Chapter 40

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Robin stepped out of the information center in St. Jean Pied de Port, a small town just in the border between France and Spain. The chilly wind of the early morning caressed her face and made a few strands of her loose hair dance. Just a minute earlier, while Nathan was trying to find something in his bag, he handed her their 'passports,' small carton pamphlets with their personal information and spaces where, in every town, they would stamp a seal to mark their journey through the Camino de Santiago. The purpose of said passports and seals was to present them at their point of arrival, in order to get a certificate of completion of the way, the 'compostela.'

She opened her pamphlet.

'Nombre del Peregrino / Pilgrim's Full Name: ROBIN JENSSEN-ANDREWS

Fecha de Nacimiento / Date of Birth: 25 MARCH 1975

DNI o Pasaporte / ID or Passport: 327482534

Dirección / Address: NEWTOWN, USA

Lugar de Inicio de la Peregrinación / Pilgrimage Starts In: SAINT JEAN PIED DE PORT'

She almost felt as if she were reading someone else's information. As if this weren't actually her. She then looked at Nathan's.

'Nombre del Peregrino / Pilgrim's Full Name: NATHANIEL HARRISON

Fecha de Nacimiento / Date of Birth: 10 MARCH 1973

DNI o Pasaporte / ID or Passport: 483457934

Dirección / Address: NEWTOWN, USA

Lugar de Inicio de la Peregrinación / Pilgrimage Starts In: SAINT JEAN PIED DE PORT'

"I believe this is mine." Nathan snatched his passport from Robin's hand just as she had finished reading it. She smiled at him, that sad, forced smile that was plastered in her face almost permanently for the past couple of months, whenever she was around someone else.

He glanced at the paper only for a second and then looked up at her, as she tried to strap on the bag that she would have to carry on her back for the upcoming 30-something days. Perhaps it didn't seem too heavy because her heart already was, or because she had packed the very essentials, following the suggestions of that tiny guide Nathan bought all those years ago.

"Nervous?" Nathan grinned, putting on his sunglasses and adjusting a bandana to protect his head from the sun later.

Robin shook her head no, put on her sunglasses too and looked ahead.

He wanted to make sure anyway. "We're still on time to—"

"Did you read what it says here?" Robin cut him off and pointed at a phrase on her Camino passport. "God Helps and St. James Intercedes. So I think it's going to be just fine."

At least that's what she hoped.

She hoped this trek would finally give her the clarity she yearned for. She was determined to focus on her goal: to reach the end of the way and quiet the fuss in her mind in the process. Her head was even more of a mess now, and although time had passed and she did find some moments of rest, of thinking about something else... he was always there, even more present now.

She knew he was thinking of her too.

She touched her necklace, that tiny bird necklace River had given her as a present all those years ago.

The first few days were, as expected, of adaptation. Robin walked at a slow pace, trying to take in the scenery, feeling the ground beneath her feet, and ignoring the physical and emotional pain. At times, she walked on her own, but somehow she and Nathan always managed to catch up with each other. She was curious too about whatever was in his mind, almost as much as he was of hers. They met other travelers ('pilgrims'), did some sightseeing of the beautiful landscapes of the north of Spain, embraced the entire experience of staying at shelters ('albergues'), sleeping in communal rooms, using shared bathrooms, washing their socks and underwear every night and praying their sleep wouldn't be disturbed by any bedbugs or loud snorers.

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