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Jungkook jolted up, his head in even more pain then usual.

He was still in the psychopath-idiot Taehyung's dirty ass basement.

Taehyung seemed like a total fuckboy that Jungkook wants nothing to do with.

He probably has millions of girls...

Jungkook squinted his eyes, trying to look around the dark room.

There was nothing interesting in this basement...it was boring...

What am I doing?

Jungkook tried to hop out of the chair, but he was making too much noise.

He tried to squirm his way out...that only ended up hurting Jungkook.

He tried everything, jumping, squirming, trying to untie to rope in some way...nothing was working.

"Ah! Fuck!" Jungkook cursed as he fell over. Surely Taehyung would've heard that.

"Taehyung don't come...Taehyung don't come..." Jungkook kept praying that Taehyung wouldn't come.

Jungkook could heard someone coming down the stairs.


This is either bad luck or Murphy's Law at work...as usual...

"Jungkook?" Taehyung called.

Jungkook stayed silent.

If he could use his hands he would put them over his mouth to silence his weeps.

"Baby, are you ok?" Taehyung asked again.

"Don't call me that you asshole..." Jungkook mumbled. He was tired of the annoying pet names.

Jungkook felt Taehyung slowly walk towards him.

Jungkook was going to loose his shit, he was so afraid of what Taehyung was going to do to him.

Taehyung slowly untied Jungkook from the chair.

He's setting me free?

Once he was untied, Jungkook stared at Taehyung with wide eyes.

Taehyung stared back, and gave a boxy smile.


Wait what was Jungkook thinking?! The dude fucking kidnapped him! And he's not gay.

"You must be hungry? Are you hungry, baby?" Taehyung asked as he stroked Jungkook's cheek.

"U-uh...y-yes..." Jungkook said embarrassed.

"Don't worry Jungkookie, I'll make something for you~" Taehyung smiled.

"Come on baby, let's go upstairs, it's too cold down here" Taehyung said holding out his hand for Jungkook to hold.

Jungkook didn't want to get beat up by Taehyung, so he just took his hand.

"Ow ow" Jungkook winced in pain, his head was killing him.

"Oh Kookie, I'm sorry about your head, here let's get you upstairs and get an ice pack, yeah?" Taehyung said as he helped Jungkook get up the stairs.

Once Taehyung led Jungkook to the kitchen table, Jungkook thought about how creepy Taehyung was...

He was so...crazy one minute, and then the next he's being all cute and nice...


"Jungkookie, if you don't mind me asking, when's your birthday?" Taehyung asked.

"Um...m-my birthday is...um...September the 1st 1997..." Jungkook said nervously, fuddling with his shirt.

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