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Jungkook felt a throbbing pain in his head, like someone just grabbed his head and crushed it like a watermelon.

"What the fuck..." Jungkook managed to say..

He looked around as much as he could...his clothes were still on which was good...


He was in someone's basement...it was dark and quiet...all you could hear was Jungkook's heavy breathing and little weeps.

Jungkook was tied up to a chair, couldn't move his head much due to the throbbing pain.

"H-hello?!" Jungkook managed to say...


Jungkook weeped a little, he thought his breakup was the worst thing ever...but he was wrong, being tied up in a chair in a strangers goddamn basement is so much worse...

"Someone help me please..." Jungkook cried quietly.

That's until he heard someone coming down the stairs.

Holy shit

All he heard was whispering coming from the stairway...Jungkook was so lost...

The whispering stopped...

"Are you scared baby?" The voice said, deep and raspy.

Whoever said it made Jungkook feel a strange tingling sensation down his spine.

Jungkook didn't say anything, he just closed his eyes and prayed he wasn't going to die.

"I asked something..." The voice said...it was coming from behind him.

Jungkook was starting to shake out of complete fear.

"Answer me baby..." The voice said again...

"N-no..." Jungkook weeped, he wanted to go home.

"You don't sound calm...you sound scared" The voice said, moving closer to Jungkook.

"I-I want to go h-home" Jungkook said embarrassed and scared.

"Why? You don't like it here?" The voice said, Jungkook shook his head but he still couldn't see who was talking to him.

"N-no" Jungkook cried.

The man finally approached Jungkook and wiped his tears, the action made Jungkook flinch.

"Don't be scared..." He said continuing to stroke his cheek.

Jungkook took a deep breath and stared at the man in front of him, his hair was a greyish blond and it was curly, it was adorable...

He was wearing a red shirt and jeans, he was handsome indeed...


I'm straight...I'm straight...I'm straight...

"What's your name, baby?" The man asked.

"J-Jeon Jungkook..." He said shyly.

"Ah...I'm Kim Taehyung" Taehyung said happily.

All Jungkook could do is smile. He didn't even know the guy, for all he knows is that this guy is the same exact guy in the alleyway...

"Wait you're going to kill me!" Jungkook said freaking out.

Taehyung tried to hold Jungkook to prevent him from moving but the Kookie was too tough.

He kept squirming eventually toppling over, he tried to escape from the chair.

"Calm down baby" Taehyung said holding Jungkook's jaw.

"LET ME GO YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!" Jungkook yelled trying to get away from Taehyung.

"You aren't going anywhere" Taehyung smirked.

"What the fuck! I-I want to go home! To see my girlfriend again let go of me you fucking asshole-" before Jungkook could finish, Taehyung kicked him in the stomach.

"Ow! Fuck!" Jungkook said as Taehyung kicked him again.

Blood started coming out of Jungkooks mouth as he winced in pain.

"Behave yourself baby" Taehyung smirked.

"Or you will get punished" Taehyung said evilly.

When Jungkook first got captured he thought Taehyung was going to set him free, turns out Taehyung is a psychopath trying to kill Jungkook.

"Y-you're fucking crazy..." Jungkook felt instant regret as he noticed Taehyung brought out his signature bat.

"I told you to behave...you don't listen do you?" Were the last things Jungkook heard before Taehyung knocked him out.


"Yoongi, you're crazy! You can't eat twelve doughnuts all by yourself...this is why you're fat..." Taehyung said to his friend Yoongi.

"I don't even care anymore, it's a free world, we can do whatever we want" Yoongi said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Taehyung smiled at the older and turned on the TV for some background noise.

"Hey, have you found a lucky lady yet? You know...a girlfriend?" Yoongi said with his eyes shut.

"Hah...no not yet Hyung...plus, I think I'm more interested in guys" He said scratching his chin.

"Ooh! Someone is gayyyy!" Yoongi mocked.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay Hyung, if you think so you're just being a hypocrite" Taehyung smiled proudly, like as if he just said the most savage thing on earth.

"What do you mean Taehyung? Are you talking about Jimin?" Yoongi said confused.

"Yeah...Jimin...that short guy with the pink hair..." Taehyung said trying his best to remember what the kid looked like.

"Ok Taehyung that's fucking...disgusting...I don't like pinky, he's too cute or whatever...I'm more into guys like Hoseok...but Hoseok is also a bitch" Yoongi sighed.

"Why don't you just date both of them, make things easier for all of you..." Taehyung shrugged.

"Are you fucking disgusting what's your problem?! You can't date three people, love is only with two people, not three you asshole" Yoongi snapped, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it up.

"You haven't watched those movies where three people go out, Yoongi? Aww Yoongi Hyung is a baby!" Taehyung laughed sticking his tongue out.

Yoongi had a point though, loving three people is...strange...maybe because the two weren't used to it that's all.

Taehyung alerted his attention to the TV..

"One boy gone missing, Jeon Jungkook aged twenty one was last seen at a bar in Seoul, if anyone has seen him please contact this number"

"Another person gone missing...heh...that's what young assholes get for partying out too late" Yoongi said huffing out some smoke.

"Don't call him that! He didn't know any better! He was just out having fun..." Taehyung exclaimed nervously.

"Do you know this guy by any chance?" Yoongi smirked "Because your face seems awfully red"

"Pfft! Of course I don't know him! He was just trying to have fun that's all.." Taehyung thought this was funny and ironic at the same time.

"Okkk..." Yoongi shrugged "Whatever you say..."

Taehyung just smiled

Short chapter...

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