Chapter 22

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Robin peeped through the partially open door that lead to the rehearsal room, the same old rehearsal room where Wicked Garden made a living back in the day. Loud voices, laughter and music could be heard inside. She smiled, motioned her companion to follow her and opened the door.

Liz was sitting behind a drum kit that had its home in that rehearsal room. She was covering her mouth and laughing profusely to whatever tale Nathan was telling her, or maybe at his stripy bucket hat. Not far from there, Eli was sitting on top of the biggest amp in the room, guitar strapped in front of him, showing River one soulful lick he'd probably come up with on the spot.

"What's up, guys?" Robin called their attention, making River turn instantly. "Got the tapes!"

"Great!" River walked up towards her.

"I also brought," she linked arms with her friend Andrea, "my girlfriend, hope you don't mind?"

"Ha!" River opened his big, hazel eyes wide and played along. "Really?"

Andrea just shook her head and held in a laugh.

"Yeah," Robin left Andrea's side to throw her arms over River's shoulder, "Newsflash:" she whispered, "I'm leaving you and moving to Paris with her."

"Hm." A smile flickered on the corner of his lips. "How avant garde. Good for you. Godspeed. Au revoir. Ciao."

He loved when she was playful, it usually meant she was in a great mood. She planted two small kisses one on each corner of his mouth to finally meet his lips, smiling the entire time. She enjoyed teasing him like this as well.

"Ciao is Italian, silly." She giggled and kissed him softly one last time.

"I knew that." He grunted, still jokingly.

"Andrea!" Nathan exclaimed startling everyone in the room, including the love birds, "Had begun to think France had swallowed you whole."

Andrea laughed and pointed at her grey beret. "It almost did, if I'm honest—"

"She got here 4 days ago and I'm only seeing her today." Robin interrupted her, River's arms still around her waist. "I thought something or somebody—" she wiggled her eyebrows, "had swallowed her and not exactly France."

Andrea blushed, pursed her lips and put her hands in the pockets of her skirt. She let out a small chuckle and was about to defend herself, before being cut off by one of Nathan's out-loud musings:

"I wish someone was doing that to me." His eyes wondered into space.

Robin chortled discreetly and she could see from the corner of her eye how Liz looked down, her cheeks red. River just rolled his eyes at Nathan.

"Dude," he said to Nathan, "I never thought this would be any of my business, but you need to get laid. This is getting ridiculous."

Typical River. Nathan just shrugged and nodded in agreement and resignation, while Eli burst out laughing.

"Not in my apartment, though, please," the small guitarist begged, "or at least not while I'm home."

"Nah," Nathan clicked his tongue, "It's more difficult now, I think I lost my mojo."

"Hm," Robin crossed her arms and walked to him, "I just think all the girls forgot you're a rockstar. But we'll help them remember, soon. Here," She opened her bag and handed him a small box, "the tapes."

I haven't forgotten you used to be a rockstar, Liz thought.

"Ahem, as I was saying," Andrea raised her voice, "there are things still tying me here. Also I didn't wanna miss whatever it is you guys are planning now." She made herself comfortable in the small couch, the same musty couch where Robin sat for every Wicked Garden rehearsal.

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