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"Jungkook-ah?" He heard someone say from the distance.

"Jungkook-ah!" The voice grew louder.

"Jungkook are you ok? You fainted on me..." Taehyung gave a small smirk.

"Oh...my stomach felt weird that's all..." Jungkook said scratching the back of his head.

"Well at least you're ok...it's still early...wanna go downstairs?" Taehyung smiled holding out his hand.

Jungkook nodded and held Taehyung's hand, ignoring his jealousy and feelings for the older.

"Jungkook-ah...why were you so mad? Why did you talk back to me?" Taehyung frowned.

"U-uh...b-because..." Jungkook thought about his feelings. He was mad that Ji-eun replaced him for someone else.

"J-Ji-eun...she...I'm still upset that she left me..." Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung frowned.

What was so good about that Ji-eun anyways?

"What's so good about her?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook shook his head "Never mind that...tell me about yourself...you're so secretive...who was that pink haired boy? Where's your family? I need answers! You know so many things about me and I don't know anything about you..." Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung smiled and patted the younger on the head "There's nothing you need to know".

"B-but I want to know! Please, I won't tell anyone I'll keep it a secret I promise!" Taehyung whined.

"No baby...some things I can't tell you" Taehyung frowned.

"But I tell you everything!" Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Stop whining baby...are you hungry?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not a baby..." Jungkook huffed plopping himself of the couch.

"Sure you aren't" Taehyung said sarcastically, flicking Jungkook's head.

"You don't have any siblings? Any parents? Anyone? Come on tell me Taehyung!" Jungkook whined.

Taehyung stood still for a minute staring at the younger. He felt mad, sad, and just plain annoyed. He never liked his family being brought up.

"Jungkook stop asking I already told you there's nothing to know" Taehyung said sternly.

"But Taehyung! There has to be something! Maybe that's why you're so crazy! Because you're sad!" Jungkook said. When he thinks back to what he said though, it sounds more like an insult than anything.

"JUNGKOOK-AH?! Why do you keep talking back to me? That's it-" Taehyung said annoyed grabbing Jungkook by the arm and dragging him downstairs into the basement.

"That's what?! What are you going to do to me this time?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

Taehyung opened the door to a cold room.

"You are getting the punishment you deserve" Taehyung growled.

"W-wait! No let me go you freak!" Jungkook cried hitting Taehyung on the arm to loosen his grip. Jungkook was still a bit sick and fighting back just wasn't helping anything.

"Taehyung no!" Jungkook yelled but it was already too late. He was put in a fucking freezer! It was freezing cold!

"Taehyung! Let me out of here! It's freezing cold!" Jungkook yelled banging on the door.

Taehyung stood outside the cold room smiling to himself. He knew exactly what he was doing to Jungkook. Hearing his screams for freedom and little whines gave Taehyung a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, as if he accomplished something great. He enjoyed torturing the younger.

"Taehyung! I-I-I kn-know you're t-t-there!! Let me out I-It's freezing!" Jungkook stuttered knocking very hard on the door to make it open.

Unfortunately it was too cold and he was too weak.

"T-Taehyung..." Jungkook whispered. The poor boy was freezing in there and trying to fight the door. That wasn't going to help him in any way.

Jungkook felt like crying, he didn't want to freeze in here. Taehyung was so different this time. He didn't have his usual smirk, he just...looked like he really wanted Jungkook to die.

Jungkook sat still, another ten minutes in here and it's the end for him.

Meanwhile, Taehyung stood outside a bit worried for the younger. He was no longer smashing the door for help. It was quiet.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked. Acting oblivious to the fact he almost killed him.

"Jungkook-ah?!" Taehyung said opening the freezer door, revealing a very pale Jeon Jungkook.

Taehyung picked Jungkook up and dragged him out of the freezer room and back upstairs to the living room where he could warm up. He grabbed blankets for the younger and wrapped him in them. He put on the fireplace and the television and decided to make Jungkook a warm cup of hot chocolate. He didn't get any frostbite which was good, he was only freezing cold and passed out.

Taehyung held Jungkook close to him, like if he were a baby.

"T-Taehyung...why" Jungkook whisper cried. You could hear the most painful sound anyone could hear, the crack in Jungkook's voice before he started to cry.

"J-Just l-let m-me go...I-I'm a-a w-waste of s-space and y-you know that" Jungkook weeped.

Taehyung held Jungkook tighter, warming up his little cold body.

"No baby, you aren't a waste of space...you're never a waste of space don't think that" Taehyung said stroking Jungkook hair.

"I-I j-just w-want to go b-back to J-Ji-eun...a-and y-you can have t-the p-pink haired b-boy..." Saying that made Jungkook cry even harder. He misses Ji-eun and is jealous of that boy Taehyung likes.

"W-wait you don't think I like Jimin" Taehyung laughed.

"No you've got it all wrong Kook...I don't like him I just want him to feel comfortable around me" Taehyung smiled but it didn't last for long.

"What do you mean you miss Ji-eun? You left her...she left you. Why do you love a fake like her?" Taehyung said angrily.

"I-I...I don't k-know..." Jungkook sighed wiping his tears.

"She meant a-a lot to me...I-it's sad seeing someone you love go...it's like a death. She's gone from my life but t-there won't be a day where I don't think about her" Jungkook smiled faintly.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, he really does still like her.

So...I have to go even further...

"Jungkook-ah...when you feel better you want to take a walk with me? But you need to wear a mask and sunglasses so no one sees you" Taehyung said petting Jungkook on the head.

"Yeah sure but why all of a sudden?" Jungkook said taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Oh...no reason..." Taehyung smiled.

"I just want to see something"

Short Chapter!
Thank you so much for 200+ reads I'm so happy!
Things are going to escalate soon~
What do you think Taehyung wants to see?

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