Chapter 23

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"Alright, I'm out of here. Gotta get settled myself." Nathan got up from his chair and threw his empty beer bottle in a trash bag that would later be taken to the recycling bin down the street, as per usual.

"Yeah, you do." Robin smiled. "Aw, won't you miss being a roommate?" She joked.

"I won't miss sleeping in Eli's couch!" Nathan laughed. "I mean," he lifted a hand, "I appreciate it, but..."

"Anytime, man." Eli shrugged and shook his head. "Or not, actually, I don't want you in my couch again anytime soon."

Everyone laughed.

Nathan, Eli and Johnny helped Robin and River bring their stuff to their new abode: the upstairs flat of a two-story house, twenty or so minutes from downtown. The couple had finally found a place to their liking, one they could afford together, bigger than her old apartment and his attic, with enough windows to let the sunshine in, and most importantly, a place in which they could make themselves at home for the time being.

The new love nest came with the basic appliances but it wasn't completely furnished, so they brought in some of River's own things like his table and two chairs, his bookshelves, his sound system, his couch and his bed which lay unassembled in the bedroom, the mattress leaning against the wall. Robin did not want to part with her own TV set, VCR and stereo so they'd keep those, and River left his to his sister. Add to that of course books, films, records, clothes and other things.

Those were not his or hers anymore, but theirs. Everything would be theirs from now on.

Compromise, not sacrifice.

"I wasn't gonna let you spend precious bucks on a moving truck." Nathan insisted. "Not on my watch."

Nathan was a self-proclaimed expert mover, having to change locations several times in his short life. He knew how to fit 'as much crap as possible' in a car, no matter the size, and without causing any damage. Johnny was happy to lend his van –which of course was more spacious– for some of the larger stuff and boxes.

He helped with the moving, too, taking the opportunity as well to keep finding his role within the group. Just a few days before, he joined the band for rehearsal for the first time. His beloved Andrea attended and watched, flabbergasted. It all clicked. They played the songs he had recorded for the demos and even improvised others he hadn't heard before. Like magic, the words came out naturally, and he could sense all their vibes were connected. He figured they all came from a similar place, one of struggle, of hurt, of wanting to get out, to be someone. He realized this is what he'd been looking for his entire life: a purpose.

"Yeah, guys, thank you very much for all the help," River said loudly, his voice resonating in the empty room, "but you need to stop drinking our beer and get the hell out of here. Come on, scram."

"Worst open-house party ever!" Eli joked, not before being intercepted by River himself, who held him from the back.

"Sweet Little Wing." River scratched Eli's head playfully, as one would do with a kid, "Once we tidy up this mess I will throw a party just for you."

"Hey, Oli," Robin walked up to Nathan, "Call me if you have any questions about the apartment. Remember the sink keeps leaking if you close the tap all the way, it's weird like that. Leave it a little open."

"I know, you mentioned it." He chortled. "I'll be fine."

Once Robin and River signed the lease for the new place they'd be renting, she offered her apartment to Nathan, who was desperately looking for a place to live. He accepted without hesitation. It was like moving back into his old dungeon, but two floors up. It just needed some reforming.

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