Cas p.o.v
I've been awake since about 2 am. Reading, re-reading, proofing and redoing all of the calculations. This report has to be perfect otherwise Crowley is going to make my life a living hell...
Wind chimes
I switch off my 6 am alarm. I save the report on my laptop and upload it onto my cloud. I should go take a shower to wake myself up more before waking Gabriel up. I think I heard laughter from his room at about 3 this morning. That is peculiar, Gabriel is normally asleep by then.
Grabbing a towel I walk to my bathroom. I am glad Gabriel made me choose the luxury package for the bathrooms, I think to myself as I turn the shower settings to massage mode. Relishing in the hot water which attempts to beat the tension out of my muscles.
Memories from last night clouds my mind. I kissed Dean Winchester. And he kissed me back. God that was amazing. It felt so right, so otherworldly. I cannot believe he pulled me closer, so that our bodies were flush. He deepened the kiss! I even moaned, I cannot recall ever moaning from a simple kiss before... As my head swims with these thoughts, my manhood stirs, becoming erect.Oops, I should probably take care of this litttle problem. Taking hold of my member, I emerge myself in the physical emotions as images of Dean fills my mind.
(Fast forward)
"Gabriel" I say tentatively, opening his bedroom door. Once again, his room is a disaster area with clothing scattered on the floor and his desk chair. Paintings and sketches are leaning against the walls, some hung up or taped up depending. Gabriel is laying with his head face down in the pillows. Soft snoring shakes the blankets. "Gabriel, you have to get up please". He moves away from my voice, turning.
Walking around his bed to the window, I open the curtains and the blinds. Gabriel groans and covers his head with his pillows. "G'briel sleeping" he muffles, words barely formed.
"I cannot afford to be late today Gabriel. So please get up." I say, exiting his room, leaving the door wide open.
In the kitchen I connect my phone to the speakers, playing September 16 by Russ on repeat to calm my nerves as I make a pot of tea and French toast. By 7:25 Gabriel still hasn't emerged from his room.
Grabbing my bag, keys and trusty trench coat I shout up to Gabriel, "I am leaving! You can either walk or ask Dean and Sam for a lift! BYE!"
There's a faint response: "Kay, catching a lift with Samquash!"
I hope Gabriel actually makes it in time for school. Climbing in my car, I play a compilation of Russ and punk accoustics. Paramore's Misguided ghosts plays as I drive the few blocks to my office. I park in my allocated spot, thankfully it is near a park which gives me great pleasure. Stalling, I grab my phone from the dashboard. I quickly pull up my conversation with Dean.
Me: Good morning Dean :) I hope that you slept well?
(I should really give Dean his space. I told him that we could take things slow...)
Me: Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you and Samual could give Gabriel a lift to school today? He refused to get up this morning and I really cannot afford to be late today.
Me: If not, then it is also okay, I'll call Gabriel and tell him he needs to walk.
(Why am I speaking so much. He has not even reposnded to my first message yet!)

Our Little Condition
Fanfiction"Damnit" growled Dean as he wiped sweat from his brow. He never thought having to restrain himself from Cas would be this hard...