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Jungkook woke up to the smell of...pancakes?

Jungkook jolted up, thinking he was back at home.

Jungkook groaned, he's still in the psychopaths house.

"Great..." Jungkook sighed as he got out of his cozy bed.

He expected the door to be locked but by his surprise, it was unlocked.

Jungkook opened the door and stood looking at it with confusion.

"How...?" Jungkook thought about it as he came up with a conclusion.

When Taehyung wakes up he unlocks the door for Jungkook to get up and go downstairs.

Jungkook thought of an idea on how to get out of here, he just needs to wake up really early.

"Oh Jungkook!" Taehyung said startling Jungkook.

"What the fuck!" Jungkook said falling to the floor in surprise.

"Surprise! I made pancakes for you!" Taehyung said happily.

Jungkook glared at Taehyung for a bit, not knowing whether he feels comfortable eating with him again today...

"I'm not hungry..." Jungkook mumbled.

"But you haven't eaten yet! Surely you must be hungry..." Taehyung said.

"But I'm not...can you leave me alone for like a second..." Jungkook said instantly regretting what he just did.

Taehyung smirked and kneeled down in front of Jungkook.

"Don't talk back to me baby..." Taehyung said holding Jungkook's jaw.

"Or you will get punished" Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung with wide eyes.

Jungkook felt instantly weak and pathetic, he was scared of the man in front of him, he's probably going to die sometime this week if he keeps this behaviour up.

"I-I'm sorry..." Jungkook cried. He was scared.

"Don't cry baby...lets go have breakfast" Taehyung said kissing Jungkook's cheek and holding his hand.

Jungkook felt all warm and fuzzy inside...like someone just started a fireworks show inside his heart.

"Do you like chocolate pancakes or blueberry pancakes?" Taehyung asked.

"I um...like chocolate better..." Jungkook said looking down to the floor.

"Oh ok! I made both but I'll give you the chocolate ones ok?" Taehyung smiled.

"Ok..." Jungkook whispered shyly.

Maybe he's not that bad after all?


"I don't trust this...I don't know where he is and I'm just wondering if you know" Jin said worriedly.

"I'm sorry Seokjin, I have no idea where he is...the last time I saw his was here at my apartment" Ji-eun said worried.

RM looked at Jin with worry, everyone was worried for the lost boy, Jungkook.

"He said he was at a friends home but...he doesn't have any friends other than Hoseok" Jin said confused.

"I called the police they said they'd look for him but they aren't doing jack shit!" Namjoon said smacking the table.

"Even though we aren't together anymore, I'll help you look for him because I still love him..." Ji-eun said sadly.

Jin and Namjoon gave each other a look and agreed that Ji-eun can help find Jungkook.

"I'll go ask Hoseok if he's seen Jungkook anywhere" Jin said nodding his head.

"Ok let's ask a bunch of people and see if anyone knows where he is...we wont stop until we find him" Namjoon said.

"Ji-eun...I'm trusting you to help find him..." Jin said with worry in his eyes.

Ji-eun looked at Jin with wide eyes then nodded in agreement.

The search for Jungkook began.


"Ugh I need more eggs from the store..." Taehyung groaned.

"I'll buy them for you!" Jungkook said with excitement, ready to head out of the door and get the fuck out of here.

"No...it's too unsafe out there for you baby..." Taehyung said sadly.

"Why the fuck does everyone think I'm a baby?! I'm not a baby I can do things myself, Taehyung!" Jungkook pouted and sat crisscross on the floor.

Taehyung smiled and moved closer to the pouting Jungkook.

"Jungkook...would you run away?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes" Jungkook said bluntly "Yes I would"

Taehyung kept smiling like a creep and brought out...a knife.

⚠️(Trigger warning)⚠️

"I told you so many times not to ever talk back to me..." Taehyung said playing with the blade "But you didn't listen".

"Ok I-I'm sorry!" Jungkook bowed hesitantly.

"I'm sorry Jungkookie..." Taehyung said moving towards Jungkook.

"N-No Wait! Wait!" Jungkook said slowly backing away.

Jungkook backed away until he couldn't back away anymore, he had met a wall.

"Fuck..." Jungkook whispered as Taehyung and him were face-to-face.

"Do you know what happens to naughty boys, baby?" Taehyung smirked.

"They get punished" Taehyung smirked.

Taehyung has stabbed Jungkook, when the knife met Jungkook's flesh, soft and pudgy, sank deep enough into Jungkook's stomach to make him scream loud enough to break all your windows.

Taehyung twisted the blade into Jungkook's skin, tearing it to shreds as the knife rotated.

Jungkook's scream was music to Taehyungs ears, oh how he loved seeing him in pain.

The blade twisted deeper and deeper so deep in fact where you couldn't see the blade anymore.

Taehyung quickly pulled out the blade as Jungkook fell to the floor, slowly dying away.

Blood, everywhere...

Jungkook finally stopped screaming...

Taehyung was afraid that he had killed the boy...but he was still alive, choking back tears.

"Jungkookie..." Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook didn't have enough strength to look up at the elder, he just weeped and moaned in pain.

Taehyung smirked, enjoying to see the younger in pain...

Jungkook held on to his stomach where he got stabbed, the world seemed to be fading away.

I'm going to die...

Jungkook's vision was hazy, everything starting to turn black...it was the end for Jungkook...

He had finally been killed by the psychopath...

Don't worry lovely's, it's not what you think~
Thank you for reading!

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