patio , making those cute car sounds as they raised the you cars in the sign , imagining it was flying .

The door creak open , and Shang couldn't help herself from breaking a long sigh out . Eyeing the taller man in front of him , those wide shoulders was a good choice of comfort , that blonde hair , and those brats-like-lips . The man was breathtaking , she couldn't help it to think twice at this relationship with Taehyung. (No kidding doe , Seokjin is a damn meal)

" Your Shang right? Taehyung's wife? It's lovely to meet you" Jin spoke , and the female could sworn there was a twitting of bird and a dramatical music when the man spoke.

"He's Kim Seokjin , he could make you question your marriage , trust me I even filed a divorce to Jimin when he held me hand  " Hani chuckled , remembering the vivid memory .  Jin only smiled , and chuckled awkwardly .

" I'm not even complaining" Shang a mumbled , with wide mouth she mentally slapped her head, shooing the thought away before she could file a divorce to Taehyung soon .

" Snap out of it , he haven't fucked ladies since ages , I doubt he like men " Hani slapped the back of Shang's head slowly . " Me and Yoongi had a bet to Jimin and Hoseok , wanna join? The cash would be double" Hani whispered to Shang's ear  secretly .

"Come in , the boy's will be in the living room " Jin said , opening the door wider for them to enter. The first people who entered was their kinds who was smiling and screaming their dad's name .

" Watch your steps" Shang  warned looking at Hyun and the twins that looked like they memorize the house of Namjoon.

" No wonder Taehyung can't control his self over you...... he's quite possessive to you" Jin smiled , guiding the woman to the living room where the boys are setting comfortable except for Taehyung . 

" Thinking of divorce papers right? " Hani asked , looking at the doze off Shang making her laugh . She was , but she was wiser than that .

Hani walked over to Jimin , greeting the boys and sat beside his husband while their twins was on Jimin's lap , laying comfortably on their father's chest. Hyun was talking to his dad while smiling , although Taehyung was a bit troubled looking at Shang .

" You look trouble.....who am I kidding you always look trouble " Shang rolled her eyes , sitting beside Taehyung and Namjoon .

"Shang...." Tawhyu whispering , she could totally see the slight dark circles on Taehyung's eyes .

" Since everyone is here I have something to confess " Namjoon raised his arms standing up whole walking on the middle of the room gaining all the attention except for the kids . " Me and Jin have something to confess...."

"Hijin! Can you play on the playground with Hyun and Mijin?" Jin asked looking at the kids so Innocently earning their gasp of excitement and emmidietly they vanished on the room , while their laughters was still heard.

"They will  admit they're gay" Yoongi whispered on Hani's ear , making her smirk while looking at her husband.

" Now the question is ..... Who's gay? " Yoongi and Hani looked at Jimin with the derpy face . They are still whispering .

"You see..... Me and Jin , are I loved with each other...." Namjoon trailed , hearing the silence of the room .

" YOU FINALLY HAD THE GUTS NAMJOON!!!!! " Yoongi and Hani clapped .

"Who fell in love first?" Shang asked , smiling at the new couple.

"Me...." Jin Shyly said , hearing Yoongi and Hani's scream of victory.


"3 MILLION BUCKS FOR ME AND 3 TO YOU!" Yoongi spoke , swinging Hani on the air like they won the grand prize . Jimin sigh in defeat dialing Hoseok's number , texting him they had been defeated on the bet.

" NO DADDY FOR A WEEK! HELLO BABY BOY! " Hani screamed her lungs out celebrating their victory while congratulating the new couple . They didn't even notice that Shang was been dragged by the dense Taehyung .

Speaking of confessing now it's Taehyung's time to confess.


How many days was I dead? Lol sorry to keep y'all guys waiting! Double update for being quiet for a week .

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