Chapter 13

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The entire ride to the hospital, nobody said a word. The silence was deafening inside the car. Not even the engine or other cars passing by could be heard. It was like both Robin and Nathan had locked themselves inside their own minds. Her heart pounded hard in her chest and she was sweating cold. She had no idea what had happened to Julian, but if they were rushing to the hospital like this, it wasn't just a broken arm. She had no will to talk to Nathan just yet, and he didn't feel brave enough to say anything either... except for when he called her. Sense prevailed in that moment.

Merely a few minutes before, Sandra had called everybody in the band to let them know Julian was in the hospital, in a very serious condition. She didn't explain any further and she didn't mention they should be present, but they all made their way there instinctively.

As soon as Robin and Nathan arrived, they were met with the rest of the members of Wicked Garden, who, just like them, were unsure of what was going on. They were all waiting for Sandra, who'd gone with Julian's family to talk to a doctor.

And then Robin spotted him, River. Her heart skipped a beat, as per usual, as if it didn't know what had happened a few days before. He knew she was there, but decided to ignore her completely. How to act in a situation like this? Neither of them knew.

"Boys..." Sandra's voice startled the group as she walked towards them.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

Sandra breathed deeply. "Jane found him in the tub... drowning."

"God." Nathan whispered as River shook his head and pressed his lips together, his hazel eyes wandering, as if he refused to acknowledge what was happening. Robin remained a little behind, as this was basically a band issue, but she was still a witness to everything.

"They managed to stabilize him and he's in the ICU now," Sandra explained, "But it looks as though his brain was deprived of oxygen for a long time... They had to put him on a respirator."

"Was he under the influence?" River asked suddenly and sharply, with an upset tone unfamiliar to Robin.

Under the influence?

Sandra looked at him with concern. "Yes."

"What?" Nathan frowned. "He had been clean for over a year!"

"He's an addict. What did you expect?" River asked rhetorically, with what others would consider his usual sarcastic tone. Robin knew there was more behind it. "He was going to relapse."

An addict? She thought. How did I not know this?

"Keep it down, man." The drummer whispered.

"It was not an overdose." Sandra said. "They think he may have fallen asleep, and then—"

"So now what do we do?" Nathan asked.

"We wait." Sandra replied. "They're trying to make the swelling in his brain go down and see if he wakes up."

"If he's got a tube down his throat that's gonna affect his singing." Often times, Robin thought out loud. This was one of those times and although she was apart from the group, they all heard it.

"He's braindead, girl!" River chuckled. "God, don't be so naïve. He won't sing ever again."

"Dude, shut the fuck up!" Nathan raised his voice. "Don't talk to her like that—"

"Oh, so now we're respecting her, huh?" River crossed his arms. "You got some balls."

Nathan was never an advocate for violence and usually believed coming to blows with someone was a very stupid thing, but right at that moment, he felt he could break River's face. Not thinking straight, he went up to him in a threatening motion but Sandra quickly grabbed him by the arm to stop him.

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