Chapter 6

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Robin's head was still in the clouds after that short but intense moment with River. She felt like she was walking on air as she followed him outside, to meet the noise and the crowds that were still waiting to get into the venue. She also felt River's grip tighten in her hand as they got closer to where they had parked, almost as if he feared she would regret all of this, like he wanted to prevent her from escaping.

"So, where do you wanna go?" River asked as they stood in front of the passenger's door. She smiled. Anywhere would be okay.

"Surprise me." Robin replied with a wicked grin, playing the same game he started at the coffee shop the day before.

If it were up to him they would just hop in the car to resume making out and she would surely agree... but perhaps not on an empty stomach.

"Hm. You hungry?" River inquired her.

Robin sighed. "Considering I've only had salads from the coffee shop and coffee all week, because I'm always too tired to cook... I'm starving."

"Fair enough. Get in."

River opened the door for her and got in the car as well.

"Just... know I can't take you anywhere fancy." He warned her.

"Please!" She laughed. "Who do you take me for? I'm happy with burger and fries. As long as... as long as I'm with you." She whispered.

"What was that?" He asked, raising his voice. He had heard her the first time, but wanted to tease her... and also hear it again.

"I said I'm happy with burger and fries."

"No, after that."

She sighed, realizing she'd fallen for it.

"As long as I'm with you?"

"Good. So as long as you're with me, you won't care that we don't go for burger and fries, right? 'Cause I was thinking of something more... international." River gestured with his hands.

"Like what?"

A few minutes later they arrived to their destination. A neon sign with Chinese lettering hung over a small door. They stepped in, went down two flights of stairs and were met with what looked like a restaurant. The place was very dimly lit but River seemed to know what he was doing. Robin followed him to a table and they sat down, side by side.

"Wow," Robin smiled, trying to hide the fact that she was still 'getting used' to the place River had chosen. "Interesting."

"You don't like Chinese?" He wondered.

"I love Chinese. But I must confess I've never been in a place like this."

He leaned over to her.

"You know how to tell a Chinese place is good?" He asked quietly. "Look around you. Do you see someone that does not look Chinese, apart from us?"

Robin skimmed the room again, to see that River was right.

"It's hard to tell in this lighting, but..." she shook her head, "no."

"That's how you know." He replied, pleased with himself and took a menu in his hands.

She scoffed. "I can't read this menu, though."

"No problem." He exclaimed. "Hey, Li!"

Li, a waiter, walked up to their table bringing two bottles of ice cold Chinese beer with him. And just like that, to Robin's utmost surprise, River started speaking Chinese to the waiter. He pointed at the menu and at one time he even moved his head as to point her, and the waiter nodded at her with a smile. She, of course, had absolutely no idea of what was going on.

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