Chapter 2

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Robin was still adapting to her new life dynamic. Her first Saturday after moving to Newtown came and went, and with it, her first time at a Wicked Garden show. If rehearsal had been fantastic, a show was just an otherworldly experience. One she didn't want to be at a side of the stage for, no, she wanted to live it from the audience perspective. She was pleasantly surprised to see that the place, albeit small, was packed, and most people knew the words to the songs. One of the most enthusiastic fans was, quite rightly, Julian's girlfriend, Jane. Robin felt drawn to her gypsy-goth style and thought she was really cool, although she could come off intimidating. Julian definitely had control of the gig and had all the fans in the palm of his hand. The band was the perfect musical companion. They were all incredible and looked like they were having the best of times on stage.

This band was definitely up to great things. Robin knew it.

She realized she had forgotten was it was like to have fun. Up to that point, her life had been ruled by studying, with the occasional weekend breaks when she visited Nathan. But now, even though she'd only been in Newtown for a handful of days, she felt she was finally in control of her life. She was learning and struggling, but she was making a life of her own. And having fun.

Monday had been Robin's first day at 'the job' at the coffee shop. Waking up at four in the morning to go to work was anything but pleasant, and learning to make coffee and to attend costumers was easier said and done for someone who had never have to work before, but with Nathan's help and support, she was slowly but surely becoming a natural. She also found a friendly face in her coworker Andrea, a lovely girl that did the 8 to 4 shift. It was a change. It was a simple job, but she felt useful and content, at least for the time being.

On Wednesday Robin moved to her new place, two floors up from Nathan's apartment. She could not believe how fast and easy finding an apartment for rent had been. Good things happen to good people, she figured. The place came equipped with a small couch and a library, in the bedroom a bed and a drawer, and (just like Nathan's apartment) with a small kitchen, a fridge and a counter that also served as a dining table. Although it was the same size as Nathan's, it wasn't as cluttered so she looked at it as a blank canvas, to decorate as she wished. To make it her own. As she had always wanted. So far, a framed poster of her favorite movie decorated one of her walls, together with an abstract portrait Nathan painted for her birthday once. A brand-new Wicked Garden poster made a home in her bedroom wall.

It felt home enough.

The following Saturday afternoon Robin received her first paycheck. The first money she had truly earned through work. She felt quite accomplished, and to celebrate, she went to get something she had spotted a few days earlier at a music store: a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt, very similar to the one River was wearing when she first noticed him at rehearsal.

River. River was somehow an unexpected player in Robin's new beginning. She wasn't looking to meet someone, or rather, to like someone so soon after moving to Newtown. She wanted to get her life together first. But now there was River. She felt somehow fascinated by this character. She wondered why she had never noticed him before, or why he had never approached her before. For sure there was a reason, but she didn't want to think about it just then. So far, it was only attraction... it probably wouldn't get very far. And it was okay.

The reason for buying that t-shirt, however, apart from the fact that she wanted to start wearing band shirts now that she was 'free-er,' was to catch River's attention.

She decided to pair her newest acquisition with ripped black jeana she bought thinking they were super cool but never wore before ('Law Students can't wear ripped clothes'), boots and a black fitted jacket over her shoulder. She wore her hair straight in her usual bob style and minimal makeup with matte burgundy lips that contrasted adorably with her pale complexion and the color of her hair. She thought she looked badass enough.

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